Well I have heart disease and a recent stent in my LDA. I get breathless and dizzy with a squeezing in my right lung area and chest when I put my hands above my head to wash my hair/hang washing out or bend over to empty the dish washer or washing machine….then I get extreme fatigued and need to rest. This has gone on for months. A echocardiogram was clear as was a chest XRay.
This is adversely effecting my quality of life.
Today I saw my Cardiologist who dismissed the issues as being none heart related and thinks maybe it’s all caused by issues with a previous broken neck repair at C5/C6 and nerves supplying the lungs.
This is so very worrying as he has discharged me saying he can’t help and now I need to begin the referral/waiting list problems again for a neurologist appointment
I feel very depressed by this and am concerned maybe it is the start of heart failure.
Help anyone who has the same problems and a firm diagnosis of the cause.