All ended well, but a salutary tale neatherless, my fault despite the circumstances.
Up to 3 weeks ago I was doing amazing, then I came down with what I thought was a simple chest infection, on the the day i had had enough of not getting better and decided it was time to do something about it.
As I thought I would go the docs, I didn't take my meds that day, (i wasn't sure if these might effect what might happen), on speaking to the reception they advised 111 or the walk in centre as they were closed in the afternoon. Went to the the walk in centre who were brilliant, however as they weren't sure about my chest and due to the heart issues they referred me to Ambulatory Emergency Care, after a further check up, with bloods and a chest x ray and I was diagnosed with pneumonia. After a massive dose of antibiotics and a prescription I was sent home.
The following morning before taking my heart tablets, I thought I would get my antibiotics, that was a mistake, whilst coming back my heart was thumbing like nothing like anything \i had felt before. Got home took my tablets and within 20 minutes I was OK.
Pneumonia is not nice, but my heart tablets really did their job as whilst I had it my heart really did fell fine.
So in conclusion, don't do what I did AND TAKE YOUR MEDS