For years I've had really bad pins and needles in my arms and legs. Had tests and was put on Isosobide. I was reading an article about Lansoprazole how it can give you body aches, pins and needles. So I thought I'd stop taking them. I now keep getting gerd. Bought some Gavisone, only just started taking it, but it's not having any effect. Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you BHF Community.❤
Lansoprazole: For years I've had really... - British Heart Fou...
what about a chat with your pharmacist?
There's alternatives to PPIs like H2 blockers that work differently and have different side effects. Worth talking to the GP about.
I take famotidine (an H2 blocker instead of a PPI) for GERD. There's an over-the-counter version (Pepcid AC) so you could see if it does anything for you. (My prescription dosage is the same as Pepcid AC Maximum Strength, but I think that's over-the-counter only in the States.)
Will definitely look into that👍🤓❤

I also take famotidine. The PPIs make me feel horribly sick
For over 15 years I have taken a PPI at a relatively high dose primarily for reflux disease. I have taken lansoprazole for nearly six years and, fortunately for me it generally keeps my symptoms under control and I don't get any apparent side effects from it or any other medication I take. You are struggling on two fronts, you may have side effects from lansoprazole although that could be caused by any of the other meds you are taking, and the lansoprazole doesn't not appear to be working for you. I suggest, as have others, that you talk to your GP or at least a pharmacist for their opinion perhaps with a change of medication in mind. From my own experience I would not consider taking Gaviscon or similar long term, it is a short term remedy. And also based on my experience there might be things you can do to reduce your reflux symptoms by avoiding foods that are not reflux friendly, such as irritants (spicy and alcohol), bloating/gas forming ( e.g onions), sphincter relaxants (coffee and chocolate) and acidic (citrus & tomatoes). Also don't eat large meals try little but often and avoid eating 3 hours before you go to bed. And I make sure I don't pressurise my abdomen as far as possible . Hope this helps.
Thanks for your advice. I only intend to take Gavison short term. I've stopped taking Lansoprazole because of the long term use of PPI,s.
Hi Quesswho, sorry you are having trouble with Lansoprazole. Iam also taking this medication as well twice a day 30mg. Iam experiencing the same effects as you pins and needles sensation and joint pain, this has been going on for some time now, if I stop taken it for a few days I have no more pins and needles sensation and no more joint pain, maybe as your doctors to change your medication to something else. Take care.
👍🤓That's my symptoms. I'm going to have a word with GP.I've started to take enteric coated Asprin replacing the disposable. That's the reason I take Lanso. But it does say when you stop, (cold turkey) you get acid build up so I'm really hoping I don't need another Tablet🙄❤
I was on Lansoprazole for acid reflux first thing the AF nurse did was take me off it because of the swelling in my legs and ankles . I take Gaviscon mainly in liquid form the double action one but sometimes have to take another dose for it to go . I always have the tablets with me just in case . But I found out what foods triggered the acid reflux and cut them out of my diet Found stress made the acid reflux worse especially if my PAF kicked in . So I try and relax and do my pre natal breathing and just be still for a while and found that works .
Thank you for your reply. Your probably correct about stress causing acid reflux. My husband has Myeloma and unfortunately it wasn't picked up early, so it's now incurable. His now having heart issues apparently a side effect from the chemo. But also stopping Lansoprazole also causes Gerd. ❤

My husband had grade 4 malignant melanoma diagnosed in 2001 and we were told he wouldn't live 5 years. When he was terminal in October 2003 he had 6 tumours and have palliative chemo . He wanted to get to his 47th birthday in February promised I would get him there . He died 4 days later at home with me and the children.. I had to tell him to stop struggling and we would be ok . He died few minutes later.
So fully understand the stress and worry you are going through. Which has a knock effect on your health as you concentrate on looking after your husband. Sorry you are both going through this . I know my husband hated feeling useless and dependant on me as he got weaker.
It's so hard watching the other half of you suffer and no doubt he tries to shield you from what he is going through I know my husband did. But we had been together 29 years married 22. So knew him very well. He couldn't hide anything from me.
Stress doesn't just effect you mentally but physically. Not a good combination. I hope your husband isn't suffering too I much and you have a good McMillan nurse. Ours helped us so much . 💐
Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. They mean so much. We've been together for 52years, (a blind date. 😍.) We try and talk about all the happy and good times. Yes he tries to shield things from me, but I know.
The Nurses are amazing God Bless Them. Thank you again.💝🤗xx

My husband had asked my brother if he would get his sister to go out with him. If I did he will buy him a couple of pints. 1975 a pint was 17p so my brother sold me for 34p. With my disability never through it would last . But even when my mobility got worse when our children were 4 and 6 months nothing phased him . He just said we alter our way of life to suit what you can do. And be a normal family he kept his word until the day he died .
We are very lucky we found the other half ourselves the only person in the world who knew the real you and you then. Some people live their whole lives and never know such love and feelings of being complete .
52 years that must have been some blind date . 😊. He's like my husband me man me take care of woman like some silver backed gorilla. Glad you have good nurses. as they not only look after and care about your husband but they care about you to. 💐
Thank you. I love your story. Your right some people never get to experience a True Love. I guess we're the lucky ones. 💝🤗x
Bicarbonate of soda
I am on pantaprazole for gurd. It works well. Been on it for years, no side effects.
Hi there are a range of Protein Pump Inhibitors (PPI) like lansoprazole that your doctor can prescribe as an alternative. If you still get side effects then as someone else suggested you could try a H2 inhibitor.
As an no tablet alternative you should look at the many resources that suggest diet changes to minimise or eliminate GERD.
It has to be Gaviscon Advance. It can be as effective as Lansoprazole apparently, as it forms a raft to prevent gerd/gord
I stopped taking them months ago but it doesn’t stop the pins and needles or numbness
Unfortunately PPIs have side effects, like most drugs. I’ve suffered with Gerd for years but decided to find other ways to control reflux, and on the whole, my Gerd is under control. I take a very good liquid probiotic in the morning which has helped my gut bacteria enormously. Some people take digestive enzymes which are said to help. I also now know what can trigger an episode. Eating a main meal early in the day or evening helps. I used to find I would wake at 1 a.m nearly choking on acid. Horrible!! My oesophagus would get inflamed which was uncomfortable & can lead to Barrett’s Oesophagus. Not mixing certain alcoholic drinks with fatty or rich desserts. Taking a walk after eating helps digestion. Everyone’s different. You just need to find your personal triggers and try and manage them.
Thank you. ❤🤗
When you have taken PPIs for a long time, you need to wean off of them slowly or they will cause acid build up and make you think you need them. You can find lots of articles about getting off of them on the internet. My Daughter also had the same problem when stopping them suddenly, but was able to slowly stop them and eventualy not need them anymore. PPIs are not for long term use to begin with unless you have barretts esophegus, or other chronic conditions. My Daughter was able to control her GERD by making better food choices and chewing on a occassional tums when needed. Your pancreas NEEDS some acid to work properly and taking them long term can cause other issues and very serious problems.
Thank you and your Daughter for that advice. I've been on them for 4years. I believe if I take Asprin with food (The Asprin was the reason I was prescribed them) I would be ok. I just feel so much better from not taking them apart from the acid reflux. Thank you both again.🤓🤗
PPI’s reduce stomach acid which is needed to digest some vitamins such as B12. A deficiency in B12 can cause pins and needles and numbness as it is needed for the myelin sheaths among other things. PPI’s are not for long term use. I used apple cider vinegar diluted, half an hour before eating, which helped.
I was on Lansoprazole for 30 years for an immediate response to GERD aggravated by a high stress environment . I learned of a long term study that was concluded in Canada, that suggested a link between (Lans) and bone, muscular, and organ damage due to a state of malabsorption of vitamins ADEK. Upon retirement I changed to Famotidine (and am weaning myself off this too) keeping Lansoprazole handy for flair ups of GERD. I’m getting back problems, dependent edema, bone density issues (feet), waves of lethargy, all symptoms of aging, but they’re all conditions that have been associated with long term use of Lansoprazole. This drug is worldwide, you can see why every statement that suggests it causes anything debilitating is going to be countered by big pharma.
You really should ask your doctor about this as it depends on why you were prescribed Lansoprazole- a pharmacist may be able to suggest alternatives to Lansoprazole but only your doctor can prescribe some of them