Hi. Interested to hear other experiences of the above. Had heart attack and stent 6 ago. weeks. Intermittently find I feel tight chested/breathless although breathing is actually normal. Been back to GP/ A &E a few times and ECG/bloods/chest X ray all normal which is reassuring. I'm aware feeling breathless can be a side effect of Tigacrelor and just wondered how it has been for others. Did it improve or remain for the time you took it. I can manage with it if it is definitely related to the drug and I know what to expect but at the moment find it increases anxiety. Will discuss with rehab team when I have my assessment with them at the end of the month
Tigacrelor and breathless : Hi... - British Heart Fou...
Tigacrelor and breathless

I had the same type of thing and was really worried. Like you, the numbers were all fine but I certainly was not.
Turns out that it has been Pericarditis and Costochondritis. Both present symptoms that are similar to heart attack feelings.
Now that I know what it is and my watch does not show anything otherwise I have just learned to take it easy and when necessary use cocodamol.
Hope this helps.
I had a heart attack at the end of April and also felt breathless for the first few weeks. However, it has now virtually disappeared so I can only assume it was a side effect of Ticagrelor and I have now got used to to it.
I've been on Ticagrelor since HA and stents. First 2 years 90mg twice a day then reduced to 60mg for 2 years. Yes they do cause me breathlessness but I just stop rest and when feeling better carry on. I'm now about to complete course so hoping breathing will improve.❤
I was on Ticagrelor for a year after a NSTEMI and stents. When taking it I would suffer from episodes of breathlessness at rest. I would be sitting reading a book when I would suddenly loose my breath and need to breathe rapidly and deeply for a for minutes. I have pulse oximeter and measured my blood oxygen levels during a number of the episodes, it was always 97 – 98% so there was no real reason for me to feel like I did.
Ironically if I got up and exercised the breathlessness went away – counter intuitive or what? My cardiology department had “gone into hiding” so there was no one to ask.
It all went away, and my exercise capacity increased when my GP stopped Ticagrelor after a year.
When I had stents a few years ago I was put on Ticagrelol but I immediately suffered from breathlessness and couldn't manage with it so I came off after only a few days. At the time the doctors agreed I could take Clopidogrel instead and everything was fine from then on. I did this on the understanding that statistically Clopidogrel has a lower percentage rate of success in preventing the arteries from becoming blocked again but at least I could breathe again. I only had to take it for a year anyway and all was fine so I don't know if this is an option you could pursue.
Thank you for this. I have a stress ECHO this week which will hopefully clarify if the is another reason for the breathlessness. I've been on Ticagrelol for 6 weeks and seem to be getting breathless/tight feeling more frequently which is worrying/frustrating. I'll be following up with docs again and will ask about at least trying an alternative as this is beginning to impact on any progress in relation to walking/exercise.