hi thanks to people that have replied My husband has been getting breathless for a good 12 month or more which he put down to being lazy and sitting around a couc potato as he puts it Fast forward to March he had a bad bout of coughing on night couldn’t get out of bed for 3 days Went to Drs Had an echo echo says do a follow up in 12 months unless things change at most mild Aortic stenosis and diastolic dysfunction ..Dr didn’t seem worried snapped at me when I saw husbands medical record when I ordered his prescription Heart failure … diastolic Dysfunction and mild Aortic Stenosis he told my husband to stop taking his new bp meds as it made him I’ll so I said no he has heart failure you can’t pt just stop taking meds .. he came back with diastolic dysfunction isn’t heart failure … other drs we have seen said it is but with normal ejection fraction 50 percent . He’s been sent for breathing test not his lungs they have said he’s bad anemic now on iron tablets dr said that can make him breathless and dizzy if he’s anemic
He’s had high bp for 20 yrs he’s 75 now also had a history of dvt so is on blood thinners has anyone had experience of diastolic dysfunction dr just said his heart is pumping normally he just had
S a problem with the filling of the heart . I’m going. to make an appointment with go this week as I’ve been worried sick since March and it’s making me I’ll and we are snapping at each other now which is not good Hope this explains more fully what’s been happening I’ve stopped googling now as it’s pushing my anxiety through the roof x