Hi, recently back home and twelve days post op from Quad CABG.
Has anyone suffered what I can only describe as pains in my moobs (manboobs) sometimes sharp pain and constantly sensitive to touch as pain is def thereabouts.
Thanks, Steve
Hi, recently back home and twelve days post op from Quad CABG.
Has anyone suffered what I can only describe as pains in my moobs (manboobs) sometimes sharp pain and constantly sensitive to touch as pain is def thereabouts.
Thanks, Steve
When you think about the operation we have just had done and the procedure to do the op all those little nerves in our chest getting upset as well as been put back together with wires and stitchers we are going to be very tender and sore I was up to a year even though it slowly improved as time went on but this is very early days for you
I used to get pains and allsorts of feelings my Doctor and Rehab Nurses would say it was part of the healing process and everything settling down
I would imagine you maybe feeling that do but if you have any concerns then do not hesitate to either speak with your Doctor or if you have a number for the Rehab Nurses where you had your op done as well as you could talk with the BHF Nurses who are really good
Let us know how you get on x
Heart Helpline team on 0300 330 3311 Mon-Fri 9-5pm
Hello SPG66,
I had a quadruple 3.5 years ago. 12 days into recovery is nothing so you are definitely going to feel some pain and discomfort in that area. Just take your time and don’t be impatient. It gets better after about 6/8 weeks. In the meantime keep taking your medication (inc painkillers) and gentle walks. Make sure you are signed up for cardio rehab ( very important) with a view to increasing your exercises as time moves on . I go to gym 3 days pw, golf twice pw and walk every day . I’ve never been fitter and am just back from Japan and Canada. Off to Slovenia for a hiking holiday in September, hiked in the Comeragh mountains in Waterford, Ireland yesterday. It’s all before you and it will get better, best of luck and “ may the road rise with you”
I am coming up in 1 year, unfortunately its a long journey. The pain you are feeling is from the nerve damage after they removed the vessels. Since its a quad they may have taken both marmary arteries. I had a lot of issues woth my leg as it was really swolen with hematomas which bled on week 3.
I still have chest soreness on my left side and my right ankle with nerve paim. Its way better and just coming back from Cyprus where swimming and the heat made a huge difference.
My chest bone hasnt fully healed yet but again i would rate it 5/100. My journey home from the hospital i felt every bump in the road and it was very uncomfortable.
I now ride my road bike 50kms each day weather permitting.
Please take this comment in the manner in which it is intended but, what did you expect?
I expected pain which is fine and I am dealing with well. However, Re-read as it was my "concern" in case it was something that wasn't pain or nerve related (as now pointed out so obviously), how on earth was I meant to know. Thanks for your reply however rude it was.
Morning Steve, and a very big welcome to the forum, that you probably never imagined you'd be joining! 🫨 You'll find lots of lovely people here who'll be happy to try to answer any questions or worries you might have.
Twelve days is an incredibly short time after your op and it'll take a wee while for everything to settle down again and it's probably nerve damage/ healing that's causing the pain in the moobs. Although, for the surgeons these days it's just a simple matter of "mending the plumbing" (as the surgeon who looked after me said!), for us it's a big op to go through. I found it was around 6 weeks before everything started to settle down properly. Immediately after the op, every ache, pain or twinge caused me to wonder what on Earth was going on in there!
When you think of everything that's involved with the bypass operation, then twelve days is an incredibly short time to think of healing. Your sternum has been opened and wired together again - and if you broke an arm or leg it'd take a lot longer to heal - and then there's nerve damage, bones knitting, wound healing, etc. all involved as well. Even fully getting over the anesthetic effects can take a while. Unfortunately, it's just going to take some time and it will be understandably uncomfortable for a while with odd twinges and peculiar aches occurring.
I feel great these days, two and a half years after a triple, actually much better than I felt before the op. Even now though, if I maybe sit hunched over my PC at work for too long without realising, I still get the odd twinge and find my bones complaining - but maybe that's just age related (64) and I'm using the op as an excuse 😆!
We all heal at our own pace and each of us is unique, but you'll get there and, once you do, you'll be amazed at just how much better you feel. In the meantime though, if you've any worries, doubts or concerns at all, don't be afraid to contact your GP surgery for advice as they would much rather that you did and will be more than happy to help and the BHF helpline nurses will answer any queries too.
It would be lovely to hear how you're getting on with your recovery, but in the meantime, 'Onwards and Upwards' and every best wish for a happy & healthy future. Carol
Hi Steve, I had a quadruple bypass five years ago and I had pain/numbness on the left side of my chest for around a year most likely as others have said due to nerve damage after the procedure, it was manageable and now has returned to what I would have said was a normal sensation. There are a lot of things that will feel different after it as it is a major procedure to recover from. All the best with your recovery.
Steve, this became a favourite subject of mine. It is six years since my operation and nearly everyone was mentioning their sore chests at the time. Mine though was as numb as hell, couldn't feel a thing. It came as a great relief when some time later some else said they were numb rather than sore.It's your first lesson in that we all mend in our own way and at differing paces. It's early days for you, give it time mate. I was still numb months later. I gave myself a year to be completely recovered, I wasn't far out!
All the best.