just a quick question.. have oximeter due to asthma (which has been well controlled) last few months o2 readings while sitting have ranged from 94 down to 90 on a regular basis.. anyone else had a similar problem?
oximeter o2 readings: just a quick... - British Heart Fou...
oximeter o2 readings

Hi Manhattan
A normal spo2 is 95 or above. If you get a reading lower than that then you need to do it again with the monitor thing on a different finger & see if that gives a different reading. If you've been consistently getting lower levels you need to let your medical team know.
If you're experiencing respiratory distress at all then you need to phone either 999 or nhs111
Hope that helps
thanks Lezzers..recently most readings at rest fluctuate berween 90-93.. noticed last night my resps were 24 for about 5 mins then went down to 17
Sorry, I've got my dim hat on!? What is/are resps?
Respiratory rate. Breaths per minute. Anything over 25 is a cause for concern.
Ah thank you. I'm guessing that something to do with his asthma, not something I know about. So the OP's rate of 24 wouldn't be something to be concerned about?
His sp02 levels are definitely too low though & needs to be addressed asap though.
i’m a she lol.. to be honest my asthma is really well controlled that’s why i’m a wee bit concerned about RR and oxygen levels
Yes, if consistently lower than 95 (E.G. you take the measurement twice) you need to seek medical attention by phoning 111 or 999 if you notice you're turning blue and/or finding it hard to breathe.
thanks J.. as i just said to Lezzers respiratory rate was 24 for about 5 mins last night and o2 was 91-93 didn’t feel bad enough to phone 111. as sure as God if i go up to local A&E everything will probably be fine and i’ll feel stupid
Hey, never ever feel stupid!! If nhs111 say you need to go to the hospital then that's because it's serious. If it corrects itself by the time you get there then that's brilliant but you would still need to be seen. A low sp02 means your body isn't getting the oxygen rich blood it needs to function and that can turn very serious very quickly.
Definitely phone for advice & of course speak to your own medical team
If it makes you feel better take a photo of the readings then you will have time and date and evidence to back up your visit to A&E. I would also make a note of what you were doing at the time.
My recent stay in hospital I was extra relaxed (hip replacement went well and I was not in pain at last) and my breathing relaxed/slowed and my spO2 readings dropped to 90. In this instance they told me to take deep breathes and they came back up to 98.
Readings can be concerning whatever the cause and always best to ask the professionals opinions.
I have well controlled asthma too. I think maybe as you are resting when taking your O2 you are breathing much more shallowly possibly through your mouth? Try taking some deep breaths through your nose and see if that has an effect?
Sorry to disagree with some other comments. People with chronic respiratory conditions may have slightly lower normal values, typically around 88% to 94%. Below 90% is considered low and may indicate hypoxemia, requiring medical evaluation.
I have low readings when sitting too. Though have never tried them when walking about 😉 Last night I was 93 with heart rate of 36. Do you feel OK when your rate is low?
my heart rate has been fluctuating for a few months.. lowest this week so far 41 .. highest 163.. i know when it’s happening.. i feel awful for a few minutes
I have a low heartrate because of the drugs I take for AF. Both my Doctor and my consultant have advised me to get immediate medical attention if it drops below 46 beats per minute.
My wife's regularly are around 91 she went to the doctor's as online it says you should be higher. He said it was fine but to keep checking and come back if it fell below 90
Yes, mine dipped down to 87 last night. Was feeling quite breathless.I think I've picked up another cold and hayfever is quite high too.
Hi, Manhattan1,
I sometimes worry about my oxygen levels too. I have an Apple Watch that takes readings at different points throughout the day. I frequently have oxygen levels at 87-89, which is low. At the time, I was not having labored breathing nor turning blue that I am aware of.
Sometimes my oxygen level is normal range, but often hovering around 90-93.
I do monitor my respiration rate while I sleep. Last night, it ranged from a low of 19 to a high of 23. I honestly am not sure what is considered a normal range for respiration. My high rate does sometimes hit 26 breaths per minute.
I did talk with my GP and a cardiologist over a year ago about difficulty breathing. I had an echocardiogram done to look for specific causes. According to my cardiologist—-last August—-he does not know why I am having difficulty breathing. In all honesty, some of it likely is due to my anxiety disorder, but I also think that other issues are also causing the difficulty.
Hi Smitty i also have an Apple watch that monitors my RR, HR but not my oxygen levels.. but it’s my oximeter i use to check my o2 levels and RR but i know the Apple watch is extremely accurate regarding heart rate as i check it when taking my bp which also shows HR and watch measurements match up
update for some reason apple watch has stopped showing respiratory rate!.. don’t know how to fix it lol
Hi Manhattan 1,I have asthma as well,I find if I use my peak flow meter and reading is abit low,my best is about 275,then my oxygen levels drop and I take two puffs of my inhaler that usually helps and I get an oxygen level of about 95 which is about normal for me,take care and,as said before,please go to A and E if you are at all worried better safe than sorry as my old Mum used to say!!
my top peak flow reading is 300… recently been around 250-280.. chest tightness and breathlessness been daily for a few weeks.. taking my blue inhaler daily which shouldn’t be happening.. tried to get doc appt last week but none available!.. not even with nurse practitioner.. dic off suck and others on holiday
If your peak flow drops, step up your preventer inhaler - usually brown as this will help reduce the inflammation that’s causing the breathlessness. Then as you improve step down. Either add an extra puff morning and night or add one or two midday
I assume your oximeter is accurate. A reading of 90 is very low if you're not having asthmatic symptoms at the time. It could be due to lung damage from long-standing asthma. If this is the case, your GP may want you to be evaluated & followed by a pulmonologist to prevent further lung damage.
Hi Manhattan 1, I don't have asthma but i do suffer with bradycardia at times resulting in my heart rate dropping into the mid 40s sometimes lower into the 30s. I've noticed recently while using my oxymeter my sp02 levels are dropping into the mid 80s at various times of the day and my watch also records it around 70 while sleeping. I do feel very tired when I wake up and i always seem to fall asleep when I get home from work or sit down.
I'm not sure if it's anything to worry about or if I should get it checked out.
Keep us updated on how you get on.

most afternoons i sleep for a couple of hours.. disturbed sleep most nights.. don’t know if the tiredness during the day is heart related or not
Low sp02 readings.
One of my low heart rates recently.