Kardia Readings - feels like Bingo! - British Heart Fou...

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Kardia Readings - feels like Bingo!

MummaSoap profile image
33 Replies

I was given a Kardia device to take my own ECG readings just over a week ago to see if I could capture any of the episodes.

Since starting this, I’ve recorded a number of different things as follows:

- wide QRS complex x 3

- atrial fibrillation x 18

- PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) x 4

- Tachycardia x 5

- Sinus rhythm with supraventricular ectopy x 2

This is without taking the unclassified and normal ECG readings into account and trying not to live my life by a device each time I feel some form of palpitation and sticking more to certain windows throughout the day so the majority have been caught purely by chance. (I also know the tachycardia readings would be substantially higher if I was taking them every time my heart races) However this is starting to feel like ticking off boxes on a really morbid bingo card.

Can this be right and could I potentially be having these different types of anomalies? Am I doing something wrong? I’ve sat exactly as directed and exactly the same way each time so I’m not really sure what I could do differently to be honest. Doesn’t help that my boyfriend accused me of trying to “manipulate” the machine to force these readings; I know he’s coming from a place of fear and worry but not helpful! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and/or respond to my post.

Best wishes


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MummaSoap profile image
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33 Replies
MummaSoap profile image

Honestly, I feel exhausted! I’ve been struggling to get up in the mornings, I have no energy all day and I’ve even been falling asleep in the afternoons; I have to say it feels a bit worrying.

I’m glad you found it funny, I wasn’t sure how else to describe it 😂

My fatigue has been getting worse since January but I’ve had some holiday time this week and I’m due back on Tuesday and I genuinely don’t know how I’m going to go back to work for 4 days a week.

I only returned to work at the beginning of January and I was on a phased return but my symptoms have just continued to get worse. My job is mentally challenging but not physically demanding but I really thought I was going to get back to a “normal” life and now it’s like I can’t keep up. The fatigue is unreal!

Do you work and if so how do you manage?

MummaSoap profile image

Honesty is the best policy 😁 thank you though; I’m pushing through it. Can’t afford to fall apart, I’m the sole earner and I need to be strong for my family, especially the children. I don’t want anyone to worry, especially when I don’t know if there’s anything that is worth worrying over. I’m adopting the ignorance is bliss attitude for the time being but was just feeling a bit frustrated by the addition of a different reading this evening.

I just need to give my head a wobble and be grateful that I got to spend another Easter with my beautiful family!

Mlinde profile image

I can't stand these devices! They rule your life, turn you into a hypochondriac, the West's obsession with 'health' is most unhealthy.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to Mlinde

Hi Mlinde

Thank you for your reply.

I agree with you entirely and if it weren’t for the fact that I have children, I don’t think I would be so concerned and I think I would’ve just accepted the DCM and HF diagnoses and put it all down to that.

But because I have them, I would like to get to the bottom of whatever is going on. I would hate for something scary to happen whilst I was home alone with them. I’ve already had a car journey (that they were oblivious to) that was pretty hairy, driving in fading daylight and thick fog whilst trying not to lose consciousness. Needless to say I’m not driving anymore.

The only reason I joined this forum was to help find an outreach because I try to hide how I’m feeling from my family. The last thing I want is to be a source of worry for them and I certainly don’t want to be a burden.

Best wishes


Mlinde profile image
Mlinde in reply to MummaSoap

Dear MummaSoap, Surely it's better to share your fears with your family? Isn't using the device a way of hiding your fears? Sharing the fears diminishes them, helps put them in perspective. It's like sharing the load.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to Mlinde

Hi Mlinde

You are right but my partner is an incredibly anxious person and he also suffers with depression. He already struggles with the fact that I have a heart condition so until I have something more solid to give him I try to keep it as limited as I can. He obviously knows something isn’t right because I’m sleeping more and I’ve had to share that I’ve been recommended not to drive (which didn’t go down well whatsoever) but I have been honest and said I don’t know what is causing my symptoms and that I’m sure I’ll be fine. I just don’t share the day to day and every twinge etc.

I know it may not appear that way but my mental health is pretty good; I practice meditation daily, spend time doing therapeutic activities like adult colouring or reading and I find one positive each day or thing that I’m grateful for 😁

My major fears purely relate to my 3 children - they’re 4, 3 and 1 so it would be SUPER scary for them if something happened to me whilst no other adult was around. I’m already uncomfortable with the fact that I’ve taught my son what to do it mummy isn’t breathing or falls asleep and won’t wake up (ie call 999) but I felt it was necessary and I wanted him to have a way to relieve himself of any guilt and know he did the right thing. I feel he’s too young to learn about CPR and I also don’t want to put that kind of pressure or responsibility onto my 4 year old. Herein lies my inner turmoil, I haven’t actually said that out loud or in writing to anyone!

in reply to MummaSoap

If its any help I think your pretty special and stronger than you give yourself credit for.

All you are going though is always been about how your illness affect your children { including that boyfriend } and your longevity with them.

I wish I could help you more but maybe telling you that you're in my thoughts is a help? I hope so.

Just to let you know from a blokes point of view, we never grow up { sure you realise by now } sorry to say and we need all your needs and wants spelt out to us { scream if needed } we think a hug solves everything.

Take care { please }

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to

Hi Blue

Haha yes it does sometimes feel that way! My partner has 3 older children and they’ve all been briefed on giving CPR because I wanted them to be equipped with the skills for life. However, I’ve made it very clear to all of them, my boyfriend included that I would never expect any of them to carry out CPR on me, nor would I begrudge them if they couldn’t do it because it’s scary enough on a stranger, let alone someone you love. My hope is purely to try and give them options and alleviate any potential guilt.

Thank you for your very kind words, it does help!

The only thing I want is for my family to be happy and healthy. I hope that none of my children have to endure a life with a heart condition at any point in their lives; I can but hope!

Best wishes


MummaSoap profile image

Hi DrDave

Yes, I can do that. Please bare with me as I’m not particularly tech savvy 😂 I’ve done pdfs for my cardiologist though!

Best wishes


MummaSoap profile image

Hi Thatwasunexpected

Thank you for your reply.

Firstly, as much as I would LOVE to be a Marvel superhero and I’m sure that would be much to my boyfriend’s delight too, sadly I’m not! I love that idea though 🤣 just need to come up with a name now 🙊

I think I’ve understood for the most part and hopefully it is just a case of the timing of ectopics in the majority of these situations. It’s frustrating because I don’t really know enough about the ECGs to a) knowing what I’m looking at or b) know what I’m looking for

I’ve forwarded the majority of my readings to my cardiologist’s secretary but she is currently out of the office due to unforeseen circumstances so I’m not sure when he’ll see them. I’m going to phone the main investigations department on Wednesday and ask for an alternative point of contact.

Best wishes


Phil_London profile image

Hi, That does sound like a lot of different episodes, I would say take them to a specialist, do a reading with them and then see if you can get them to run an ECG, lets seebif your machine has issues. It sounds like it's worth getting checked out.

MummaSoap profile image

I hope I’m doing this right, I will add the other 3 photos for this reading too

Supraventricular ectopy photo 1
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

This photo 2

Supraventricular ectopy photo 2
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

This is photo 3

Supraventricular ectopy photo 3
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

This is photo 4

Supraventricular ectopy photo 4
MummaSoap profile image

Photo 1

Wide QRS complex photo 1
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

Photo 2

Wide QRS complex photo 2
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

photo 3

Wide QRS complex photo 3
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

photo 4

Wide QRS complex photo 4
Gumbie_Cat profile image

I was referring to mine as arrhythmia bingo last year - with a bit of bradycardia thrown into the mix. It’s very boring now with just A fib, and have mostly given up checking.

Having been told at A&E last year that I had ‘one funky ECG’ - I have now decided it is funky but fine. Just needs the beta blockers to stop it getting above itself.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to Gumbie_Cat

Haha isn’t it just! Funky is a new one but I like funky but fine 😁

It’s reassuring to know that others feel the same though, I was starting to feel a bit frustrated last night and I thought, surely there can’t be any other different ones to come up!!

I couldn’t tolerate a beta blocker before so I wonder what I would be offered.

MummaSoap profile image

photo 1

PVC photo 1
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

photo 2

PVC photo 2
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

photo 3

PVC photo 3
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

photo 4

PVC photo 4
MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to MummaSoap

I’m not going to do anymore but hopefully this is enough of the right sort of information. Thank you in advance for your help.

Best wishes


MummaSoap profile image

Aw thank you so much for your very kind words! That’s exactly it though, trying to furnish myself with practical knowledge so that I can live the best life that I can with my family!

I also hate to see others struggling so if I can spread some happiness and share what I’ve learned wherever I can then we’ll all be better off!

There’s such a wealth of knowledge on this forum and I’m grateful so many of you for the support and kindness you have shown me x

MummaSoap profile image

Oh that’s interesting! Yes, I would’ve thought the same but as you say we’re always learning! 😁

These bodies of ours are absolutely fascinating but a minefield for sure!! 🤣

MummaSoap profile image

That sounds incredibly reassuring, thank you!

How have you become such a wiz at reading ECGs? I’ve tried researching online but it’s VERY difficult to find anything of substantial help when it comes to trying to interpret anomalies.

I’ve got a friend who’s a nurse; I think I’m going to badger her to give me a crash course 😂🙊

MummaSoap profile image

Hahahaha that’s very kind of you to say but I’m just winging it as I’m sure many of us are 😁🥰

MummaSoap profile image


Hi @MummaSoap,

Thanks for being part of our community.

This is just a reminder that content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and your doctor. Please avoid making any changes to your medication or any major changes to your lifestyle, without speaking to a health professional first.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to

Yes of course, I wouldn’t make any changes without consulting a medical professional first.

Thank you for the reminder and all the work you do to help keep us all safe 🙂

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