Had a pacemaker fitted a week ago as an emergency. Due to my heart pausing numerous times causing me to collapse. Just wanted to ask if any one else has hag these symptoms. Now the swelling is going down. It feels uncomfortable were the pacemaker has been placed. Also I have indigestion and wind. Is this normal. Or am I over thinking.
New pacemaker worries : Had a pacemaker... - British Heart Fou...
New pacemaker worries
I had a pacemaker fitted a year ago, it is uncomfortable for a few weeks but now I forget I have it most of the time.
I had a very low heart rate at times which made me feel terrible , now it doesn’t go below 60bpm and I feel so much better.
Once the discomfort has gone I’m sure you will be pleased you have had it fitted.
Hi - I had my pacemaker fitted 2 years 4 months ago today, also as an emergency case after my pulse and blood pressure dropped to the point where I was on the verge of passing out. My local surgery did an ECG which showed left bundle branch block affecting my heart, and a few days later I went to hospital as a day case patient and had my pacemaker fitted under local anaesthetic.
I've always been a bit anxious about health and I struggled at first to get my head around the idea that I now had a box inside me keeping me going. I went back to the hospital for a check-up at six weeks and all was well. But still I was anxious most of the time.
This is where the BHF heart helpline team helped me through, by reassuring me that my feelings were quite normal and it would improve. Speaking to a qualified nurse on the phone really made the difference for me - their details are on the BHF website.
Now, other than the odd anxious day which isn't solely related to my pacemaker anyway, I'm fine with it. The turning point for me was when I accepted that the pacemaker is there as a safety net for my heart issue, to correct it when needed - so it's a good thing.
I wish you calmer days ahead, you will get there - don't be afraid to talk to the doctor, your cardiology unit and/or the BHF helpline if you need to.
The heart stopping and the collapsing will have effected your whole body. With the new pacemaker fitted it will take a while for everything to recover including the digestive system. You should get an appointment at 6 weeks for the pacemaker to be tweaked but if you have any symptoms before that eg breathlessness when walking or low pulse rate ring / email the cardiac department so they can arrange to make immediate adjustments.
Mine went in three weeks ago today, also as an emergency. My heart wasn't stopping, but going very slow, even below 30 at times! There is still some discomfort around the implant area but it's steadily if slowly improving. I'm guessing the digestive things are coincidence.
I had a pacemaker fitted 2 years ago. There is discomfort while everything is healing. It also takes a while for it to imbed. If you do not have much fat in that area, like I me you may get some discomfort at times. Just take it easy and let things settle down.
Thank you for replying. It has put my mind at rest.
I am sure I am too late for this to be of any help, but I wouldn't be surprised if the wind and indigestion was caused by the anti-biotics given to you during the surgery