hi , I had a HA end of nov last year , while returning from an off-road motorbike session, rushed to hospital in Tenerife as we have a holiday home there, I received one stent and sent home after 5 days , at first all was good then after a while had anxiety and didn’t feel good , went back to hospital a few times but all was good , I am now 5 months down the line and still waiting to be seen by specialists in England av had no tests or advice on anything to do with the operation, I am now back to training in the gym and slowly getting back on the bike , I have a telephone appointment with my local hospital on the 10th of June but a little concerned about the numbness while sleeping in my left hand , did a little research and have started to take vit b12 1000 iu a day , overall I feel ok , think a blood check over would put my mind at ease , hopefully will get called in in June sometime , hopefully someone can give me some advice , thanks Johnny 🤙
numb fingers while asleep : hi , I had... - British Heart Fou...
numb fingers while asleep

This might sound an odd question, but is it all of your fingers or just some of them?
Seems to b all of them
Oh, ok. Not what I was thinking it could be then. I hope you get some answers.
Hi there it happened again last night and was the thumb and first 2 finger that were numb
My husband has this but this happens to both hands, and although it's usually happens at night it has happened during the day on a couple of occasions. It's very unlikely to be heart related, more likely a nerves issue.
My husband is having nerves & muscle tests at the hospital on weds to try & determine what's going on.
Carpel tunnel syndrome doesn't usually affect all your fingers, I would get speak to your GP about it. I wouldn't be taking B12 without first talking it through with your Dr or pharmacist first though.
Good luck
I have carpal tunnel in both hands and if I don't wear braces at night all of my fingers and hand go numb because I tend to be a stomach sleeper and end up bending my hands up, cutting off the nerves. If I wear the braces that doesn't happen.
I also had carpal tunnel in both hands. Two sets of injections only worked for about three months each time and in the end the night wrist braces didn't help much, and I would wake up with very painful arms. I also ride a motor bike like Jas4321 and used to find my arms and hands would go numb shortly into a ride but would then this would wear off after about 10mins, thankfully! For me carpal tunnel was very much a degenerative condition, but the simple solution was surgery on both wrists at the same time about six years ago and apart from the inconvenience for about 10 days it appears to be a thing of the past. My suggestion to anyone with intrusive carpal tunnel is to push for surgery, it is well worth it.
Hi, I have mild carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand. I can get a sensation of numbness in my right hand at night. I have a compressed nerve in my elbow, so lying on my right side can put pressure on my elbow which in turn affects my hand.
Is the numbness in the hand where you had your angioplasty done for your stent? Could be nerve damage. Are you on any medications?
hi, sorry to hear about your lack of support. I’m sure you will have asked your GP to intervene? An option would be to escalate via PALS ,. Seems to me an awful long time for NHS help. Positive that you are feeling okay and but the delay is unacceptable, good luck , kindly keep us updated w
hi jas, this has been happening to me for last 2 years. The numbness was a real problem while I was asleep and also while doing certain daily tasks.!! so I went to doctors who ordered a nerve conduction test. 3months later I had carpal tunnel surgery and everything is brilliant now.👍
They can give u a cardiac monitor to wear for a few weeks, I'll advise a echoecardiogram to check there's no damage impacted blood flow to body... England health system is not what it used to be keep pushing. Took them 5 years to diagnose me. Kept telling me I'm crazy. Have heart failure now and it was concealed. Make sure u informed about all results
Push for a stress echocardiogram and a ct scan to make sure your heart isn't damaged . I add a heart attack and was all good for 12 months, but then I started getting really breathless. They say I have got ischeamic heart disease. My heart is damaged its not working at 100 %
How long have you ridden motorbikes for? I am thinking possibly of HAVD (hand arm vibration disease). I have this this to some extent from using chainsaws and other vibrating tools over a long period of time. R.
After similar procedure in 2019, I was all over the place with numbness in hands, arms, lightheadedness. Presented myself at A&E a couple of times. Turned out to be largely drug related. I think I took more tablets in the weeks after HA than in my previous 62 years. Anyway, a few modifications to the dosages improved matters for a while. I still get mild symptoms almost 5 years later, but it doesn't stop me leading a full life.
Hi , thanks for the reply, I also think it cud be the medication, I sometimes feel, it’s difficult to describe but a little fluttery and not quite myself , this isn’t all the time and comes a goes , it’s not stopping my recovery but I know there’s something just off a little, when I finally get to see my specialist hopefully they can help, I am taking pantoprazol which I read side effects to be tingling in the hands , from low vit b12 but this is just a guess , I am also taking brilique 90mg,alzil plus 20 mg and 75mg of aspirin
What has your gP said? They should be helping . I regularly wake with a dead hand. IT's a trapped nerve in my shoulder; not necessarily heart
thanks for the reply , I am currently out of the uk on holiday so cudnt get to see my gp, was just concerned as it has just started in the last 10 days
doesnt help your problem - but i got my HA trying to bump start my 750cc motorbike!
Hi, Johnny,
I’m so sorry that you had a HA last November. It sounds like it came right out of the blue, and it probably felt like you had been gobsmacked. I think that most of us describe our HAs that way.
I had a HA in March 2022, and it was totally unexpected that day. I did not have stents, but , that day, and afterwards, lots of tests.
First, I think that it is totally normal to be concerned about your heart now, and most people do feel some anxiety. I have anxiety disorder so I tend to always have way too much anxiety, but I am working on it.
Second, you likely need to push in order to get proper medical treatment. I would suggest calling your doctor to get an appointment. Others can likely give better advice/suggestions for this, as I live in the US.
You do likely need blood tests to determine your cholesterol levels, kidney functioning, A1c level, etc. Plus, you could probably benefit from an echocardiogram to look at your heart function and structure. The bottom line is that you will feel better if you see a heart specialist.
You sound like a strong and capable person, who is simply soldiering on, but you do need to see a doctor to make sure that everything is tickety boo. I wish you the best! ❤️
Thanks very much for your reply, can relate to everything you’ve said and yes am just getting on with it now ,I rang the hospital today to speak to a specialist , unfortunately still waiting for the return call , fingers crossed it’ll be in the morning, I def think once am checked over bloods etc I will feel a lot better 🤙
I've suffered with the same thing since my HA although I feel it could be related to many health issues with my left arm/hand and cervical spine. I have found that sleeping with a wrist splint on has stopped the night time pins and needles. You can get a wrist splint from any chemist store.
hello I had a heart attak in april 2023 and do get that numnes on my finger at night but sometimes it happens during the day too
Hello Jas
For the past 6 months I have been suffering from back ache especially when in bed. Worse when I sleep on my side. This causes my toes to go numb and depending on the position of my hands, it can occur there too. My B12 is great and I have injections for it so you might find they rule out B12 deficiency. I have now found that sleeping on my back helps so I am guessing it comes from the spinal area. Try that and please let me know how you go on because I am also interested to know what is causing it.
You must push harder, persist to get to see your GP.
Hi had a HA two years ago took Brilique for one year so glad to come off it the itching was unbearable at times. i have a numbness and pain in my arm/shoulder for three months i don't think i have carpel tunnel because it seems to be coming from my neck. i have been to see the physio and he gave me a couple of "Flossing" exercises to do but so far no improvement if any thing it's worse been getting pain at night. i have an appointment on the 3rd so hopefully he will have some other ideas.
Sorry to hear about your arm / shoulder, hopefully you will get things sorted, did u experience any other side effects on brilique, I have read that the doctors only like to keep u on thinners for a year was this the case with you ?
Hi that's correct it's designed to protect the stent from clogging for one year. i experienced severe itching from head to toe! and bleeding at will. I had dizzy spells occasionally after coming off them. But thankfully all is well now.