blossom588: my name is Kim , I am 6... - British Heart Fou...

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19 Replies

my name is Kim , I am 62 . Last November I had a quadruple bypass. It wasn’t the best experience of my life, but it had to b done . Any way am still trying to recover, have still got discomfort across my chest n numbness n that’s every day , get tired easily n breathless. Have told the doctor they say it’s normal. So just asking if anyone else going through the same .

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Blossom588 profile image
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19 Replies
Comfs profile image

hello it’s so tough going through heart surgery and the recovery is so uncertain to how long it will take, I’ve noticed with my recent surgery in the last few month that my chest is still so uncomfortable too and the numbness can last a while unfortunately. I can normally ring the hospital where I get my annual check ups if I have any problems or questions, can you not ring them up where you normally go? It’s so frustrating because all you want is just to feel like your normal self again.

Blossom588 profile image
Blossom588 in reply to Comfs

thankyou for replying,n yes it is so frustrating am doing exercises nearly every day as in this hot weather can not walk due to my asthma makes me so breathless. Also my scar is very itchy n hurts . Driving me nuts .have not gone back to work yet as my job is quite physical.have got a review next month will have a good chat . Wish u well .

Comfs profile image
Comfs in reply to Blossom588

The weather defiantly doesn’t help does it, you’re doing amazing! Oh when the scar starts to itch it’s the most irritating thing 🙈 especially if it hurts too. Yeah you need to feel comfortable enough to go back as I’m in the same boat about work and the thing is you don’t want to go back and then have to be off again over doing it. I wish you well too

davebal67 profile image

My operation was July 28th 2023, I still have nerve pain which can last up to 12 to 18 months. Sternum full healing can take even longer. I don't think the blood thinners help promote good healing.

Blossom588 profile image
Blossom588 in reply to davebal67

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DWizza profile image

Hi Kim, had my quadruple bypass july 25th 2023, heading to 10 months post surgery aged 62. The early days /weeks I seemed to make the most linear physical progress in recovery. I noticed the tenderness of certain areas of my wounds . I was told by the surgeon that as I had big string muscles from weight lifting it might take my sternum /pecs longer than usual to heal . It didn’t make any difference really other than give me something else to to worry about living rent free in my head 🤦🏼🤣. I was back riding my motorbike within 3 months and doing light work round my small farm. After about 3-4 months I was having episodes I called the zombie , totally fatigued , brain fog during the day , aches and pains , raging tinnitus, I felt awful . This was after making such great progress from walking up to 4- 5km daily to adding extra outdoor work. I couldn’t understand what was going on , I almost shit down with the symptoms (constantly cold too ). I had a GP appointment and was told to stop taking my statin for a trial period (ended up being a month ) and the side effects mostly went away .

I’m now on my 3rd statin and feeling ok and just waiting to see if the doseage is enough to keep the cholesterol readings at the required levels. May need to up the dose and see if I can tolerate it.

I share my experience as I was having the fatigue , crashes in the afternoons , wiping me out until early evening. Everyone kept saying take it easy , you’re doing too much which wasn’t helpful even though I knew they cared . The episodes would happen whatever I did. Keep monitoring and see if you still have thd fatigue (plus any other symptoms) and you may consider discussing what meds you are on with your pharmacist and then GP. I still take an occasional afternoon nap but it’s definitely not the crash that I was experiencing previously.

It’s all a huge journey , I enjoyed the cardio rehab classes even though they were way below my level of fitness and were not individually tailored . How was your cardio rehab program ?

I look back to where I I was and it’s quite amazing . I call it my rebirth. and I’ve achieved so much since. Keep us posted on developments 👊🏻❤️

mynamesnotnigel tried to rage you in for information.

8 months post quadruple bypass surgery
fatbarry profile image
fatbarry in reply to DWizza

Blimey, and I thought the needlework on my scar was a bit dodgy!! 😉

DWizza profile image
DWizza in reply to fatbarry

I couldn’t believe it , I thought they must have been listening to Motörhead playlist 🤦🏼🤣🤣.. thankfully healing up better than anticipated 👊🏻🤣

Scars healing
Blossom588 profile image
Blossom588 in reply to DWizza

Thankyou for replying

Nimble1965 profile image

I had a quadruple bypass in September 2021, was expecting a triple but ended up with a fourth. I was 56 at the time and in good health otherwise.

It’s slow to begin with and you have to adjust and follow rehab and a healthy diet. Now 2.5 years on I am back in the gym 5/6 times a week and play golf but I do get tired at times and listen to my body and rest accordingly .

The area of my chest where the mammary artery was harvested is still partially numb and likely to be so going forward . Apart from that I have not experienced any other problems . I would also recommend putting bio oil on the scars , I was lucky enough to have keyhole extractions on my legs and the only major scar I have is the chest one which has healed well . But I am always conscious of not exerting too much pressure on the sternum .

Everyone heals differently and at different speeds. It’s a case of being patient and also seeking regular medical advice from your GP or cardio unit if you are concerned or unsure. Regular blood tests are also essential as they will dictate the levels of medication going forward , again luckily my dosages have come down over time .

So be positive , listen to your body and remember we are blessed to have been given an extended life expectancy through surgery.

Good luck in your continued recovery

Blossom588 profile image
Blossom588 in reply to Nimble1965

Thankyou for replying

Jedi14 profile image

Hi there, I was the same, after my stents, I was quite breathless for awhile after the procedures. Given time, as your body adjusts and adapts, along with meds it becomes less and you don't notice it.

Blossom588 profile image
Blossom588 in reply to Jedi14

Thankyou for replying

BHFANSY profile image

Hi Kim

I had a bypass just over a year ago It was about a year before I stopped getting pain and numbness in my chest. It is all fine now though. It seems like everyone is different some ate ok after about 6 months for others it takes longeri haven’t been as troubled by breathless and tiredness but I think that is down to fitness and exercise

It is really difficult to exercise though before the pain goes It takes a while

Good luck Andy

Thanksnhs profile image

Hi after my surgery I had a pain on my ribs which was really sore at times I spoke to my consultant and he said it was probably something called Costochondritis an inflammation between the ribs on the breastbone. 4 years on I still have it not anywhere near as painful but If I touch it I can feel it, the left side is fine. It doesn't bother me at all now, also when I get hot I get a terrible itch right in the middle of my scar, I spoke to my dermatologist and all is fine I use calamine lotion cream and it works a treat. Recovery can take a while I hope everything goes well, keep us posted take care char

Qualipop profile image

It's a big surgery and cutting through surface nerves does cause numbness that can last for years. After my hysterectomy the numbness didn't go away for over 12 years. Nerves take a very long time to regrow. However I would never be fobbed off by anyone saying the breathlessness is normal. I'd be really pushing for more tests and asking the G P to explain exactly why it's normal; what physical process makes breathlessness normal. I bet he can't answer.

Billett profile image

Me numbness pins and needles and when ive had a shirt on all day it feels like barbed wire .breathless when i climb stairs or walk uphill thats 16weeks post op and AF to csp it all but other than that fine and back at work

Tumerc profile image

Hi,I had same opp and took me a full 12months to get back to feeling better and stronger and in year 2 walked up Snowden and back ,you need to be patient it's a huge trauma to go through and despite what they tell you we all recover at a different pace HANG IN THERE!

devonian186 profile image

The reason I have only just seen your post is that my wife and I have just returned from a Holiday in Switzerland via Geneva airport and France.

Lots of driving on mountain roads, coping with bad weather but had a great week in Switzerland in a chalet in the mountains.

Yesterday I drove down the Mountain road, along the often tricky motorway to Geneva airport, returned the car them walked miles through the airport.

On returning home caught the shuttle bus to the car park, retrieved the keys then drove nearly 2 hours home along the motorway.

I had a quadruple bypass 2 years ago to the day at 70. These things take time. Take it steady and build up and you will find you can do more and more

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