Had a small heart attack 7 weeks ago and had stent fitted..just wanted to know is it normal to feel low at times. I keep feeling happy n thankfully one min then scared n low few days later..still get odd twinge and panic a bit thinking is it happen in again or just angina pains...
7 week after stent: Had a small heart... - British Heart Fou...
7 week after stent

Hi Avarae. Very sorry to hear of your HA but glad you have been stented. The emotions you express are perfectly natural and I am sure are shared by many on this Forum. Twinges from Stents are very common as they settle into their new 'home' 😊
Thanks dovaston.Least I know what it is now.no one told me about stents n settling etc.all very new to me all this .
Hi Avarae - I fully agree with Dovaston you have been through a major event and come through it. You will feel less anxious as you retain confidence and strength. Although you have no big scars to show from your procedure your arteries and heart have been nudged around and take time to recover and settle. Are you booked in for cardio rehab? This can be a good way to get encouragement and be with others who have had a similar experience. Take care
Hi Nathan.yes been to rehab and opted for home exercise but regret it as like u say I can be meeting others there similar to me and think it will help better .I'll be phoning rehab monday to arrange hospital rehab instead .thanks for reply.
Hi I am just nearly 3 weeks post stent after a HA in December that I thought was a tear in my throat!!! So did not have treatment until an ECG for heartburn in March!! Still coming to terms with the whole thing ..I feel thankful like you that i am still here but so so low at times..this community has helped so much but if I am honest scared me at times. As with all things...the truth can hurt...I have made lots of changes to help improve my life...I have quit smokimg to start with , reduced alcohol and beginning to see how I can avoid or reduce dairy WHICH IS VEY DIFFICULT and meat WHICH IS EASIER ...but I too am low at times...I am thankful for sure but so annoyed that it happened to me when I see my family and friends living such more dangerous lives..all I can hope is that this happened for a reason greater than I can understand. Keep strong and don't the post stent twinges keep you awake..
I was same too was treated for chest infection for 3 month from Sep to Dec .once my chest cleared in Dec I wondered why was still out of breath walkin n talking so went had blood test done for heart attack symptoms n came back clear so I was happy but in Feb still not right so went again n bloods said had small heart attack..was shocked n still am as hardly any pain mainly mild burning n odd twinge. No I can't sleep either ev night wide awake early hours .hope u feel better soon.its early days for us really ..
After coming home 6 days after my bypass I had the same feelings and sometimes very tearful,think it is because you must take things easy for a while especially if you are like me always busy and active, then when the breaks are applied you feel that you want to get going again, it will pass but may take 3 months, join a gym with cardio vascular classes,
We have a gym in Colchester that run these classes twice weekly, meet new people and get fitter.
Hi Avarae if you didn't have these feelings and doubts you would be very unusual, I had a h/a in September and 2stents fitted I'm 68 and still work as a builder, I felt exactly the same as you but cardiac rehab helped as did this forum tremendously, try to talk to others in the same position, or possibly a bit farther down the road lol , your life has changed slightly but you can still do everything you did before only it takes time, I still get the odd twinge but few and far between, keep on this forum and you will see how people advance as you will all the best in your recovery.
I had HA ten years ago and had a stent fitted. I remember crying almost every day for a month or so. I was 41. Things will get better, I think it's the shock etc. Rehab was brilliant for me. You will get there, things will get better.
Yes I was tearfully a lot n exhausted even crying but thought I'd better snap out of it n start cutting fat out n go on low fat diet n walk. I'm slowly getting there.thank you..
Hi, its reassuring to hear your stent was fitted 10 years ago and that you didnt need further stent. I was in rehab and one of the ladies said anyone with the stent will have another heart attack within 5 years and that got me worried all over again! My stent was fitted back in January and I am hoping I wont need further procedures. I am also very upset that it has happened to me, having spent my life eating health and watching me weight. The only thing I do love is dairy. I went vegan and was told not to and that it is best to eat dairy a small portion every day. Aparently it is good for you. So confusing !!!!
Yes every stab we think it's some other event I'm 5 weeks post 2 stents ome to be done.
I think 80 percent better
From Tennessee in USA, 57 years old , 15 months post stents. 4 stents total. 3 in main artery. Felt sharp little stabbing pains for at least 4-6 months. Now I workout 7 days a week, usually an hour a day, run and lift weights. Best shape of my life. Everything you described 100% normal! Congratulations on your second chance, go have fun!
Well done you done great .makes me feel lot more positive thanks. Same age too so reassuring .
Hi iv just read your reply I'm 4 weeks post 2 stents one to be done.
I have days no twinges then a pinpoint
In the top of breast feel so muscle but of course anything gets one worried
Hi Avarae - I had a cardiac arrest in Feb, two stents fitted. I think you're competely normal - or at least you sound a lot like me! I still have some rib, sternum and intercostal muscle pain from CPR that I have to constantly reassure myself isn't anything else - sat in a draft last week and ended up with a stiff neck, that wasn't a HA either. Bit of trapped wind? Could be another HA... My problem is I never had any warning signs, or recall of the event afterwards, so I don't know what it feels like, and there's a nagging fear it could happen again. But I get less paranoid all the time, doing lots of exercise and getting fitter and more confident and going back to work soon. I've enjoyed cardiac rehab but there isn't really anyone there like me, this forum has been brilliant in that respect. Stick at it! Bill
Perfectly normal. You've gone from someone healthy with no worries to someone with heart disease. Of course it's normal to feel worried and anxious. My HA was last August and I still struggle at times and worry if every ache and pain is heart again. It's a huge shock. Have you been offered cardiac rehab? You must do it and ask the rehab nurse for help with he worry. If she can't help she can put you in touch with someone who can. I thinkthat just a 5 minute explanation by eh cardiologist before you are discharged would help hugely but if you're like me, you don't even get to speak to one.
I had a cardiac arrest at the end of January and stent inserted. Still experiencing 'settling pains' but otherwise physically ok. I experience mixed emotions: one minute I'm so incredibly happy to still be here, the next I'm down, wondering why I suffered this in the first place. I was warned by the Cardio Rehab Nurse to expect it and to remember that it is completely normal. Wishing you a swift recovery.
Hi it’s very normal but what is normal try not to worry I had the same I just ge5 on with it the twinges the pain the highs and lows all normal there r no rules everyone is diff I just think I been getting thes3 twinges and spasam for 9 months still here dr are pleased all bloods ar3 normal colestral is to low lol got to eat bit more fat Playing bowls gardening shopping cooking cleaning enjoy the second chance if u rwooried see your dr. None of us can no what’s going on inside of u be happy
My H.A. was 5 months ago and was a huge shock because I lead a "heart healthy" lifestyle. I'm managed with medication which was another shock going from 0 tablets to 9 a day. It took me ages to calm down and I was always at my G.P.s and A. and E. for several weeks afterwards. Every twinge is another H. A. My anxiety levels were sky high and and my moods were all over the place. i am slowly improving with help from cardiac rehab and this forum. It will get better.
Hi Avarae - 3 weeks since my HA and today was the first day that I felt very down all day
Hi Avarae - sounds like we had our heart attacks at the same time. I had 2 stents fitted, and have the joy of by pass surgery to look forward to in (hopefully) the next 2 months. After the stents I had 5 weeks of feeling completely knackered, and also 2 further scares and admissions to hospital while i worked out that the pains weren't another heart attack, just things settling down. Being stuck at home is completely frustrating, and Im limited in what rehab I’m allowed to do as Ive got more to come, but overall its true that we both seem to have highs and lows, good days and bad days. Days when I feel I could take on the world and days when just getting up is a chore. For me there seemed to be an obvious improvement about 6 weeks in (last week) and I’m much more confident doing things around the house and out and about. Hang on in there and remain positive. I’m sure it will all come good in the end for both of us!
We will be fine..i was doing things round the house and small walks week after stent..im now doing things normal like I did before .shopping..cleaning .gardening etc ..i still get out of breath a bit but been told it's ticagrelor medication that does that....hope u better soon
I had mine fitted in December and had a lot of twinges for first 6 weeks. I still get the odd one now. I was very tearful - not totally gone but far less frequent. Finished my rehab and being there was the one thing I really looked forward to. Once inside that room i was normal / totally at peace for an hour.
Another thing - you never hear from people who had successful stents that last 30 years. They don’t hang out on health websites - because they’re fine. But talk to enough people and they’ll tell you about their dads, uncles and cousins who are all doing great 10 / 20 / 30 years later. I’ve stumbled into so many conversations like that just by being open with people. You just have to start the conversation.
Will get better it’s normal enjoy life and give thanks to what you believe don’t panic when low enjoy life as it is it only gets better
Hey Avarae,
I had out of hospital cardiac arrest followed by almost 4 weeks in hospital with an ICD fitted last week.
I’m getting low moments and panic attacks and sleepless nights but then getting good moments as well when I’m out for a walk enjoying being outside. Then I feel a twinge or spasm in my chest and I’m a wreck?!
So I know It’s really tough and what you’re experiencing is perfectly understandable, and more importantly, Normal. Since joining this support group I’ve had some great advice and it has been a real help to put some perspective on things for me.
I realise I’ve not given any real answers here, but know that there are so many good people on here feeling the same things you are, you are normal to feel these!
I’ve been in touch with a councillor through my GP and starting CBT. Also spoken with the nurses at British heart foundation who were a massive help.
Hoping you feel better soon 👊🏻
Morning it feels like that for quite a long time , it’s very early, I had heart attack last August now feeling like my old self , went to Rehab really helped take each day at a time .
Been to see cardiology doc.my cholestral down from 9 to 5..and got to go back for 12 months.. feel lot better now
Thanks..not half as worried now. I asked what's chance of another HA .he said 10 to 15 percent.so that's not as bad as I thought either.
Yes it is normal. I had it for about 6months but came and went. Did you not get a book on heart from week 1 onwards. It does go tho.
I'm 4 weeks post any twinge stabs I get down and nervous but my pcI
Surgeon said good final result
Sometimes feel normal as if hadn't had any procedure then remember
Hi what your feeling is normal I felt the same last August after my heat attack and stent. Kept having twinges thinking is was happening again and very tearful.
Dr said it was a form of PTSD put me on anti depressants which I took for about 6 months.
I’m off them now and feel much more like my old self.