hi does anyone take bisoprolol at night I’ve complained to my doctor about tiredness but they didn’t talk about the bisoprolol changing it or taking it at a different time weren’t any help at all really
bisoprolol at night?: hi does anyone... - British Heart Fou...
bisoprolol at night?

Hi there, I used to take it in the evening. 1.25mg. Better for me personally as feel less tired and or dizzy. Have recently switched to taking in am but now feel worse. May just be me! I’d speak to your dr before changing the time you take it

Hi, I recently ceases taking Bisoprolol as made me extra dizzy. Tried half a tab but still no good. Now I’m Off it an ache around chest neck returns which laying down helps but feel that is better than the pill. Still worry that I should be taking it.
Have you discussed an alternative with your GP?
I changed to Nebivolol. The side effects aren't as bad .
I spoke to my Pharmacist this morning. He actually told me I should never have been put on it with my Asthma and take Albuterol it makes your heart race and this supposed to bring it down. They are Los fighting each other in me. Dr. Should have looked closer at my Meds he knew I had Asthma Lung problems. Why are they not cautious. Bad med for me.
The medical profession don't treat us as individuals any more. I don't think they can even be bothered to read our records. They just dish out the same tablets to everyone for that particular disease, whereas what suits one person doesn't suit another. I am sorry you had such careless treatment. I suppose no beta blocker is right for you along with your other meds. You need to see your doctor again . Hopefully he can suggest another drug that doesn't react badly with the ones you are already taking. Good luck.
Hi when I first started taking it I got very tired in the afternoon, so started taking it at night but the Cardiologist and other experts said to take it in the mornings as your body needs it more while your active.than while your asleep. I no longer get tired guess my body just needed to get used to it.
I take one at 7 am and another at 7pm - I do feel tired, but it is manageable.
Hey. I take bisprolol twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. I have quite a high dose so gotten used to the tiredness although does still affect me at times
Hi Dogchasers, I take 1.25mg in the evening. Definitely works for me……consulted my pharmacist first before switching from the morning to evening - they were happy for me to do that.
However, I do get a bit sleepy around lunchtime/early afternoon, I’ll occasionally have a power nap which usually does the trick👍🏼.
My cardiologist says to take it before bed to help reduce the tiredness.
Hello there I take 5mg Bisoprolol, which was 1 am. One time the pharmacist gave me 2 packs of 2.5 and advised taking one am and one at night. She said it would spread the load and minimise side effects. It did. Since then I have been given 5mg each time I renew, but I cut them in half and continue with the twice a day routine. Works much better for me
I do. I was too tired and dizzy in the daytime with taking all my meds together. My body got used to them. BTW I take 10mg.
I take 10mg at night as my blood pressure was low and cardiologist recommended taking it then
hi I take 12.5 at bed time but still get tired most afternoons I have 40 winks
I take 10mg in the morning and 1.25mg before bed.!! Iv been on bisoprolol years and feel tired most days unfortunately.!!
Yes, I take 2.50mg Bisoprolol at night but also the same in the morning. My cardiologist recommended to do it that way as most of my P.A.FIB episodes occur at night. Are yours mostly at night?
Hi Dogchasers, I take 2.5mg am then 6 pm and it's sorted my irregular heart beat out a treat touchwood with no noticeable side effects really Happy consultant put me on this medication. Hope all unra els for the better with you 🙏
hi I switched from am to taking it pm much less tired 🙂
Yes, I take mine at night or I'm a zombie. I take it immediately before going to sleep. If I delay going to sleep then it keeps me awake, but if I can take the pill and nod off within an hour then I'll usually get some rest.
Bisoprolol has been very weird for me. I'm so tired, yet so wired at the same time.
I was prescribed Bisoprolol after heart attack, 1.25mg it causes such tiredness and dizziness, my heart is doing great, but I cannot cope with these side effects. Like you it also stops me from sleeping, unable to go to sleep untill stupid oclock in the morning, and I have the weirdest dreams. I hate taking this drug...
Yes, I take at night. After a couple of years, I found it slowed me down if taken in morning
Instructions are once a day and don't indicate morning or evening.
I halved my bisoprolol to 1.25mg and started taking it at night as advised by the cardiologist. I still feel really tired and my HR at rest is often in 40s. Its debilitating. AF itself causes fatigue. My SpO2 is lower also...sometimes 93 ish.I still get AF ( no one said I wouldn't) but not feeling as severe and usually slow AF as HR low. If HR too low my watch can't take an ecg but if HR above 60 it will.
I take all my meds at night, I just before I go to bed
I take 2.5mg in the morning but make sure I keep hydrated and eat regularly as my blood pressure is naturally low. I would check with your doctor before changing as you don’t want your BP and heart rate to drop to low while you sleep.
One of my medications for my heart makes me really tired and I was told by my Dr. to take it at bed time, ask your Dr. if that would be better for you.
Hi there,I take mine in the afternoon mostly now, when I had to get up early it was the morning, but, that was years ago. I have insomnia which is bad, so i don't sleep at night at all, so try to sleep in the day or when I'm absolutely exhausted. Could be my meds, could be age or stress, the consultant gave me melatonin and intense CBT but it doesn't work. Could you take them no where near bed time or ask doc to decrease your dose
Hope you get answers
Best regards
Hiya, I take my Bisoprolol in the evening with my evening meal as I have tummy problems. I now take 10mg and at first I was advised by the cardiologist to take it at night as a precautionary measure should I suffer any side effects or dizziness. I do feel tired just before bed time and also feel tired on the afternoon most days which isn’t good when I am at work. I would consult your GP before changing the time you take it, just to be on the safe side. Hope this helps
hello everyone thanks for all the replies I started off not sure what to do now I definitely don’t know haha