Bisoprolol waking me up at around 4.3... - British Heart Fou...

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Bisoprolol waking me up at around 4.30 to 5.30am?

Spring_melody profile image
27 Replies

Hi,I have read many posts on this site about how bisoprolol wake people up at 4.30 to 5.30am daily.I have this problem too and wonder what this symptom mean.I am currently on bisoprolol 5mg.Thanks for sharing ❤️

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Spring_melody profile image
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27 Replies
chevidaniels28 profile image

I'm on Bisoprolol and all though the time can vary , I find I wake up lots to pee but I will often lay semi awake for a few mins before remembering I need to pee. So for me the symptom started when I started my meds. Could it be that your used to waking up at a set time to take your meds So your mind is programmed into getting up at that time ?

Karenpr profile image

My husband is on Bisoprolol 5mg and like you wakes up around 4.30 every morning. We though it was just him.

Cards21 profile image

I am on 7.5mg Bisoprolol and wake up 2;30 ish and can get back to sleep after a wee but then an hour later and have to read ( stay in bed) then can often sleep again 5:3o ish for an hour to hour and a half.

STUBAX profile image

Yep, another who wakes up around 4/5 am, usually need to pee as well, thought it may have been my brain programmed to wake at 5 for work but now retired, on 2.5 mg bisoprolol.

IanGordon profile image

Crikey! That's me too. Rarely sleep through and it's about 04 :15. Bisoprolol 1.25, taken before I go to bed. This looks like an insomnia epidemic.

I guess it's some reassurance that I'm not alone and a subscription to a club which I'd rather not be a member of.

Mikmakmanus profile image

On 1.25mg , every morning I wake at 5.00 am , I’ve just accepted it now 😀

Cricket23 profile image

Yep, me too. I'm on 3.75mg and used to wake at 2am and 4:30. Generally, I've stopped waking at 2, but regularly wake at 4:30. I wonder why?

MinnieP profile image

My husband takes Bisoprolol but at 8am. Are the early wakers taking it at night?

Spring_melody profile image
Spring_melody in reply to MinnieP

I take bisoprolol at around 10am everyday.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to MinnieP

I'm on 1.25mg (+300mg aspirin) and take mine in the morning, usually around 0700.

I do wake 'early', between 0500-0600) - but I also become utterly useless after around 10pm and am in bed by 11pm.

FeetheBookworm profile image

I take mine at night and sometimes find it difficult to actually fall asleep no matter how exhausted I feel. I also wake up early, can be between 3-4am or around 5am. I can usually fall back to sleep but occasionally can’t and am then even more tired.

Take mine in the morning,but still wake at 4am.Don't mind so much because I then jump on my exercise bike.

Sunshine_Gem profile image

I’m on 10mg and take mine each morning after being up for hour or 2, around 9am. I sleep like a baby. In fact it’s probably the best I’ve slept in 20 years.

Spring_melody profile image
Spring_melody in reply to Sunshine_Gem

May I ask what was your BP and heart rate which made the the doctor prescribe you the 10mg dose?Thanks ❤️

Sunshine_Gem profile image
Sunshine_Gem in reply to Spring_melody

My highest bp recorded was 278/179 (some of that was white coat, was still very very high ) and resting heart rate was 104 would go up to 150s walking up the stairs. The bisoprolol is for my heart rate and palpitations. I’m on Amlodipine for my bp. ( I was on doxasozin for a little while).

Spring_melody profile image
Spring_melody in reply to Sunshine_Gem

Thank you so much for your reply.Take care and get well soon.

Electricbike profile image

I have the same issue! Bisoprolol 1.25 mg in morning. At night I usually wake at 2ish and always around 5:30ish. Definite epidemic i think!

Creations profile image

Surprised to see this. I'm another 4:30am person. Bisoprolol. Thought it was just an age thing. Very strange. Has anyone asked to change to something else to see if it makes a difference?

Dempo profile image

I wake up around 4.30, too (1.25 mg). What bothers me is that when I go back to sleep, I have the most vivid dreams, really weird and strange. Anyone else have this?

Sillyfroggy profile image
Sillyfroggy in reply to Dempo

Going back into that ‘second sleep’ you will go into another good cycle of REM sleep, where you dream, but you wake up fairly soon after it and so remember them. You will have around 3-4 REM cycles during your sleep, and will dream in each of them. Some you remember, some you don’t.

What time is your heating/water programmed to come on? The brain can definitely pick up on some noises. Also, our bladders aren’t as resilient as we grow older, and whilst we don’t realise, it’s actually needing a wee that has woken us! Thus being able to fall asleep after it.

Nicholas55 profile image

Yes I’m on 5mg which I take in the evening and often wake at 5am after being awake for an hour or so I can sometimes drop off again and often have very strange dreams. Assume this is just a side effect we have to live with.

willsie01 profile image

Me too. Wake up between 3 and 4 to wee and can’t get back off again.

Thecyclist profile image

Yep me too! I'm so glad other are like this, I am on 5mg (2.5mg in the am and 2.5mg in the pm) as well as a few other meds for high BP, I wondered if it was those.

Every morning I wake at 4am give or take 10 minutes, usually dying to go to the toilet. Never had this in my life before, normally drop straight back to sleep though but feel tired when I wake at 6.30.

I can also attest to the vivid dreams! I have some absolutely bonkers dreams, to be honest I quite enjoy them, some are really vivid and few have been scary but mostly just crazy.

At least I know what one of my meds it is now!

jamesapjim profile image

Me too Bisoprolol 1.25mg taken at 10.00pm then wake around 4.30am followed by visit to loo. Difficult to then get back to sleep.

Rayros21 profile image

I'm on 5mg following heart surgery last month. I take this in the morning but I do find that I wake up pretty much every night between 2.00 and 3.00 am needing to go to the toilet and the same again 3-4 hours later. I've had a couple of strange dreams too but thankfully this is not a regular occurrence!

Sunnie2day profile image

I think for many, early waking in is direct correlation to the Bisoprolol (especially at first) sending people to bed earlier than their former bedtime.

I've been on a once daily (taken in the mornings usually around 0700) 1.25mg+300mg aspirin since April 2019. When I first started taking the medication I couldn't manage to stay awake past 9pm - before the beta blocker was prescribed I routinely stayed up until close to midnight.

Unlike many other Bisoprolol users who report disturbed sleep patterns and weird dreams/nightmares, my usual seven hours night sleep pattern wasn't affected at all - in bed by 9pm meant I was waking up every morning by 0430 at the latest and actually I was waking at 0400 and lying there 30 minutes trying to go back to sleep. And no weird dreams.

I can usually manage now to stay awake until around 10pm - and woohoo, sometimes even 11pm! But that seven hour thing continues on - I regularly wake seven hours after my head hits the pillow.

I do wonder if it's timing+dosage+Bisoprolol response is different in nearly every patient. For me it's been a wonder drug and the only 'side effect' for me has been 'earlier to bed=earlier to rise'.

jerry12953 profile image

For many years I've tended to wake about 5.30 am (ish) and am usually able to get to sleep again. Often all it takes is a quick visit to the loo and I'm away again, even if there's no apparent need to have a pee. It's just a habit I've got into.

As a photographer its sometimes useful to wake that early though!

I have never even suspected it was anything to do with medication; indeed for most of that time I was totally medication-free.

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