Hi all, really would appreciate some feedback on the following:
Was on 2.5mg of Bisoprolol and two days I decided to split pill and take half with the intent of eventually stopping them altogether. Since reducing dose two days ago I have faster stronger heart beat at night which is causing insomnia. Selected to stop taking based on experience a month ago whereby I had no Bisoprolol for 6 days due to GP error. During the 6 days with no Bisoprolol I was fine but resumed the dose when I finally got prescription reinstated. Since then I have questioned myself as to whether I really needed them????
As it states on the box: DO NOT STOP TAKING THIS MEDICINE UNLESS YOUR DOCTOR TELLS YOU TO STOP as my GP did not seem to be concerned about when I was without the medicine for 6 days, I assume it would be ok to reduce Bisoprolol slowly rather than abruptly. Hence cut down to half of 2.5 but am aware of strong faster heart beat during night which keeps me awake because it stays at the same intensity.
Has anyone else had this happen when reducing Bisoprolol?
Is it possible for my body heart to adapt to lower dose of Bisoprolol over time to point whereby I can get some sleep?
Basically, my metabolism has been slowed down with the medicine, my fat cells are storing more fat (despite a healthy diet) and my glucose levels have risen increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes..... Surly this is will contribute too and compound my undiagnosed cardio problems, existing hypertension, high cholesterol and pre_ diabetes number ?? What a dilemma...!
Cardio testing (CT echo) 're diagnosis not yet done.... halted due to Covid.
Sorry for long post . Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.