was getting worried taking blood pressure test, every time i was sitting in silence trying to calm myself before doing the test i was getting stressed did it tonight listening to quiet soothing music seem to do the trick and concentrated on quiet music,. When i did first one went 150 89 88 did twice more listening to music 133/95/80 feeling calmer .
blood pressure test: was getting... - British Heart Fou...
blood pressure test

Brilliant, glad to hear you found a way through the stress of taking your BP
As soon as I get my blood pressure machine out I feel the anxiety
They do say take it 3 times leaving 5 minutes in between each one and then go by the best reading
Now you know what relaxes you or helps to hopefully your readings will continue to be as good and maybe even better
Keep doing what you are doing sounds like you have found what works for you x
so glad you’ve found a way to relax when taking your bp. I only have to think about it and mine goes up! But I find if I read a book before and during it calms me down and gives me a lower reading. Hopefully now you’ve found your way you’ll continue to feel better.
Might be worthwhile putting the cuff on before you start your soothing music session. I find reading helps and even looking at photos of things I like, such as mountain views, steam locomotives, etc., have a positive effect. Taking time and not rushing is the way to approach it.
thanks ,i,ll take that on board listened to music again again and kept to a reading 132/91/76 but saying that had bad evening i kept having strange feeling s which caused me to become unsettled and nervous, i had these feelings since taking Bisoprolol
Just wondering what dose of Bisoprolol you are on. I started on 3.75mg, but had awful feelings of impending doom. I'm only able to cope with 1.25mg. The amount that the body can cope with varies from person to person and some people on this forum are on 10mg and more without any ill effects. It may be that you are on too high a dose.
I,m only on 1.25 at the moment, but a few days ago I was on 2.5 but brought me down to 1.25,I,ve been on it for 12 days but when I started it was 1.25
If it continues to a problem, I would speak to your GP. There are other beta blockers to try. Of course it might be something different, but the fact your symptoms started when you were prescribed Bisoprolol does seem to point it is responsible.
I Often react likethat, especially when my pulse has been fast or I've had a high reading due to anxiety. The worst for me was when I was given a 24 hour BP monitor. IT would click loudly when it started and instantly I was on high alert and my BP would shoot sky high. Definitely need something to occupy y our mind. I'm not keen on music so need to find something else.
i,m hoping because its only the third day if i stick to listen to music it drowns out the noise of the machine, funny because when i have had it taken by a doctor in years gone by it has not really bothered me , but now i,ve been diagnosed with Atrial fib and doing it myself really gets me, i hope things work out for you.
Had mine done at GP 3 days ago. As expected it was sky high- it always is. I had to tell her it was white coat syndnrome. I can now manage to do it 3 times a day for a week at home to get an average. WHat I do is take it 3 times each time and record the lowest and I make sure I'm watching TV so distracted.
I take it twice in the morning 2minutes apart then twice in the evening 2 minutes apart have to do it for a week have to fill out a chart then take it to the GP
that happens to me too. Mine was 170/90 in hospital but at home after four attempts was 137/80.
Good tip Moby! My BP goes up as soon as I see the machine! I need to take quite a few readings before feeling stable. Music sounds excellent, also I like counting as I breathe in and out helps calm me!
I take my bp once a week now, usually soon after getting up in morning on Saturdays, I sit quietly by an open window looking on the garden,3 readings bp at 5 minute intervals with a little meditation in between, works quite well.