blood pressure?: I know I have a bee... - British Heart Fou...

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blood pressure?

20 Replies

I know I have a bee in my bonnet about blood pressure but when I went to hospital for stress test using a cuff rigged up to computer we got 160/104 . Today I went for blood test and the nurse took my blood pressure on an old pump up machine and we got 128/80. I have to admit the blood pressure is coming down but which one do you trust? I know many of you sent me replies last time and it was most interesting what was written, the stress test was undertook in the middle of June. But blood pressure was low before that when it was taken at the doctors. I just think the old pump up one's should be used more. even though they need a little more experience to use.

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20 Replies
AlfredV profile image

BP can vary dramatically based upon circumstances, so I wouldn't automatically put it down to the machine. My BP at rest is typically 105/70 unmedicated. When I was in hospital for surgery earlier this year it was 160/110. It came down slightly a few hours later. The nurse asked if I was anxious about anything to which I replied "er, maybe my operation this afternoon?"

in reply to AlfredV

Yes you are right anxiety has a bad effect. Iam on meds for blood pressure and I am happy how it has come down. But I do get a bit concerned the electronic ones read higher just my opinion.

That's a good explanation. Here is a little story. I went to the nurse back in May when I was sort of beginning my blood pressure meds any way she put me on an omron machine came out something like 164/104 any way she said that's high. I said well it is the morning. So she said breath for 10 count slow and relax. So about 20 seconds later I was tested on an old pump up machine and it came out at something like 147/94. Went home and used my electronic machine and got similar reading to 164/104. So now I use my machine to just see if it is coming down.

That's very interesting. I think you have given some hope. As you say it changes all the time. Depending what you are doing and feeling. I will not worry so much now. Thank you.

Yes after my walks and a jog mine goes down 117/78. However at least on stress test it went down from 160 to 157 top figure at maximum exercise. We will just keep going and taking a little interest but not to worry too much. Thanks

Carercmb profile image

I am exactly like you in readings.My readings are often 160 and later in the day 138 or lower.I am happy that the medication is working as I was 190 and above.I feel better in myself but I think that’s psychological because I now have help.

It is usual and normal for many to fluctuate during a day.

I hope you get some peace of mind as this effects blood pressure and your well being.

Good luck.

in reply to Carercmb

Yes it is quite concerning. But the meds do seem to be doing something. Trouble is my blood pressure has gone up over the last 10 years. Could be an age thing or having worked shifts and stress or my anxiety meds. I don't know but atleast it is being controlled. I hope it help my congenital heart disease. Keep well.

Carercmb profile image

Your right it could be an age thing.My meds are helping because 160 seems to be my new max where previously it was 190.I am due a referral in a few weeks time and will let you know what they say but for now I am reassured and feel so much better as I was apprehensive all day especially after taking my BP.

in reply to Carercmb

Yes the meds are helping me I use to be quite high especially the mornings. But I suppose the body has to get use to low blood pressure again.

Silvertail profile image

I would trust the old pump up BP monitors. I have had two or three Omron machines over the years and they all gave different readings even when I took my BP about 10 to 15 minutes apart. I even had to take a machine to the GP's surgery to see how they compared.

in reply to Silvertail

Well I bought electronic from amazon took it to doctors compared and we had a laugh and he said you put that in the bin

Silvertail profile image
Silvertail in reply to

I shouldn't laugh but it was funny, although I'm sorry you spent good money on it. This is why I never take my BP nowadays.

Blearyeyed profile image

Do you have your own home cuff and BP monitor?This is really useful to have , a good time to take it at home is first thing in the morning after giving yourself time to sit , legs up and wake up but before getting out of bed , or 15 minutes after sitting with your feet up and relaxing .

It's a good thing to take one morning and one evening.

You then have a more accurate picture of your blood pressure by taking a weekly average , including any readings you have done that week at the surgery or hospital into the calculation.

Having your own BP cuff and monitor us also useful if you have a sudden increase in symptoms or palpitations as you then take a reading in a sitting position to establish if your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure are raised or low. You keep this figures separate from working out your average BP/ HR when you are not having an event.

It is important to get the Heart Rate readings not just the Blood Pressure readings , professionals often forget this , but that is actually essential if you also suffer from periods of tachycardia or a tachycardia/ arrhythmia condition.

There is advice on which BP home monitor to buy on various Heart Charity websites , at various price levels.

Mine was a great investment , as it also allows me to show proof of an episode in photographed numbers with the date , and the number of significant episodes , to show the Specialist at an appointment when I could be otherwise Asymptomatic, or my figures could have been unusually high because if what they call Appointment Stress.

It has speeded up my diagnosis of heart related conditions and proved that I required medication not just Self Care techniques to help.

Appointment or Surgery Stress , can make the figures the surgery or hospital gets on the day very inaccurate , and is something that really needs addressing in the Health Service , as important decisions can be made based on those figures on the day and they can be as much as 25% higher or lower than your daily average ( depending on what type of heart or blood pressure condition you suffer from). There are studies on line that gave proved this.

It's especially bad , if the hospital appointments make you more nervous , or you have had a rush from the car park or over a distance from the waiting room to the examination room just before the BP/ Heart Rate is taken.

in reply to Blearyeyed

Yes I have my own. And iam very interested in what you have written. I just want to know what the medical people expect. I presume a low average?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

To be honest they often expect or appear to be quite happy with measurements much higher than we usually are. They were probably quite happy with your figures even with a diastolic reading over 100.They never take proper note of heart rate , which is what I have a bee in my bonnet about as my heart condition is one where the heart rate is more important than my blood pressure.

Presumably they also give you a mini ECG reading and do other checks when you have a hospital appointment as well , so the wave readings and gap between the upper and higher readings of the BP are often more interesting to them unless the BP is very high or very low.

128/80 is a great normal figure.

I believe they only start getting concerned with figures 175+ systolic and 100+ diastolic if you are also suffering from symptoms when you already have , or have had cardiac conditions.

in reply to Blearyeyed

Yes iam happy with my blood pressure figures now. But I do agree that it can make a difference of being on meds or not. But I don't think you are given time to relax at hospitals and surgeries to get a true reading. But I do prefer the old fashioned pump up units. Taken by a professional .I just use my home one as a guide. Is it excessively high or low.

Qualipop profile image

I use a home monitor with a cuff b ut mine's always much lower at home than at the GP Orhospital. White coat syndrome is very well known. Just Friday I had a new GP tell me to keep a check on my BP as it was a bit higher than he liked. I then said "White coat syndrome and he replied "Oh ok, forget what I said". BP can fluctuate a lot. Whatever method you use it's best to check it 3 times a day for a week,then work out the average.

I suppose it all about averages as long as your blood pressure doesn't go into the very high number for very long and it can come down to normal levels for periods of time then they are happy . I think they do get get concerned if it stays above 140/90 for long periods of time. Its just the way it seems.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Don't forget , it's whether you are happy that counts not just whether the professional is happy . The Professionals are with you for mere moments in a month , or even a year.

They are often much happier with high BP measurements than we are , or much lower ones , especially if we have no other symptoms on the day of an appointment.

It is you that sees how your blood pressure changes , and each patient is different , so many patients can get other symptoms at lower BP than others. And you need to observe your Heart Rate readings as well which can show heart related problems that are often missed by clinic checks when they regularly take no notes on HR.

If you aren't feeling right in yourself , or you get symptoms or spikes in a day you still need to check it out at an appointment, even if you might have seen a Consultant the day before. The average or normal BP figures are a good rule of thumb but they are only one small point in the bigger picture.

in reply to Blearyeyed

Yes I take your point. It is down to you as an individual to ensure you are OK.

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