Hi been on here before had a heart attack in December 23 things are going ok but I am starting to get swelling in my ankles and legs , coughing up phlegm in the mornings and sometimes waking up in the night short of breath. Is this a sign of heart failure and should I contact someone? Dont know if maybe I need change of meds?
Getting swelling of legs : Hi been on... - British Heart Fou...
Getting swelling of legs

Sorry to hear about your heart attack and how you are feeling now
With these symptoms I would get them checked out and make an appointment with your GP
It could be all that is needed is a change of meds but you need checking over to make sure
Let us know how you get on x
hi Juliestev
i have same issues after hole in heart closure . i have been told i now have heart failure and told to exercise as much as possible. you will have good and bad days too. some days my legs just dont go down at all.
Thanks I don’t know if I need putting on a water tablet or something. I was told I had damage after my heart attack and was also found I had heart disease. I’m 58 so I am worried about the future and still not back to how I was. I have a telephone appointment next week with cardiologist so I will mention these symptoms. Thanks for your reply.
Hello Julie, it's good that you are feeling fine after your HA but you really need to speak to your GP about your new symptoms.
Best wishes
It sounds very much like you've got fluid retention. You do need to speak to a Dr ASAP, especially if you're walking up in the night with breathing issues. I would suggest phoning nhs111 for advice, they will either arrange an out of hours dr's appt or suggest you go to A&E but please don't leave it too long as it can turn serious very quickly. My husband has HF & his nurse wouldn't be happy about those symptoms, one of the first thing she always asks is 'do you wake up in the night gasping for breath'
Good luck
PS: my husband was diagnosed with HF when he was 57, he'll be 69 next month. If you do have HF there's a lot of medication around these days that not only help relieve symptoms but also prolong life.
Thank you I won’t leave it I know something not right. They did originally have me as having heart failure but my ejection fraction went up from 40 to 50% after stent. I still have had problems though with chest pains and was put on angina tablets which have helped. It’s just this swelling in my legs, I had it before the HA just couldn’t work out why now I can. I have also just started cardiac rehab do you think that could be having an effect with the swelling as they seem worse?
It's difficult for me to comment on the rehab as I don't know your circumstances. But I know that exercise can help with fluid retention. Have you tried keeping your legs elevated, preferably above your heart to see if that helps? Without wanting to scare you as I really don't know your health issues, I can only tell you about my husband. He does have HF and when he's retaining fluid his legs and ankles swell up & he gets a phlegmy cough, his nurse immediately increases his diuretic tablet as the cough could be due to fluid on his lungs or around his heart.
With your symptoms I really do wish you would contact NHS111 for advice, I've always found them really helpful and they usually arrange for a clinician to call back.
Please let us know how you get on.
Thanks for the advice I will speak to someone just frightened of ending up in A&E again. The fluid seems to get worse throughout the day and I have a desk job which doesn’t help. I’ll let you know how I get on. Thank you for your concern x
I totally understand that. My husband spent most of last year attending A&E and a few prolonged hospital stays. It may well be a case of you have a bit of chest infection & the legs swelling due to sitting at your desk all, but if you find out then it'll save you worrying, perhaps unnecessarily, over the weekend.
Really important to get that checked out. It's the first question my GP and cardiologist ask when I have an appointment, that's obviously for a reason.
You really do need to talk to your G P. The shortness of breath could be caused by a build up of fluid.
with my heart failure ive been told to look out for these symptoms that you are describing so would defo let cardiologist know
Yes as others have said, these are warning signs for heart failure. But yes you are right that it literally could just need an adjustment to your meds to correct these symptoms.