Ablation 16/3, artery got damaged, 3 outpatient appointments, 2 failed attempts at thrombin infusion under ultrasound, emergency 3 day admission to hospital with emergency pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula repair (pretty major surgery involving patching the damaged artery with cow veins) . Most of the incision healed well (in crease of groin from under the hip bone to the pubic bone) apart from the inside end, repeated visits to GP nurse for monitoring and dressing changes. Got a funky blue/green discharge swabbed and results back as Pseudomonas, a hospital acquired super bug. Now on a super strength antibiotic which has a huge list of contra indications including heart rhythm abnormalities, heart weakness, being female and being on some of the drugs that I take. Thankfully just a 5 day course to survive!
I'm exhausted just writing all that. Not sure if there is anything else left to go wrong. Expecting this to put me back in AFib. I'll be amazed if it doesn't