Hi everyone thought I would just give an update. As you know I broke my wrist 2 weeks ago whilst in London they did manipulate it but it slipped so last Wednesday I was taken into hospital in Newcastle. it was meant to be a day case but ended up staying until Friday!!
Anyway just been to fracture clinic I have 3 pins in and a lot of pain but relieved it's over! (As an aside I had an extra trip to hospital ended up having a leg scan as it was sore and tight! no evidence of DVT!!!!) But apart from that.... Now just got to get back to exercise interestingly my average resting heart rate has gone from 53 to 58 so hope to reverse that soon. Thank you for all your messages of support - I no longer have the pain of bone rubbing on bone!!! And if it works please find picture of my new cast pink and sparkly! the only colour!!