Hi, well...I'm 36 male, light smoker, I don't drink anymore or very rarely few beers, weight and height is perfect, I do not exercise or move alot...mostly spend my time in bed on the mobile phone and have been for years, don't go out much either.
A week ago my heart started to hurt but nothing major, I would say pain is 3/10, not sure, its dull squeezing sort of pain, then a few days later mostly after eating a meal or happens randomly my feet suddenly go ice cold, then the palms on my hands too and start to sweat, cold shivers like I'm in Antarctica, and I breath cold fresh air, ears ringing, stomach butterflies and very very small migrane on the forehead but it is not painful, this symptoms now staet to daily appear and last for hours even the whole day....including the heart pain.
Two days ago I checked my bp, it was something like 145/93,l then later 150/144(yes 144 the second reading), it varies, heart is constantly in dull pain then it could jump to 118/85 in no time, but today again seems to be after eating and drinking hot herbal tea my stomach is making crazy noises only after some toast with jam the bp was 165/80, just now actually, left arm feels heavy for a few days now and I get tired easy.
I do not take any meds or do drugs, mum gave me something for anti high blood pressure and the reading after a few hours was 160/80, I feel like my left side of the face is little numb...like now, never had that, many butterflies in the stomach and wanting to pass stool.
My palms are sweating now and I feel heart pumping fast, left side of the face numb a little bit and heart burning, anxiety or what could it be, dont want to call 999.
Google does stroke/heart attack right away, but I do suffer from anxiety, and it could be gerd, I have and had stomach issues for years.
Anyone relates?