I have lived with palpitations off and on for decades never really thought much about them. Mentioned to nurse at a health check who did an ECG and found I had an LBBB. Had 7 day heart monitor not heard results yet and have had a scan 2 weeks ago still no results back yet.
For the last 20 years I have had what I call funny turns. They are very rare and when described them to GP they couldn't diagnose anything as not regular and too far apart. My question is has anyone else experienced these symptoms.
1. A general feeling of something not right ( I know bit vague that one)
2. Sudden sweating, really profuse especially from face.
3. Tingling in fingers
4. Dizziness if remaining upright
5. Accompanied by need to empty bowels
They last for around 10-15 minutes (feels like an hour) I go and sit on the loo with head down with a cold wet towel on my neck and to wipe my face. Nothing I else I can do until it passes. I thought it might be low blood sugar but not diabetic, blood pressure has always been fine.
Doesn't seem to be any trigger that I can put my finger on, they happen at different times of day. I hadn't had one for years then suddenly after eating lunch one day last week I had one. I am not expecting a diagnosis of course but if anyone has had this I would be interested to know if they have been diagnosed with a cause. Thanks in advance.