Ex bypass 4 years. I was surprised to find that after two cataract ops ( one in October and one in January ) I have felt for weeks quite drained of energy . Normally I’m not too bad energy wise but this really surprised me . Has anyone else faced the same ?
Tiredness after Cataract operation. - British Heart Fou...
Tiredness after Cataract operation.

hello Pollypuss
I had the two cataracts done. Isn’t it fantastic to have such clear and colourful vision. And yes I have a big drop in energy. But the ops were preceded by a stroke and succeed by open heart surgery so I can’t tell what tires me out !
I just assume I am old.
Some energy is coming back in the spring sunshine.
Best wishes
When I had mine done, I got back to the flat and slept for 15 hours. A community nurse said it depends on what painkillers they inject, having different effects. Sadly, Mine didn't work, and I am now back at the end of a new waiting list. I waited two years for the last operation. I am so glad the op worked for you, TTFN.
I’m so sorry for your situation. Have you tried going through the NHS privately ? I didn’t even know this was available until the optician I went through told me and it was quick. After the last op however I developed very dry eyes and although the optician said I didn’t have Blepharitis it was only when my eyes looked very red and I couldn’t watch tv or read and the family were very concerned that I went to my doctor and she confirmed I had Blepharitis and and eye infection . I had a reaction to all the drops and she took me off them and gave me a wonderful eye was and antibiotic and now I can see . The Nhs ops were free by the way. I hope you you get seen . Thanks for your info about the pain killers
could it be the drops? My husband had a cataract op two weeks ago and has been feeling awful ever since. He thinks he’s allergic to the steroid eye drop.
Yes thanks .Please see my previous reply to Inchcock . I had a reaction to all the drops and looked terrible. The optician didn’t know what was wrong . I was ok on the steroid eye drops but the ones I had to take for very dry eyes gave me a dreadful reaction . I have been tired after both ops much longer than people I know who have had the ops . It may be my age but I was ok before the ops
that could be what has left you feeling tired - when you body has to cope with infection and/or inlfamation it makes extra deamnds on your resources, although you may not be aware of it
in future make sure you do less and get extra rest when you get any infections etc - let your body do what it needs to repair and recover🙂🌺
I have had both eyes done, with do problem at all, I felt tired for a day, but the joy of knowing the walls were white and not yellow bouyed me up significanlty. Hope things resolve for you.
I know what you mean about whites being white again. And here I had been nagging my other half to get a lick of paint on the woodwork!🤣
Oddly though, my NHS monocular lens shows all bright and white, whilst when I had the other eye done privately, he put in a toric lens with a slight yellow tint for eye strain as I did a lot of computer work then. As I was born with strabismus (squint), I was not able to have the op to get binocular vision early enough. Kids had ether anaesthetic in the 1950s. So I switch eyes for different tasks and it's interesting to see how I see different shades of light colours because of the tinted IOL ! 😄
I found it less uncomfortable getting the cats done that having a filling from the dentist! 👍
I had no problems after my cataract operations, apart from hanging around all afternoon, only to be told that the surgical team had run out of operating time - I was fitted in a week later.( I wasn't sure about the inconsequential banter between the team members, nor the phone that rang constantly in a neighbouring room, irritating the surgeon.) I had dry eyes before the ops and for a while stepped up my night-time lubrication and daytime artificial tears.
BTW the hospital said I should wait a month before visiting an optician's for a new prescription, but when I did Specsavers would have preferred it to be several weeks longer.
Now I'm worried. I've been waiting 12 months already . I have a severe spinal problem that prevents me from lying on my back. If I do my whole body vibrates including my eyes.( My spinal cord gets touched by something) They decided I'd need sedation but that won't stop the vibration so now they're talking about a general anaesthetic and doing both eyes at once. I've had a heart attack and stents and am very breathless.
I have Angina, 78 yo, and had left eye done last Monday. Was very misty until this am when slightly misty. Have indeed been tired and so have had 2 hrs per day in bed listening/sleeping (unheard of) which relaxes me and may have contributed to settling the vision. Looking forward to clear vision, although am told may need laser. You just take it easy!