Went to the BHF store at Colton Leeds. When got there, there were 2 of the staff outside the store with their BHF tops on smoking. Not very appropriate really.
Smoking: Went to the BHF store at... - British Heart Fou...

That is, imo, extremely poor.
However, they’ll be volunteers and have to be handled with kid gloves. The small downside of volunteers is that they can pretty well walk out. The very big upside is that without volunteers charities can’t function. The store manager, strictly speaking, is at fault, but we don’t know the whole story.
I might be tempted to just say to them, in the friendliest possible way, “Wow, that’s not a good example.”
I agree with your general sentiment Henry.That said, in my opinion, it's just not on, no excuses. A manager needs to take the issue up with the persons involved, no pussyfooting around, volunteers or not. If they leave, so be it.
It certainly sends out the wrong message, and what about the visual message is sends to children, specifically.
I've never smoked, absolutely hate it.
Obviously I have a heart condition (inherited) being on the site, but such news is really discouraging.
What next ? AA welcomes new members with a "Happy Hour" Of course, I gest, but seriously, where's the respect gone ?
I agree with everything you say. I also especially hate smoking.
However, having been a charity finance director and a charity trustee for many years I’m aware that managing volunteers is like herding cats, so one has to cut the charity a bit of slack in a situation like this. It’s possible, for example, that the shop’s manager wasn’t working on that day - who knows?
If it’s habitual that’s a different matter. You might even find one of the two smokers is the shop manager 😱
Lots of things to consider, but one can’t argue that’s it’s not a very bad look for the BHF. It’s worth pointing out.
In the majority the members here would certainly ly wish to discourage such behaviour, but as with all things in life being proscriptive is not the solution. Everyone is entitled to make their own decisions, whether good or bad, and criticising the lifestyle choices of others should only be undertaken by those who have lived a 100% pure and blameless lifestyle all their lives whether that be the odd sweet, extra cream on pudding, a crafty drag on a fag or a sniff of the barmaid's apron.
Whilst not encouraging them I still believe in live and let live.
No, I disagree - its nothing as trival as having the "odd sweet" thats not going to kill anyone. Especially when such people have agreed to represent such an influential, national charitable organisation, such as the BHF.It's basic common sense and knowledge that smoking causes heart disease, along with other life-limiting conditions.
I'm sure Volunteers have some kind of induction when they join up. There is no acceptable excuse.
I have worked in a charity shop and there was no induction whatsoever. I was asked what role I wanted to focus on and when could I start.
Not good enough. Hope they showed you where the fire exit door was !
Nope...I just assumed the fire exit was the shop entrance door. There were at most, 3 staff members there at any one time so I don't think that would have been an issue
Why am I not surprised?
what is that supposed to mean Henry?

That I’m not surprised there was no induction.
Have you also noticed outside hospital grounds the number of NHS staff smoking? It is an adiction that can be so hard to break.
I don't condone this, but don't condemn it either! Having been an avid smoker (Until I had my Heart Attack) I know just how hard it is to give up (Yet it was surprisingly easy after having it! ) I used to give up every single night, and start again every single morning, and I know that had I not had a HA, I would still be smoking to this day! Like someone else said, they are volunteers so lets cut them a bit of slack. They probably just need pointing to a more discreet location for a puff. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I wish wish with all my heart (Excuse the pun) That I had never started, but too late, too late will be the cry!
As an ex smoker i find this quite funny. Yes it does not look the best, but come on them smoking is their choice. Its not going to kill you, they may well want to give up badly but find it hard. If you have never smoked you have no idea how hard it is, and they have just as much right as you or anyone else to make their choices. God knows like me they pay through the nose for the choice, which goes towards the NHS. As long as they useful to the NHS and us leave them alone and walk on by.
Do people not realise that if volunteers feel unable to forego smoking and stop volunteering then those shops without enough volunteers will either have to close, thus reducing funds for the BHF to use for research, or pay workers, also reducing funds the BHF to use for research. The people that will suffer are those with heart problems which may not be caused by smoking.