Hi Everybody, I'm Seriously ill, I got severe heart pain like bomb, beating irrational, severe neck pain, mucus come from throat, dementia. The most horrifick head and ear aches. Can't breathe, can't think proper. And. Dr say he give me something next time , I hope he does. As he thinks it my Thyroid. But I've always been take Mt Thyroxine. I think for years I been underdosed . Anyway . He say my bp low. But this past year , when I feel better andhad blood pressure done. In chemists, hospitals , my bp was. Mostly high , or some normal. So how can I trust Dr to give me something meds. Now as it Emmergency . If he not believe my bp, is not low. I feel I will die in hell. I've also been neglected gor years by doctors n hospitals , where they not help and deny heart problem. And now it's got to ...........I'm even worried soon, as I have no choice to get meds of Dr, and. More worried he won't gove to me. Anyway , does it sound like bracchicardia or heart failure . 😪😪
Scared , alone, Dr said Bracchicardia... - British Heart Fou...
Scared , alone, Dr said Bracchicardia, but I feel it more like heart failure .

it’s difficult for anyone to say what is going on, only a doctor can.
You’ve said you may be under dosed for your thyroid issue? One thing might be to sort that out first - could you ask doctor to test I.e. blood test and that might answer question of whether on right dose.? You said your doctor thinks it’s thyroid so he may be willing to do test.
Then once thyroid sorted if you still have heart related issues then the doctor may be able to better focus on this as thyroid issue has been ruled out / sorted (if it can be).
Another practical thing you could do in meantime is get a bp monitor for taking readings at home, this site has good advice on how to take your bp. Then keep a record for maybe a couple of weeks.and you can take to your doctor to discuss.
It’s important to monitor over a period so you can see a pattern but try not to get anxious about the readings - record and then go back to doctor.
But if you feel something is wrong / worse obviously seek emergency help.
Hope helps.
Do you have bradycardia, which is a slower than usual heartbeat? That can make you feel very tired and sometimes dizzy. When my thyroid levels were low, I felt terrible. Since I've been on levothyroxine I feel much better. I don't have any side effects from it.
You need to get your doctor to explain it all to you. Sometimes when we know just what is wrong with us it makes us feel better. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️
I have thyroid problems and medication. A simple blood test will confirm if you have thyroid issues. High anxiety can also affect how your body reacts. Take your blood pressure at the same time each day and make a note of it. You need to sit quietly for about 5 minutes before taking it. Then go back to GP with a relative or friend who is aware of your problems as it's very useful to have someone with you to help explain your worries to the GP. Good luck.
Hello Benjijen, Thankyou forur Reply. Interesting u say that . As I have an underative Thyroid also. Dr Said I have Braccicardia from Thyroid. But I don't know what to think as ao much going on .Also have Severe Acid Reflux, which can affect ur heart . Sometimes, I think I've been inderdosed with Levothyroxine. But just Speculation there. For Past year , I been take my bp at home . But my results were very high , and doctors results normal or low. I don't know what yo think there . Anyway I took my bp machine in and did it in front of Doctor , and he say I'm do it wrong . And show me how. But I got very forgetful mind and. Forget already. Yes thanks. I have thought of bringing someone in Surgery with me. 🙂