I am due to go in for a CABG x4. Last Tuesday I was in for the pre op and met the anesthetist etc, and on Thursday had my ultrasound x 2, and an echocardiogram, does anybody know the average waiting time after all that’s been done
bypass : I am due to go in for a CABG x... - British Heart Fou...

Went for pre opp on Wednesday 11th jan, I was told that it could be up to a 3 month wait, was given some gel to use for showering etc which I had to use three or five days prior to opp once I was given date then sent home.
On Friday 12th January had a call saying that I would be having opp on Wednesday 17th January!
You never know your luck! I had CABG x 2 by the way
Thanks for that Richard, hopefully I will be in just as quick, any tips for post op
We’ll just take your time during recovery, don’t rush it, make sure you do all your exercises and breathing exercises as well (the breathing exercises are very important).
Loads of pillows and a V pillow is very useful (I love my V pillow even now).
I find it’s mentally challenging even today, however everything will be fine good luck
Got my v pillow yesterday
I use to use the v pillow in conjunction with a couple of other pillows strategically placed for support
make sure you have got somebody to help you with the compression socks you have to wear for six weeks, they are a nightmare to start with , trying to get them on after you’ve showered is a challenge, my mrs hated getting them on but it was a laugh in the end😂
I’m sure you’ll get loads of advise on here but I’m always here for support if you need any
other than what’s already been said. The wait times vary region to region but I’m given to understand that your pre-op is only valid for three months so they presumably will get you in within that time.
I wish you all the best my friend and tell them you’ll need looking after for a few weeks
I also had a four way bypass but I was an inpatient. If they offer you that option do take it.
As you have lots of tests and constant checking once you are in hospital I didn't find that a problem, apart from the dreadful food. What I found much more difficult was when I came out. You will likely try to do too much, will need different places to snooze and rest during the day-a chair that suits in the morning might be uncomfortable in the afternoon, don't lift anything too heavy, have your entertainment close at hand. Have paracetamol close at hand.
Your sleep patterns will likely change and you may be up several times in the night for hours on end. If you can, I found it easiest to sleep by myself so i could change my position, have the radio on if I wanted and just walk around etc.
Depending on your age and pre existing fitness it may be several weeks before you notice a constant improvement. I found it useful to keep a diary to monitor the progression that means 2 steps forward and 1 back as you try to do too much and pay for it the next day.
You will likely find yourself emotional and anxious at first. I took the max paracetamol allowed for 6 weeks or so then all of a sudden didn't need it.
Also at 6 weeks or so the idea of driving was laughable but by 8 weeks I was quite looking forward to it. I wore a padded gilet in the car as passenger then driver as that reduced the impact of the seat belt. Try to get out for little expeditions=-a coffee shop 5 minutes away is ideal as a target then one 10 minutes away etc.
Good luck
I don't think there is an average, depends on where you live and how many emergency cases they have come in.
I was taken in to hospital for a quad as my arteries were so bad it was to dangerous for me to be at home. Even then it took three weeks to get the operation as they kept having emergency cases arrive
Worth waiting for though as a great result 😁
My op was a triple when aged 31 I am now 77, compression socks never heard of their use in 1977 when I had my op at St George’s Hyde Park Corner London.Was promised an after care period at Frimley that never materialised got sent home about 12 days after.
Not sure how long I had to wait for the op but it is scary finding out you have a problem and as early as I did.However I was a superbly fit individual so after getting out, taking those first intrepid steps outside without mobile phones to call for help if needed am still here.
I am now a Guinness World Record Holder being the longest surviving triple heart bypass patient (male) I don’t think any female exceeds that time.My details are on the internet in many places now. I have got back to a fitness I never thought would be possible after the op so with all the advances with heart care you are well cared for.
I hope all goes well in your op look me up on internet, Guinness World Record Website and UTube.Put in Colin Hancock Longest Surviving I hope it shows what is possible under your worrying circumstances.
One last thing I went in for my op in July and after having my pre op injection had my op cancelled, my late brother picked me up,I was so confused I thought I’d had my op but no.Reason op cancelled my rare blood B Rhesus Negative was used for a poor lady in a road accident in Scotland. So that July visit gave me more confidence seeing how efficient the process was when I returned in August.
I was very lucky, i had my pre-op and was in hospital a week later. That was a year ago. So i had mine done pretty quick.
Hi,I thinkmit may just be down to surgeons lists and bed availability. Also if there is a bed and nurse available in icu!! When I had my op in January I was lucky in that I was kept in hospital for 15 days. I was classed as an inpatient. I still had to wait for a slot on the surgeons list and a bed and nurse in icu. As ot is a o e to one in icu, there mat be a bed but staff shortage, so not enough nurses!! It's all a bit if a juggling act. Jave you asked how long you may have to wait?? or how long their waiting list is? I think it also depends in the severity of your situation as to how quickly you get your operation. I hope you don't have to wait too long. Good luck for the op !! You will be absolutely fine.
I had CABG x 3 in May went for pre-op and was given a date at the same time for a weeek later. It depends on how urgent it is. I was about 4 weeks from diagnosis to surgery as it was considered very urgent. Good luck.
Hi think it depends on the area and severity of your disease .. in our area it was a 3 month wait in 2019 when I had my bypass but I was kept in after angiogram because I was high risk .. Hope it all goes well for you and yes the tights are a right pain ☺️😉
wee update, got a phone call 2 hours ago from the hospital, going in tonight, operated on tomorrow afternoon
Good luck you’ll be back on home before you know it, keep us updated
Hi Richard, been through the op last Thursday, sitting here waiting to go home this Thursday
Hope everything gone to plan and your through the other side now which is great
The recovery can seem slow but I found the best way is to look at improvements on a weekly basis rather than daily because sometimes you feel better one day only to find you feel a bit rubbish the next.
Also beware of the emotional side to this, not sure if your aware but the emotional side can be tough as well, I remember bursting into tears watching the TV after being home for about an hour but apparently this is nothing unusual. I still struggle a bit with emotions and so does my wife especially when the new BHF advert comes on the TV.
Can't comment on waiting time in UK, I had my triple Bypass done in Mallorca aged 61. Recovery, as others have said, do the breathing exercises, walk plenty and you'll be fine.
First big landmark for me was sneezing and realising, " Hey, that didn't hurt!"
A couple of months after the Op I felt OK, then suddenly, around 5 months later I felt GREAT!
Now 3 years later I feel good and no-one would ever think I'd had a major heart issue.
any update on progress
Hi Richard, slow and painful for the first 3/4 weeks then decided am not gonna get any better sitting in the house, so back at the gym, started slowly but up to 5 miles a day between walking and jogging on the treadmill, eating a lot healthier ( still have my moments though 😂 ), my only concern is that I had a face to face appointment with my consultant for 15th February but been cancelled to a phone consultation instead, start cardiology physio on 1st February, so hopefully they can lead me in right direction regarding upper body strengthening, but feeling good apart from the pins n needles that feels like bee stings in the chest area and in my legs where the veins were harvested
How are you, and how’s your progress getting on
that’s good to hear, sounds like everything is going well for you. I had a face to face but to be honest it was something of nothing, as long as your feeling good and recovering then they will be happy. I found the cardio physio a bit slow but to be honest it was worth going just to get out of the house and talk to some different people. The chest area can be really annoying but it does get better it just takes a long time, it took me about 3 to 6 months before I stopped scratching and messing with it😂
It as a year last week that I had my bypass and I would say that I’ve probably fully recovered and I feel better for it. However I now have to get a lot more exercise done to get rid of the Xmas chocolate etc😂
That’s good to hear, did you request or get any sort of X-ray or echocardiogram since your bypass to make sure and for piece of mind that everything is still ok around your heart
I didn’t request anything, however because I drive an HGV for a living I had to have a scan and do treadmill test for them to be sure I was ok to drive a truck and everything was fine.
I always wondered if they done tests afterwards but my GP said they would have checked everything whilst you were on the operating table?
I think a lot depends on where you live TBH as it does vary from region to region.
Not quite the same but I am (hopefully) going to have my gall bladder removed on 5th Feb and had my pre op last September and on the paperwork the results of the pre op are good until March when I guess I would have to do it all again!