hi just been told I’m looking at having a triple bypass due to having Angina for 7 years,I’ve also got to got for an Echo which I know nothing about …to say I’m slightly worried is an understatement…any advise help or info from anyone would be appreciated
bypass: hi just been told I’m looking... - British Heart Fou...

The echo will show the cardio/surgeons images of your heart. It is quite painless although occasionally they may have to press hard against your rib cage as they move the small equip. around to get their images.This can be slightly unconfortable.
Hi, one year ago today I had triple bypass. A huge shock at the time as I had no risk factors. Today I am celebrating my re- birthday as the heart disease was a creeping development over years and I didn't realize how debilitated I had become. If your angina is managed and you take the medication prescribed you'll be fine whilst waiting for the op.... Then you'll wish you'd had it sooner. The echo will check the structure of your heart and how efficiently it is working - very straightforward non invasive ultrasound test.
Thanks you,had my angiogram expecting a stent only to be told about the bypass then it just feels like I’m left with no info got to wait till July for my consultation,I’ve had a few sleepless nights with the worry.Thanks again for your reply
Hi , my experience was the same. Went in to have stent fitted to be told I was 100% blocked on LAD and they couldn't get stent in and I would be better served by a bypass on 3 arteries. The shock was unreal, from not believing anything was wrong to needing major surgery. The wait was horrible - but take each day, listen to your body and if you don't feel well don't hesitate to go to a and E. I made several trips to A and E and was never made to feel I was wasting anyone's time. I had the surgery on 13th Feb 2023- and that was very straightforward and much less stressful than the wait. Support was amazing throughout and now feel 10 years younger- have just returned from a ski holiday - something I never thought I would do again!
Dear Mintiharry
If your treatment becomes urgent, then the cardiac people will shift very fast. I trundled along for about four years, but then one set of tests showed urgent need and the consultant rang me on a Sunday, from her private phone to me.
Whilst they are waiting until July you will be ok.
Cardiac treatment is the cream of the NHS. You will be delighted by the skill of the surgeons and the care of the staff.
I have fond memories of my op. And the delightful staff.
So perhaps you can put off panic until, at least, July.
Best wishes
I’m going to try best I can,just these few reply’s off you guys has eased my worries slightly I honestly mean that ….hopefully some time in the future I can also give so friendly advice cheers guys
I am in the same position as you went for angiogram thinking i was wasting their time at most a stent to find that i need a triple bypass a little bit of a shock to say the least. I had a echo last week which was very easy similar to a baby scan so very safe the gel they use is a little cold just to warn you lol . I've been told it may be 6 months for the op so maybe July
I had 3 heart attacks sent home after each one with meds been told I would be ok till they did an angiogram and then told I needed a triple Bypass
Heart attacks and my Dad having a quadruple Bypass in his 50's I was in shock but I think deep down I knew what they were going to say
I am a very anxious person but when I thought about it I thought I have no option if I need this somehow I am going to have to do it
I came on here and got such kindness , encouragement and support it helped me so much and you are not alone and through each step I know members will give you the same
The waiting I think is always the worst but for someone as anxious as me once you are in there and you have it done it is nothing like you have built up in your mind and if I can do it I know anyone can
Anything you want to know just come and ask and we will do our best to answer you as well as any fears or if you feel you are not coping while you are waiting we will relate to you
Give yourself time to let this sink in but once you have see it as a new start having this done and not the end but the beginning
Let us know how you get on x
Hello, Mintilharry. I took myself in to A & E, on the 7th of March, 2023, having had worsening chest pain, for the first time ever from about 3 before that date. The A&E diagnosed Unstable Angina, which was causing the chest pains. The Blood Test Xray, and the Echocardiogram did not show abnormalities of the heart, though the ECG was not normal, and had not been normal for several years. When I had the Angiogram don on the 21st of March, that showed that I had 3 Coronary Arteries that were "significantly narrowed. Because there was some much narrowings, and due to one long length too many stents would be needed, so instead I had a Triple CAGB (Coronary Heart Bypass Graft) op on the 4th of April, 2023. I was very surprised at the result of the Angiogram, but that was not totally unexpected, due to my family history.
Believe me the waiting is the hardest part! It was an emotional rollercoaster, and my anxiety levels went through the roof. I found breathing exercises did help though.
I was diagnosed with angina in 2017, and no major problems until 29/12/23 when I had an n-stemi heart attack. I had an angiogram, which showed 90% LAD narrowing and 80% in another artery. I remained in hospital until having my double bypass just over 2 weeks ago ( 29/1/24). The care at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital was excellent.
I was discharged home after 5 days. I'm weak, a bit sore but my god it's good to be home making a slow but steady recovery!
The echo by the way is painless, just a scan to check the condition of your heart.
Wishing you all the best, please keep us posted .
It's life changing for the better. Recovery is surprisingly quick.If you need it then don't worry about it, it has to happen so not worth getting stressed over.
Don't read all of the literature or the internet you know what that is like for the doom and gloom merchants.
thanks it’s amazing after posting my message how many people have replied just to here about all of your journeys has ease mind mind a bit ….it’s definitely good to talk
Hi try not to worry easier said than done I know. I had a triple bypass November 22 and feel so much better than I did prior surgery. Few issues along the way but don’t think all related to my surgery. Good luck hope all goes well 😊
Understand your fears.
Don't worry an Echo cardiograph is painless.
I recently had an angiogram which was fine too. The preamble to it was a lot worse than the actual procedure.
I am awaiting an aortic valve replacement next month and it's the anxiety of waiting that gets to you.
Lots of people on this forum,or others, to give you reassurance .
Wishing you well with your next procedure.
👋 Mintiharry, I found myself in your situation February 2022 following my Angiogram. I'd been diagnosed with exercises Angina. Breathlessness/weird feeling in my left-hand. Day before my Angiogram I was playing social tennis 🎾 doubles.
Bit of a 😲 shock when the cardiologist came over to my bed and confirmed I needed a Bypass. Had my Bypass September 2022 (short notice took advantage of a cancellation).
I had no idea this forum existed prior to my operation I wish I had and I'm glad you've found it. When it does come to the time for your operation you'll be able to access so much support and advice which I found really lifesaving following my operation.
Well here I am off to play tennis 🎾 feeling as good as ever and if my experience is anything to go by you'll feel like a new person after your operation.
Best wishes, Denis

Thank you really pleased you’re feeling great in the space of 24 hours this group has really helped ..I’m hoping some time soon to be in the position to help others
Welcome to the club ...
I had my angiogram last October and was expecting a stent or two, only to be told I need a quintuple bypass (5 x bypass).
Saw the surgeon mid November, had a pre op assessment mid December, and now the looooong wait in the queue. I have to check in with the hospital online each week so they know I'm still alive and waiting 😀