Hi all I’m knew here I’m waiting for a heart bypass and a valve replacement. I’m very overweight and trying to lose weight before op. I’ve had my anaesthetic pre op and he said that due to my size my recovery will be harder and I need to get my lungs as healthy as possible and I will probably be in Intensive care for around 5/6 days.I’m very scared but I have to have the op hoping for any advice please it will be much appreciated thank you Sharon.
Heart Bypass : Hi all I’m knew here I’m... - British Heart Fou...
Heart Bypass

I managed to lose two stone by cutting out anything beige. Pies, potatoes chips, bread, biscuits etc and upping the protein and veg
hello I’ve heard / been told that weight can complicate things and slows down recovery. That’s the simple fact of it and yes understandably your scared,
How long have you got till your operation? Do you know how much you need to lose? Have they offered any support and help with losing weight? Maybe GP can help?
sorry lots of questions but some things to consider to help you plan how to lose the weight and how much. It has to realistic and achievable. You should definitely have support as I know it won’t be easy especially if exercise is limited.
I happened to find this the other day if helpful - it’s not diet or exercise just some new habits
They seem common sense more than anything.
I can’t exercise but need to lose weight in general. Unless I get go ahead for an operation in which case I too need to lose weight for the above reasons.
Wish you the very best with your journey and operation.

Hi thank you for your advice I’m not sure of op date but within 3 months. I’m going to be joining a weight support group it’s so hard to change lifestyle but I know I have to do it the healthier I am the better chance of recovery. I will also look at the link once again thank you.
hope it all helps ❤️ remember be kind to yourself.
Do you know in advance the extent of your bypasses? 1? 4? That will have a big impact on your recovery. You need to prepare for when you come out of hospital . Do you have someone who will be there to look after you? To the 'beige' list above you can add in Chocolate.
Hi no I’m not sure I could look at letters to try and find out and I live with my husband and grown up son. I also have my mum and grown up daughter who will be around when they can.
It would be useful for you to know the extent of your surgery. I was floored for 4 weeks or so following my quad bypass. At 70 I suspect I may be older than you but I was quite fit and not especially overweight.
Provided you have not been warned off exercise I suggest that upping your walking as well as losing weight will stand you in good stead. I use hiking poles which enable me to keep up a good pace.
You do however need to prepare for your return home after the op. In particular it is useful to have access to a range of seating-what may be comfortable in the morning may not be so in the afternoon. Also you are likely to be very restless at night and your sleeping pattern disturbed. If possible you may find it useful to sleep alone for a week or more so you can turn on the radio, move around, read etc.
I dropped 30 lbs before my surgery and came through with flying colours. I was walking the hospital track within 24 hours. I did the entire track 3 times and could have gone a few more. With the weight off, it’s amazing how your innate God given immune sysysays thank you, now we can focus on healing! Get the weight off and you’ll be feeling 20 again! Good luck. 🙏🏻❤️👌👍
I found getting smaller plates and watching my portions I was eating helped to lose a little weight
I have read you might have your op within 3 months there is time to lose some and no matter how much you manage to lose it will still be a loss
Try not to snack , if you can take some gentle walks , watch what you eat and how much and I wish you all the luck in losing some weight as well as wishing you well when you have your op and hope you will keep us updated on your weight loss as will as how your op goes
You can do this x

Hi thank you for your reply yes I love my food n portion is an issue so I will definitely remember that. I am trying to get my lungs healthier and I will let you know when I get a date.
Maybe go on You Tube or look on Google and practice some breathing exercises to I would imagine that will help a little bit to
Good Luck x
Bless you. Do you have a local Slimming World group that you could join? They are so supportive and I'm sure that you'd get great results in the time leading up to your surgery.I lost nearly 4st in just over 6 months several years ago by following SW.
Good luck, and if you want any support around the surgery have a look at joining UK Aortic and Heart Defects Facebook group. They helped me pre and post surgery
Hi Joanne I lost 4 stone before I knew about how bad my heart was but I’ve put 2 back on but I know I need to get it back off. I will have a look at that group thank you and we’ll done on your weight loss.
Good morning. One of the best things I did was the breathing and chest exercises.....before and after. I'm sure even if you managed to lose some weight it will be beneficial and being as fit as you are able will aid recovery. Apart from the above....really important to stay positive and be determined. You have to put yr faith in the experts. Good luck with everything and I hope your wait for your op isn't too long. X
Hi yes I’m going to look into the breathing exercises also I’ve been told green tea can help.I’m such a stress head and suffer with anxiety so definitely need all the help I can get n thank you for your help.
I know it's not easy but try not to get stressed. When you have yr op the staff are excellent.....you go under the anaesthetic and know nothing about it and feel like it's a click of the fingers before you wake up. Any pain is very well managed and you are in expert hands. .....but you have to help yourself and doing all the exercises etc will be very beneficial. I wish you all the best with everything and people on this forum are great at chatting you through it all and making you feel at ease. This is all the people who have been through it....and survived....so you will get some great advice and encouragement. X
Hi I’ve ordered a spiro meter as some have suggested it can help. I found out yesterday I’ve got pre op 20th April I will have my list ready lol. I’m so glad I found this site you and others have been so helpful x
I think you've just got to bite the bullet and say from today you're going to eat well. Make yourself big bowls of salads, they can be SO tasty. Chop up cubes of basics like tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce in large amounts for the base and add toppings of different ingredients like cubes of beetroot, a little feta, pine nuts, avocado, a small amount of butternut squash or sweet potato, pomegranate seeds, almonds, salad beans, boiled egg, celery, olives, onion, tuna, fennel, seeds, mackerel etc. (Not all at once but try different flavours together amd a little if these ingredients goes a long way so it should cost too much). I also find adding coriander, mint or parsley to a salad adds great flavours and makes it much more appealing. You wont need dressings or sauces which usual add fat and calories. I guess what I'm trying to say is eat fresh healthy food, you can have big bowls if you've got a big appetite but it's all relatively low calorie compared to beige food and you will be nourishing your body with all the vitamins you need. They say try and have 30 different plants a week. Try and cut down on carbs like bread etc (maybe only with one meal?) and limit eating cake, biscuits, choc etc to as little as you feel possible or even better cut out completely. You will lose weight quite quickly.
Try a little walk every day if possible with your condition. The worse thing you can do now is sit worrying and eating for comfort. I know it's hard, believe me (been there, done that, got the t-shirt) You really CAN DO THIS! Just imagine how proud you would feel if you managed to lose a stone or even more before your surgery? I don't know how much you have to lose but any weight loss is going to make a huge difference. Try and see this as the start of the rest of your life. Envisage how you want to feel and want to look and stick with that mindset.
Good luck, sorry if I've spouted out the obvious. Just wanted you to know YOU CAN DO IT!
Susie xx
Hi Susie thank you for your advice unfortunately there are lots of foods I don’t like but I’m also good at avoiding chocolates biscuits etc. My down fall is basic foods bread potatoes but I’m definitely going to change to whole meal bread.You are right about the sitting and thinking I have started to try and walk a bit more before this I only moved around the house and shopping occasional days out in summer with family oh n my holidays to Newquay Cornwall to visit my sister and her family. You have not spouted on I need all the advice I can get once again thank you
Sharon x
There's a saying "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got" I think this is very true. I think you need to start introducing healthier foods you don't particularly like into your diet a little at time. Try to include foods you don't like with foods you do and gradually change the balance of more healthy to less healthy foods. Your taste buds will change over time and you will start craving healthier foods. Changing to wholemeal bread is great because its healthier but in most cases it has more calories so will not help with weight loss.
Are you diabetic? If you're overweight and eating lots of carbs the chances are it will develop at some point in your life. Diabetes is a horrible disease (believe me I know). Bread, potatoes etc are high in calories and will mess with your blood glucose levels. This in turn causes problems with your arteries and veins as well as many other things. This may sound harsh but if you want to live a long and happy life you need to take control now.
You sound like you are a very giving and loving person. Your family and friends are lucky to have you. But you need to value yourself not just others, be kind to yourself, look after yourself, you deserve to be fit and happy. God bless you xx
Hi Sharon, and welcome to the group.
Unfortunately I can’t relate to your weight situation because, as my Auntie used to say I’m one of pharaohs lean kind. But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand.
I had a triple, June 22, and because I was fairly fit (walk every day, we have a dog), my recovery was rapid.
Exercise plays a huge part in getting your weight down, not just diet. Do you have someone to accompany you on walks. Not only for encouragement, but safety, remember you are a heart patient.
Positive feedback will help, do you have a smart watch that measures your steps? They can be bought quite cheaply if you browse the net. My wife’s last one cost her£25, not top of the range but does the job.
Breathing exercise's will help before and after your op. When your chest is opened, your lungs start to collapse and you need to re inflate them post op. I was given an Incentive Spirometer, that you inhale through, and measures you ability to take long slow breaths. Her majesty, (my wife), ridiculed my attempts, so I suggested she try. She couldn’t manage as much as me, and hadn’t had surgery.
If you want any support, there are many on here who are only too willing to help, just PM us.
You are the captain of your vessel, keep telling yourself you can do it.
Regards Andy
Hi Andy thank you for your advice I am managing to try and move about more and I haven’t been out on my own for years I also have other health issues. I’m so pleased your op went ok for you I just pray mine will I’m not a selfish person I’ve always put others first and now I’m trying to sort my family out incase the worst happens. I’m definitely looking into the breathing exercises and I’m going to try and buy a spirometer. I also didn’t know about the chest/ lungs bit re collapsing I will also get my husband to have a try lol. Once again thank you I really appreciate it
Sharon x
just to endorse some of your replies. A basic smart watch shows a comparison of daily activity - accuracy not as important as consistency - whatever level you are at !
Filling up on a coleslaw with minimal dressing provides bulk and as others have mentioned can be made more interesting with added ingredients - Also drinking water pre meals. Regard everyday food as fuel not a tasty reward.
Till your target is achieved
Best wishes
Hi Shanty 123. Weight is a very complicated issue. Habits related to mood affect weight. If you can try not to eat at night but after your op you will have more motivation as your condition and weight will affect energy levels. Be kind to yourself.
Using a smaller plate helps with weight loss as your brain thinks it's still a full plate - ie using a 10 inch as opposed to a 12 inch. Also I often do a 5:2 day where on the diet day I only have 4 large mugs of milky coffee, taken at the table as if it's a meal. There are also some home exercises on the BHF Youtube page youtube.com/watch?v=NWRl2D_... Good luck
Hi Shanty 123I had a double heart bypass on 18th January this year. There was no mention about my weight, nor was I advised to lose any before my op? I AM overweight, and fully expected to be told to be told to lose weight first!? Maybe it depends where you live and what hospital you are in? OR what your weight is? I had all the pre op tests, bloods , scans, ecg , and lung capacity test too. I was told I was fit enough to have the op!? Do you mind me asking where you live and what hospital you are in? Is it uk?
I was told very kindly by my surgeon that I was " a wee bit overweight"!! Then he pointed to his tummy , and said " just like me"
Please dint worry too much , you will get this op
Hi I’m 19 stone (bows head in shame) and at all my appointments they mention my weight they have said they understand how hard it is especially as I’ve recently stopped smoking.I’m in uk Wythenshawe hospital. I had a call today my pre op is the 20th of April. Thank you for your help it’s really appreciated and I’m happy that all was ok for you.
Hi. I hope your op does the trick for you. I had HA 2019 followed by a stent to the culprit artery. Then in 2021 I had a triple bypass following recurrence of some symptoms before the HA, so I have been down this road.
How bad are your symptoms? I think this is the key. Because if you can tell yourself that this op is going to transform your life into a much better experience than it has been for a long time, you can get into a really positive mindset about the situation.
I was in hospital for a month waiting for the surgery. They were afraid to discharge me to wait at home because of the degree of disease in the arteries. I knew I had to have it done, so from then on I was reconciled to the process. I just put myself in their hands and became totally relaxed about it. Slept like a log every night, even the night before. Wasn't worried in the slightest. What will be, will be. I do recommend trying to take this attitude because obsessing about it isn't good for you, and worse, it changes nothing.
As for weight, I've been there too. I was always a fat kid. Wouldn't listen to anyone telling me it was bad for me. Eventually lost it in my mid teens when I discovered girls. Reduced from 16 stones to 11 in about 8 months. As I aged, I put some back on until in my 50s I was back to well over 14 stones. I started getting fatigue and one or two other symptoms that I now believe were early signs of the coronary problems. Again, I just took the weight off, and was back down to 12 stones a couple of years before the HA. Maybe taking that extra strain away from the heart was the difference between surviving the HA and not.
So again, I think it's all an attitude of mind. What is more important to you? That big plate of pie and chips, or a longer, healthier, happier and more fulfilling life? And I find that once I start losing weight and upping my exercise, I can actually feel it doing me good. I'm mentally tuned in to the process, so I want to do more and feel even better. I stop craving things that are bad for me. I always think that if I can do this then so can anyone else.
Almost two years on from the bypass, I'm back to my long walks and I play 2 hours of badminton to a decent level twice a week. I hope all goes well for you. Between the skills of the surgical team and your own efforts you can make a big success of this challenge. It's your life. Nobody has a bigger stake in this than you do, so find the determination to seize the moment and emerge the other side leaner, fitter and ready for anything. Good luck!
Hi thank you for your reply my symptoms are now under control due to medication but my life expectancy isn’t long without the op. I lost nearly 4 stone last year but before I knew I needed surgery I put nearly 2 back on so need to get it off again you are so right re the pie and chips or a longer life.I’m happy that all went well for you and I got my pre op date today it’s 20th of April so op shouldn’t be much longer after that.
After my heart attack I change d my diet as advised and lost 2 stone without even trying. No pies or fries, no ready meals or take aways, no fish and chips. More veg, cook from scratch. No crisps or alcohol. It was actually very easy.,. I wasn't aiming to lose weight and didn't even realise until I got out my summer skirts and they all fell off.
Hi there,
Lots of good advice but one thing missing, bbc.co.uk/news/health-64874243
Semaglutide has now been approved on the NHS so hopefully your GP will prescribe it for you, if not I believe you can buy it over the counter at Boots etc. It is expensive privately £75/month I believe.
It works as an appetite suppressant, I was given Dulaglutide (same family of drugs) as I was pre-diabetic T2. I lost over a stone without knowing or trying. The pen injection is also very easy if you are scared of needles.
Hi thank you for your response I got offered this about 2 years ago but refused it due to the needles didn’t know about the pen ones. It’s just been on the news.
With the pen you don't even see the needle, twist the top to unlock, pull off a plastic cover at the bottom, press the base against your stomach or thigh and press the button.
The needle springs out, injects the drug then recoils back inside, it really does take seconds. So much better than blood tests or canular insertions!
Age 31 I had a triple bypass now 77 do lots of things I thought would not be possible or still even be alive. I had 1 pre op before being told it was cancelled because I have a rare blood group
B Rhesus Negative and my blood was used for a lady in a road accident. Had my op a month later, scary for a 31 year old and an op in its infancy. Weight not a problem but I am sure if you concentrate your efforts and ask doctors and nurses you will get some positive advice.