Hi how is everybody.I know that it's been very hot today and I have been on my feet literally all day? But I have noticed I have one swollen leg it feels tight and numb, I'm sitting down with my legs elevated now do you think it's exhaustion and heat or I should go to the doctors?? It's probably just me worrying over nothing but my leg is has never been swollen and numb before??? 🤔😕
Swollen leg : Hi how is everybody.I... - British Heart Fou...
Swollen leg

Hi Yumz
Sorry to hear that the heat is causing such unwanted symptoms; it’s not pleasant!
Is one leg larger than the other? Is the leg painful and hot to touch with it?
In my opinion, I think you should get it checked out to be on the safe side, especially with your cardiac history too. You wouldn’t want to risk a clot as well.
Please keep us updated with how you get on.
Best wishes
Soap 🧼
Hi hun thanks for replying x yeah my leg feels tingly and numb when I put my fall weight on it, I'm going doctors on Tuesday, would tomorrow but too exhausted! 💔 I really hope it isn't anything serious. If its still like this tomorrow I will call my specialist heart number x
Something isn’t right there it sounds. Yes very sensible idea.
I do empathise with the feeling of exhaustion - I took my 3 children to a fete today and even though I had friends with me, I was ready to drop when I got home but had to cook dinner 🙈
I was seeing funny spots and felt quite peculiar for several minutes before it thankfully passed!
Take care lovely x
I get one swollen leg, and when I showed it to my GP, they said, "Yes you have, haven't you". Not so helpful, I thunk.
When I mentioned similar symptoms to my gp she said oh you haven't had an xray on your knee for 5 years. Xray came back normal so I still don't have an answer
oh that's strange x
My gp's is a bit strange. Never listened to all my post-op concerns - "that's it, your fixed, it's all finished now" 😔!!!
Ahh hun that's awful sounds like you should request a different GP x
I had that a couple months ago one calf and ankle was so swollen and heavy, and the bottom of my foot was numb and tingling, went to Dr who just said it was sciatica 🙄 doesn't even match the symptoms. X
hi. I hope it’s feeling a bit better by now. Xxx
Hi strange you have put this on here I’m getting a similar thing with both ankles. I did go to the doctors and he said don’t worry about it a lot of people get this in hot weather but I have never before. I’m going to ring the heart failure nurses at the hospital and see what they say. it would be worth you doing the same can’t do any harm
Yeah same heat has never done this before, but I wonder if I was just exhausted because I've had a busy week my leg looks and feels better today I can stand on it with out it feeling numb and tingly. Hope you get on ok phoning your heart failure nurse. I was only gona ring my specialist nurse if it was still like that today but it's not so I can definitely put it down to exhaustion and being on my feet all day x
Hi, Yumz199725,
I don’t like to be a worrywort, but there it is—too late to change! I would really suggest talking with/seeing your doctor about your leg.
I sometimes (quite often really) have fluid retention/buildup in my ankles, feet, hands, etc. Heat and humidity can make the situation worse. I take HCTZ, a diuretic, to rid the water, but I have been cutting back quite a bit on that drug due to kidney issues.
Anyway, my fluid retention is always in both legs, feet, etc.—not just one. One leg might swell a little more than the other, but it is always in both. Your one leg swelling sounds more like some sort of trauma to that leg, or even a possible clot as someone else did suggest.
In 2004-05, I did tear the meniscus in my left knee, and that leg did swell up terribly—just that one leg. I was probably 48-49 at the time. I took medication for about two months and began physical therapy. I had not realized that I had torn my meniscus—-and my doctor told me that I might simply have stepped off a curb incorrectly. Probably a result of aging 😊.
You know best about your body and symptoms, but I would have the leg checked out just to eliminate any other issues. Take care and best wishes to you, Yumz! ❤️
Ah thank you for your message! Don't worry I'm seeing about it tomorrow at doctors. I realised it was in both legs but one was bigger then the other my mum told me when she came round today. So I will definitely be getting checked, better to be safe then sorry! if Id had the energy I would of gone today x
Hiya, I suggest you call your GP just to rule out DVT. If my medication is not correct I get swelling in my legs, so again check with your GP/cardiology nurse
It’s worth getting it checked out. The other possibility at this time of year is an infected insect bite. Years ago, one of my daughters thought she had injured her ankle, and it turned out to be an infection.
Good morning Yumz199725. Yes I have had problems with my 1 calf 3 cms bigger than the other one. It started off with a knee problem. Which they diagnosed as knee ligament strain and then I noticed the difference in size of my 2 lower legs. Ruled out blood clot and had blood thinners and Antibiotics for 2 separate weeks. And now going to see physio today. Hope you get some answers. Brian
My ankle was slightly puffy a couple of weeks ago and because I have aortic stenosis I went to the gp. She did ankle pressures on me which were low so I am now waiting to see my cardiologist as could be heart related.
That's interesting, hope everything is ok. I have aortic stenosis aswell, but never had one swollen leg before it's weird it was only one leg 🤔. It felt tight and tingly, numb on the lower bit of my leg and shiny? Will mention to my cardiologist but I know what they will say we did have not weather 🙄 x
Definitely get it checked. I had the same and still do to a much lesser degree. I had a ultrasound scan of my heart to ensure nothing seriuos was going on. In the end I was told it was a side effect to Felodipine. The cardio nurse reduced the dosage from 10mg to 5mg and it made a big improvement.
We can't give medical advice but I think an appointment with your GP may be a very good idea. Better safe than sorry. Good luck.
Thanks everyone! I am going to doctors tomorrow about another problem so I will mention the swelling in my leg aswell. I am going because of the weird pressure I felt on my chest yesterday and the weird sensation I feel on my neck it's been happening alot, my consultant and his team are aware of it though so the neck problem isnt new but the chest bit is. I reckon it's acid reflux causing all my issues.
hi. How did you get on at the docs. Hope you are ok xx
That’s a relief that its better. If you are like me we worry ourselves so much when things aren’t right. It’s good news that your leg has improved. When I went on holiday earlier this year it was so hot and my feet and ankles used to swell everyday. I sat up in the evenings with my feet elevated and it went away. I was worried that it was my heart until other people told me that theirs were exactly the same in the heat. It was 35 degrees though! I decided that I was going to avoid going to red hot places again. I don’t think I need to worry too much living up north as you people in the south always get the warmer weather 😂😂🤣. Anyway, pleased you are better today xx
Yeah major relief! Still will be mentioning it as its never happened before even in hot weather and I wouldn't say its been that hot this week lol. Oh wow yeah no wonder 35 degress lol! Yeah I find I have to sit with my legs elevated all the time now or my legs and feet swell up lol must just be like my dad that happens to him x
Glad you are feeling better today. My left leg swells up at the end of the day. It is from the knee down. In the morning it goes down but is always slightly bigger than my right. I put it down to the heat and being on it all day. Don’t forget our little legs have to support our full weight. Lol 😂. Mention it to the doctor tomorrow to put your mind at rest. Xxx
How do you cope? I really feel for you. It is so hard I feel to get to the bottom of all these issues. If legs are swollen it can be many things. I suppose with our conditions the first worry is heart failure which causes fluid retention. But it can be heat it can be something like you would get on a long haul flight. I assume you are on a diuretic? But it needs be looked into. Trouble is how soon can you get a face to face and will the problem still be their when and if you get a face to face. One thing I have done in the past is talk to doctor on the phone, he then sends me a link to down load photos. I done that when I got a rash. Never really found out what it was could have been medication, lisinopril, or it was a heat rash. But he told me to use antihistamine. But its so hard to work out all the niggles we can get.

Hi thanks for your message x I used to be on a diuretic but was taken off, I was on spirolactone 25mg. I actually have a good doctors surgery and I can go in at 8 and get an appointment x
That's good. Iam on spironolactone 25mg but had to reduce it to half tablet 12.5mg because my potassium went up. The potassium seems stable now as I had a blood test last week. But the trouble with lisinopril and spironolactone is that they both can raise potassium but I was told the lisinopril is the more important one to keep taking so I will just have keep plodding along. You take care and see your doctor.

Ah sorry to hear it raised your potassium 😕. That's good they could half it x I wasn't aware they can rise the potassium levels 💔. I guess I needed that dose because my potassium level was low I was on a tablet for it in hospital was sooo disgusting 🤢. Hope your feeling better on your medication now. Thanks I hope they can help me, cause I need something for acid reflux.
Acid reflux tell me about it. Well iam not an expert but I have had some tablets for it on and off. My dad was born with dodgy flap which should close to stop acid coming back up. But he has taken tablets over his life time. Regarding me I suppose I am not too bad on my tablets. But as iam only on two for heart and one for anxiety I suppose iam lucky. But I religiously will have a blood test every three months because I don't want problems with my kidneys. That the thing with these horrible tablets they improve one thing but on the flip side they can cause something else to play up.
One leg noticebly bigger, hot to touch and perhaps calf is harder? Painful? Need to rule out DVT asap. My mum was forever in hospital to have this checked.
I seem to have inherited her legs. Both swelling as are feet. A district or practice nurse can be more savvy than the GP at times. Good luck.
Always have those symptoms checked, it may be a dvt, which is treatable, but this needs to be done quickly, as the clot (or part of it) may move and it can be fatal.Odds on that it is the heat, but have it checked at your hospital. It is an emergency.