Bisoprolol : Hi , I had a stent in my... - British Heart Fou...

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32 Replies

Hi , I had a stent in my LAD 3 weeks , bit of a shock. I am 50 and very fit. Hereditary they think.

85% blocked.

3 weeks on and I'm progressing well. Walking a lot and cycling up to 15/20 flat low heart rate miles. Max 120 BPM.

All the drugs are are needed but it's just the Beta blocker, Bisoprolol. I'm only on 1.25 mg. And I have a resting HR if 45 anyway. The drug isent making it any lower but I was hoping to get off it very soon.

Anyone out there stopped Bisoprolol soon after there stent.


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32 Replies
Beckster1964 profile image

I am in a similar position to you - Stenting of LAD - beat you by 5% - 90% blocked! I was on Bisoprolol before stent, same dose, and then it was stopped straight after procedure. My resting heart rate was 59 and the drug was making little difference so Cardiologist didn’t think it was necessary. How’s it all feeling now? I’m 5 weeks post procedure and managed a 25 minute jog/run this morning, which was OK.

in reply to Beckster1964

Hello, I didn't know it was a competition 😂 hang on !!mine was 91% ,blocked!! Lol seriously now. I feel very grateful to the team. Bit shocked at first. Interesting about your Bisoprolol. Makes me hopfully of stopping it. My resting HR is 45 so .....The small tweeks or slight stabbing feeling are not so often. I've walked up to 9 miles easy and cycled 15/20 miles keeping HR no higher than 125.

3 weeks tommorow post procedure.

Will try running in September.

Just happy keeping the HR low.

What were your symptoms?

Beckster1964 profile image
Beckster1964 in reply to

My symptoms were pain in shoulder and radiating down my left arm when exercising. It gradually got worse over time and then suddenly got much worse, whereby I couldn't walk up an incline without getting out of breath and feeling the pain. Since the stents have been fitted, it is now much better - can speed walk ok, but I’ve found that running seems to trigger a very mild version of the previous pain. I tried using the Nitro spray yesterday before running and that stopped it happening, so it is likely I’ve still got a bit of an issue but nothing like as serious as before. My right artery was 50% blocked so maybe that is the issue.

AndySD profile image

I just stopped bisoprolol after 5 years. Same dose as you 1.25mg. I feel as if a switch has been turned on ! I had raised concerns for the past 18 months as I suffered from fatigue, poor feet circulation, lack of concentration. About 2 months ago I had my gall bladder removed and struggled to fully recover. Immense fatigue. 51 bpm heart rate.

My GP took me off bisoprolol and bingo. I'm the old me. 65 bpm. Energy galore. Doubled my walking steps per day.

No real side effects so far after 3 weeks. I'm a bit irritable and a little hyper at times. But I'm managing that. I'm really pleased to be off the bisoprolol.

No issues with my stent since fitting in 2017. Hope this helps ?

in reply to AndySD

Wow!!!!! That is really interesting. Thank you.5 years!!!! Poor you. I'm glad you are off it now. As soon as I see the cardiologist consultant, I will get myself off that terrible drug.

I've always had a low pulse and a good BP. I know they are protecting my stent and heart by trying to keep it low but it's low anyway. Seems stupid to be on it. Especially on such a low dose.

Thank you for this message Andy.


AndySD profile image
AndySD in reply to

No problem. I find the info here really helpful. The advice to stay on it often conflicted. My GP was always keen and pointed to protecting the stent etc. Other clinicians asked why I was on it still after all these years.

I was a fairly fit former athlete until my stent at 58 . Gym twice a week etc. I was on the rower and had chest pain.

No problems at all since stent fitted. All annual checks always clear. I'm very happy to be off the pills.

Off the statins is my next ambition !

Good luck. Recover well !

AndySD profile image
AndySD in reply to AndySD

One extra thing.. I tapered off over about 10 days. I read on the forum that stopping cold might cause issues. So I did miss a day then half a tablet etc , just being cautious

in reply to AndySD

Yes thanks, good advice. Will chat to the consultant too. I've only been on it for 3 weeks!!! It's not making me feel too bad. Just tired.

Thanks again

Good health to you sir

in reply to AndySD

You sound similar to me Andy. I'm 50 just!!!😉 And ran all my life and cycling. 11 stone. 5,9. Low HR. Think most GP 's just follow protocol. But you are right others have other ideas on what's best. It's early days for me but I will try and nip it in the bud. Yes statins would be good also to knock on the head.

What's your diet like mate? I've cut stopped drinking for a month, not that I drink a lot anyway. Good diet but am going to cut red meat down. Cakes lol. Decaff coffee now!!

So what's your diet like? 😊

AndySD profile image
AndySD in reply to

Diet is low fat mostly. I stopped drinking 18 months ago. Gall stone and gall bladder issues, now sorted. It's been a tough 5 years but now all fixed and the go switch is back on ! Just leaving full time work to retreat into Quiet Quitting ! Looking forward to doing things for me rather than full on commitment to an employer. Good Times and healthy future ahead .

in reply to AndySD

Great to hear mate, enjoy and thanks for your sound advice 👍👍😎

Chipmonks profile image
Chipmonks in reply to

My bp.was so low my cardiologist took me off it although I had been on this drug 2 years. I am much more energetic now. This drug was not good for me

Chriswood79 profile image

I was put on bisoprolol 5mg after a STEMI. I had a low-ish resting HR at 50 but the bisprolol lowered my blood pressure initially to about 90/60 which caused dizzy spells. Successfully reduced the mg through my GP over a few weeks down to nothing with my BP stabilising at about 125/70. I bought a BP monitor for home to keep checking it. Didn’t affect my HR but got rid of the feeling dizzy and lightheaded-ness. So being relatively active with a low HR it wasn’t required for me but get some medical advice from your GP. I’m on statins, aspirin and losartan also do as others mentioned bisoprolol is routine post-stenting. Good luck

in reply to Chriswood79

Thanks for your mesg. Yes I'm going to get advice first but feel I don't need to be on it as my BP is normally 118/70. HR 45 Recent as Docs 100/60!! HR 41. Yes felt dizzy yesterday while on my bike.

Yes they said it's post -stenting, so have gone with it but I want to make changes now. Yes I'm on Aspirin, lansoprazole, atorvastatin, Cloidogrel for a year. Bisoprolol!!! 1.25.

Watch this space.


PeterpPiper profile image

hey man stay cool, I been on it for 4 years man, I like how it protects me from the real world , what’s the problem- it’s scary out there - stay on it - chill man - just chill ::))

in reply to PeterpPiper

😉chilling dude chilling. Just good if you can eliminate stuff. Happy to stay on the blood thinners and stating at present. Glad you feel safe, I know where your coming from 👍

MountainGoat52 profile image

I'm on 1.25mg Bisoprolol and have been for several years. I am a keen hill walker and I have come to recognise that it does inhibit my ability to climb hills. I have been wondering whether to try a couple of months without it. I would of course advise the pharmacist at my GP practice and monitor my hesrt rate and blood pressure. My resting HR is currently around 55. I would also like to drop it off as I suffer from Raynauds for which I take Nifedipine and Bisoprolol is rather counter-productive in this respect.

NannyPat1 profile image

I was taken off it day after 3 stents in LAD (that’s gotta beat you lol) as I told cardiologist I had low resting heart rate and no probs since

Gstyle profile image

I got taken off it last year regarding high blood pressure as they knocked me about. I’m just 3 months after a NSTEMI and stents at the moment.. I wasn’t but back on it after. There are alternatives. Just protect your heart. You don’t want to have a heart attack! However mild or strong. I’m nowhere near going for a run yet and I was, and still am perceived as being really fit. Keep it real team. ❤️

Instructor57 profile image

Hi, I am 66, I had a HA on 27th February 2023 and 3 stents fitted

I have been off Bisoprolol now for 8 days.

Also run, my RHR has normally been low to mid 50's

On the Bisoprolol (1.25mg) it dropped to mid to low 40's and on one occasion I noticed it drop to 37.

I did a blood pressure test in the evening at 7pm and it was down to 95/55 , so a very low diastolic.

I was dizzy when I stood up and always had cold hands and feet .

My GP and I were in agreement that I did not need them .

I did however experience some withdrawal symptoms (but I was aware of them prior to stopping) I had sweats in the evenings for a couple of days but that's about all .

So as soon as I came off my RHR rose to around 60 but now appears to be more stable around mid to low 50's (where it was before)

I am checking my blood pressure 2x a day , one in the morning (pre medication) and in the evening at around 7pm.

This morning was 111/71

In the evening yesterday it was 109/65

The dizziness when I stand up has mostly disappeared (still occasionally in the evening if I jump up quick)

My cold hands have pretty much gone back to normal but still cold feet but not as bad .

I will have a review with my GP next Thursday when it will have been 2 weeks off

Hope this helps 👍

in reply to Instructor57

That's a very interesting write up mate, thank you for that. I didn't have a HA. No heart damage, one stent and everything else fine. I had exercise induced Angina. Hearts still strong and ovb with the stent a LOT SAFER 😎👍 So hopefully I can come off the Bisoprolol very soon 👍

Instructor57 profile image
Instructor57 in reply to

Forget to say, I'm also on ramipril 2.5 mg

Sunnysummerdays profile image

Yes I did, my heart dropped very low,had h.a.and stent,I was on a low dose aswell and had 5 days of side effects after coming off it, cardiologist told me to stop taking,I then heard that your supposed to wean off if, therefore I went cold turkey,after afew day I was all good. Personally I found it left me very tired and breathless and was happy to be off it, good luck 👍

in reply to Sunnysummerdays

Good advice. Yes I will try and get off it very soon. 😎👍

Qualipop profile image

Yes I did because it dropped my BP and heart rate so low I couldn't function; sleeping most of the day and just wiped out. I was changed to a calcium channel blocker That I also had problems with so was taken off that too. I'm sure it will depend on whether your heart needs the extra help and individual circumstances. I'd had a heart attack and 2 stents b ut no heart damage. I'm wondering though why you want to come off it unless it's because of bad side effects

in reply to Qualipop

Thanks for your comment. Cause it's making me feel very tired. On blood thinners and atorvastatin so feel safe.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

Definitely talk to your GP since your normal BP is ok but don't just stop it without advice. There may be another reason for taking it. There are alternatives to bisopralol that don't knock you out.

Hrty profile image

I was on it for sbout 3 months, wiped me out andreally low heart rate. Cardiologist agreed I could stop taking it.

GeoffM profile image

Been taken off bisoprolol as was on lowest dose and still got atrial fibrillation and then a mild stroke (not sure if related). Heart rate was 44 to 48 when on drug and then went to average 58 to 62 now off and feeling less tired. Also my snoring at night and possible sleep apnoea a lot less now which my wife is pleased about. I would still get medical advice before changing any medicines. All the best.

in reply to GeoffM

Cheers Geoff. I've been on it for 7 weeks now. I will contact the Consultant. My HR is 41 in the evening. I am tired when at work but I work for the NHS so I'm not surprised lolCheers

Zzr93 profile image

I’ve been on bisoprolol for just over 3 years (1.25). Had a triple heart bypass. Over the last year at least I have been feeling tired and always looking to take a deeper breath. GP said I could come off it and see how I feel. 3 weeks later and to be honest I feel sooo much better!!!! I am keeping an eye on my heart rate on a regular basis. Only thing I’ve noticed is my blood pressure has gone up, but the GP didn’t think they were connected. These are just my reactions, so I hope you get yourself sorted.

Hi, I'm off the Bisoprolol now, 10 weeks post stenting. Feeling less tired and back to cycling and running and full time work.So all good.

Cheers .

Keep healthy

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