I had a David’s procedure in January to replace my aortic root and decision was made to preserve rather than replace my aortic valve which is bicuspid type 0. I had no stenosis and only mild regurgitation before the surgery, however I have since developed leaking from my aortic valve due to prolapse of posterior cusp.
I’m now waiting and being monitored as reoperation now would be difficult, also moderate to severe regurgitation is not a level at which intervention would normally be required.
My questions to this community are:
- does anyone out there have moderate to severe regurgitation (vena contracta 0.5-0.6cm) and how long has this held out at that level before surgery is required?
- Have you lived a normal life with this condition and exercised as normal ? I am a fit and otherwise healthy 42yo male and it is a difficult pill for me to swallow to pull back on my exercise levels (I did London marathon last year and would like to return to doing triathlons at a modest pace)
thank you for any input !