I had my echo scan yesterday. Didn't get told how long it would take for result just that I would get an appointment when it has been viewed. Unfortunatly having the scan has given me a major set back in what I've been told is costochonditris. In absolute agony today. Does anyone know how long results usually take
Echocardoiogram : I had my echo scan... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Byob26
The results will probably vary from hospital to hospital. I would say if you haven’t heard back within 7 days, to make contact with the cardiology department to chase it up.
I’ve had costochondritis before and it’s not the nicest. Have you been advised if you can take painkillers? A hot water bottle can also help.
I hope you feel better soon.
Yeah tos is right definitely varies from hospital to hospital, I get mine a few months after I have one or quicker depending on what echo shows. Hope you get your echo results quickly. Hope you feel better soon with the pain. Having an echo can hurt even when you don't have costochronditis, especially when they dig into your ribs! Aw agony!. ❤️
It did take my breath and I'm suffering today. I didn't have it done at hospital my dpctors sort of has a cardiology bit and I'm not sure what hospital they work from
Last year I waited 6 weeks before calling the cardiologists secretary and asking - times have gone up in my area but it doesn't hurt to call and check after a few weeks.
Had mine done last week told upto 6wks for results
Had an echo at the beginning of March. Still waiting for result
Oh my that's a really long wait isn't it. Have you called to see what's taking so long
Hi, I had mine at Basildon hospital and managed to get a cancellation appointment. Results took four weeks to come back.
My sympathies regarding the pain. I had a male technician doing my echocardiogram and he kept pressing on my breast tissue which was excruciating and at times made me jump. I told him but he said that’s where the window was to get the best view. Never again am I having a male technician. He actually had the cheek to say that it was taking longer than usual because I kept moving! I was still sore and tender when I was trying to get to sleep that night. I’d had two echocardiograms before but they were both done by women and I was not in any discomfort. I don’t think they’d press hard on my breast tissue if I’d said I was in pain. I left the room feeling a bit as if I was in a state of shock. It was a horrible experience.
Had my Echo May 22nd still waiting for results.
Oh dear that is a long wait