How long to see cardiologist - British Heart Fou...

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How long to see cardiologist

mobyfool profile image
34 Replies

Been to see gp with follow up to blood tests and ECG tests,blood tests all okay except cholesterol being slightly high 4.5,ECG tests but does show different beats,said it was okay, but going to get appointment with cardiologist, because I still get feelings in chest area ,and pulse rate sometimes at 80 can sometimes go down to 41-45,told me to keep of the bisoprolol, problem is appointment can take months to get, just wondering, how long has it taken for other people to get appointments.

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mobyfool profile image
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34 Replies
Taviterry profile image

As no-one else has replied yet, all I can say is that it depends on how busy the cardiologist service is at your hospital (this will vary from one locality to another) and how your symptoms compare with other patients. When my GP diagnosed a dodgy heart valve after an ECG at his surgery, I had a couple more scans at the local hospital before meeting with a cardiologist there who made copious notes of my medical history. Other scans followed, and I saw another hospital cardiologist before finally meeting with a surgeon four months after I'd seen the GP. He deemed my condition serious enough to tell me that I should not be driving, in accordance with DVLA guidelines.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Taviterry

Thanks for this,the gp did say that if I did start to feel more serious problems, that she would try and push for me to see the cardiologist earlier, but she said it can take some months because of how busy they are.been dealing with At fib since 2018 ,but became more noticeable at times this year,put me on bisoprolol because of blood pressure, now of it and see how things go.

JHutton1994 profile image

I was referred urgently to cardiology 4 weeks ago because I have cyanosis and clubbed fingers and toes, and shortness of breath that another cardiologist in A and E said is likely due to a heart condition and I am still waiting for an appt when I called 2 days ago it still hasn't even been looked at. If you're in the same trust as me (East Midlands) I don't rate your chances of getting a rapid appointment.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to JHutton1994

I,m down South but reading all the other replies it's the same all over.

sandandkev profile image

It took me 5 months from an event last July til beg December and that was only because found cancellation otherwise was the February after,but have learned if bad will see you quicker,I feel that people with new diagnosis should be seen within 8 weeks!! I was misdiagnosed!

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to sandandkev

When I asked gp her face went into a grimace, and i knew then it would be awhile before she said it could take a while

quirk13 profile image

I agree with the other posters that it really depends on how busy cardiology is in your area and how seriously your case is rated, though I don't see how they can assess seriousness without seeing you. If you are concerned and can afford it you can see the same cardiologists privately in less than a week for about £250. Not right but it is how we are at the moment

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to quirk13

Have to see how things Don,t really want to spend that sort of money at the mom

Goldenruby profile image

Honestly…. With anything like this I don’t mess about! It can take months and it’s your heart. I don’t have private health insurance…. But I get a private appointment and pay for it. I know that I shouldn’t have to but it’s the easiest way to get seen quickly. And it’s with my same NHS cardiologist.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Goldenruby

At the moment can,t afford it at the moment,

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

Earlier this year GP gave my husband the once-over and found a leaky heart valve. He referred him to a local Cardiologist, who then sent an appt for 58 weeks time.

58 weeks!

In June, the same GP contacted my Cardiologist and asked if my OP appointment set for October, could be bought forward as I was getting more severe angina.

I got a letter soon after, saying my Cardiology appointment had now been moved back to February.

Thats the dire state of our local Cardio service.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Kristin1812

Bloody hell, without me getting answers your length of time of waiting would drive me mad

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply to mobyfool

Sorry! I didn’t mean to depress you. I think waiting times in our area (Dorset) may be particularly bad. I hope you fare better.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Kristin1812

To be honest reading other replies I think it's the same all round,at least a few months, just hope I don,t get any more problems until then, I would just like some answers, just to ease the mind,

Gooner1947 profile image

Took a 3 month wait for me to see cardiologist in Newport, Wales. During that waiting time I had ECG , Echocardiogram and CTscan.Since seeing cardiologist,late July, he said I have aortic stenosis and will requite a coronary angiogram.

Again he said about 3 month wait. He arranged for me to have Whole Aorta CTscan and a Carotid Vascular Ultrasound. Had these two weeks ago.

That's where I'm at at the moment. Waiting for coronary angiogram.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Gooner1947

I was hoping they might send me for scan just to check things over,had a similar thing done, when first diagnosed with At fibrillation in 2018

Alicant profile image

9 Months and waiting…told if it got worse might move up the queue.Prime example of saying one thing and doing another…ie early intervention is better than trying to cure..

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Alicant

Gp said if things got worse she try and move me up,but not knowing how serious the problem is,it might not be much,had 24 hrs monitor back in May,results were things had changed a littlebut nothing to worry about

Cat04 profile image

You should be able to check on line to find the referral to appointment waiting times for your hospital.

Alternatively you can telephone the hospital's appointment booking office and ask how long you'll have to wait & whether you've been categorised at urgent or routine.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Cat04

Thanks have to look into that.

Jedi14 profile image

Having started me of on Bisoprolol, my cardiologist was due to see me again in February this year! Still waiting so I phoned up and was told I would be seen in November!

I'm not worried as all seems well so far, had to visit GP for some minor changes in HR and meds, reasonably well just now.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Jedi14

Because I,m off the bisoprolol at the moment,just wonder how things are going to go,they took me off it a while ago, felt better for a while then started getting strange feelings in chest, so they put me back on it

Jedi14 profile image
Jedi14 in reply to mobyfool

So are you back on Bisoprolol at the same dose?

Qualipop profile image

I had a heart attack 6 years ago so I am on cardiology's radar but the acute admissions dept did a referral for me last October and my GP did another in January this year and a follow up last month about a blockage they already know about . I still haven't heard a word

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Qualipop

Sorry to hear that,these sort of things would drive me mad

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to mobyfool

I'm sure it varies in different areas but the only real answer is to ring them and ask to go on their cancellation list if you can go at short notice.

Taviterry profile image

Judging from the above, I guess that I was lucky that I was seen and fully diagnosed so quickly. After I was accepted for surgery I was given "remote monitoring" by the hospital that consisted of my filling in a short-line questionnaire every Monday and then telling the same information on the phone to a nurse. Well-meaning, I suppose, but it soon became wearing, especially with no indication of when the op would take place.

With regard to going private, an initial consultation may well cost £200, but be aware of extras. I was charged £550 for a routine ECG (which I gather is well above the average), and when I saw a private gastroenterologist £550 for blood tests. And despite his also working at the local NHS hospital he couldn't access its records of me.

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Taviterry

I thought the costs would go up,I once enquire about a different health problems couple of years ago and the costs kept going up from just consultations to tests I, might of needed.decided to wait the seven months for the NHS appointment

Taviterry profile image
Taviterry in reply to mobyfool

I had the gastroenterology tests on December 19 last year and didn't have a follow-up telephone appointment until the end of January, partly because of Christmas but also because the consultant was covering for a strike at the local NHS hospital. But the invoice arrived around January 4; I squeaked about not having the results yet, and his PA quickly sent them to me. (I wasn't impressed with the way they were presented.)

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Taviterry

Nore would I be,spend all that money and still struggle to get answers.

SucklingPig profile image

I had to wait 11 months for cardio appointment after diagnosed with heart failure which was told would be within 3 months. after this appointment I was told follow up within next 3 months again still not herd after 10 months and having more new issues so chased cardio dept again to be told are cardiologist left the hospital many months ago!!!

I had not been transfered just left have just seen new cardiologist after over 12 months wait

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to SucklingPig

Sorry to hear that,I,m hoping just a few months unless things start getting worse, then I,ll be hammering on the Gp,s door,but I Don,t think theirs a lot she can do!

Jackiesmith7777 profile image

husband had a stroke last year caused by AF and now has heart failure . Still havnt seen a consultant , only heart function clinic

mobyfool profile image
mobyfool in reply to Jackiesmith7777

Sorry to hear that,I,m just hoping things Don,t get any worse with me,all the messages I,ve had back are not very good about seeing anyone.

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