Warfarin and Alcohol: I'm 4 months post... - British Heart Fou...

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Warfarin and Alcohol

Football-Mum profile image
24 Replies

I'm 4 months post mechanical AVR surgery and looking for advice and experiences on enjoying a drink as we're going abroad in 2 weeks for an all inclusive holiday.

I'm taking warfarin + aspirin and target INR is 1.5-2.0. I'm still having weekly INR checks as I've really struggled to get consistent in target INR. I'm currently taking warfarin dose of 60mg/week. After my operation I was advised that 2-3 units 2-3 times week is a maximum alcohol level for a warfarin patient. But I've also heard stories of people on warfarin enjoying hen dos, nights out, holidays etc without restriction.

I'm 41 years old and and my husband and I do enjoy a drink, especially on holiday; beer round the pool, wine with meal, cocktail hour... Should I accept that my life has changed now and my holiday will look quite different or is there some wiggle room in that advice? Really interested to hear other people's experiences. Thank you.

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Football-Mum profile image
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24 Replies

That's really rotten timing for you, I'm sorry.

I know I'm going on an All inclusive holiday soon and I've already resigned myself to probably not bring able to drink the way I used to. I'm 35.

We can't go against medical advice, but you could ask your doctor or pharmacist. Asking for others experience is fine, but you need to remember what works for someone else might not work for you.

The way I looked at it was that if I took ill on holiday, and the insurers found out I'd taken alcohol against medical advice, and it had interfered with my medication, would they still pay my claim?

Just a thought.

Rosie1066 profile image

I’ve been on Warfarin for fourteen years and mine has never stabilised so it means INR tests every couple of weeks or so, I keep religiously to one alcoholic drink when I go out anywhere and soft drinks after that. I know it can be hard and I used to enjoy a drink, but to me my health comes first as I would hate the consequences of too much alcohol and Warfarin would have on my INR levels.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Rosie1066

Yes, l think it’s a case of being sensible and having a drink not drinks. I was told alcohol enhanced the Warfarin and increased INR. I wouldn’t take the chance of possible bleeding just to go with the crowd. Moderation is the key.

Shar28 profile image

Hi, my husband has a mechanical heart valve and is on warfarin too. I’m afraid its all about moderation and balance. For example, if you drink more alcohol than usual also eat more greens containing vitamin k.

Having vitamin K in your diet regularly also assists with INR control. Here’s the link to a study about this


Hope you have a lovely holiday and get your INR settled too.

Jalia profile image

I've been taking Warfarin for over 20 years. What I have learnt is that consistency is the key word. Binge drinking is no good at all. Likewise sudden consumption of vast amounts of leafy green veg would upset your INR reading.

You would be wise not to stray too far from your doc's warning. I'm afraid you have to accept that your life has changed and that alcohol cannot play such a big part. You may well be quite surprised how soon you become accustomed to your new norm!

MarmiteB profile image

Hello lovely!

So...there are two ways to look at this.

1. With fear, worry and "oh god will a few drinks kill me off".

2. like my fave nurse Tracy, and be really rather relaxed about it.

I am on warfarin and I will be for life, I was put on it about 6 months ago aged 35. When it first happened I was a bit bummed out about the whole diet and booze factors...really thinking that from now on I was going to majorly have to change things but what I have realised is...it depends on the health care person you speak to.

I am good friends with the all lovely nurses in my GP now and I have realised that they all have very different attitudes to patients on long term warfarin so I asked all them about drinking. Let me tell you some of the things they have said...

Tracy aged late 40s/early 50s - "Yeh, of course you can have a drink, your young and you will be fine."

Me - "What, even a whole bottle of wine on a night out?! Really have a good time?!"

Tracy - "Yeh, honestly don't worry too much but don't do it more than three nights in a row"

Katie aged mid 30s - "Yeh, of course you can have a drink and have a good time, just be aware that it does thin the blood down a little bit more so we are actually worried about you hurting yourself because you are drunk and the complications of your blood being thinner if you hurt yourself, so be sensible"

Kayleigh aged late 20s- "You can only drink on very special occasions and you must be very sensible about it. No binge drinking. Binge drinking is more than 6 units at a time. Also, be careful of the foods you eat, including cheese and eggs and veg and any multivitamins." She metaphorically threw the yellow book at me :D

So yes, they are all very vaired and I think it has a lot to do with their experience. They have seen a lot of things and so unless you are a hardened alcholic, and it sounds like you're not, I would say just enjoy yourself but don't do anything stupid that could get you hurt.

Once your up and running you will start to understand your body better. You will know if your INR is higher because you will see that you bruise a little easier or you might get more of those little red blood spots. I was on 8mg a day and my INR was about 2.2-2.4 but I had to have antibitoics and my INR fannied about a bit and I ended up on 9mg a day and now my INR stays up at the top 2.7-2.9, I've noticed a few more bruises. To be honest, I think I could just go down to 8mg again and be fine, I'm going to suggest it at my next INR.

So really it's who you choose to listen to. Will you live a longer healthier life if you really cut down your drinking...maybe? Would you be happy with that...maybe? Depends on your view point really.

I tend not drink during the week and enjoy myself at the weekends. I will polish off a bottle of wine on a heavier night but the most activity I will do after is snooze on the sofa lol. I have said to Tracy a couple of times that I am doing this and she is never worried about it, so actually, I'm not but that's very much my personal view point. Haters gonna hate.

I would be happy to chat further about anything post-surgery related if you would like to, just ping me a message and I can always send you my phone number. Sounds like you could do with a wine and chat ;) xxx

Gundoglady profile image
Gundoglady in reply to MarmiteB

Sounds like our nurses have read from the same manual 🍻

MarmiteB profile image
MarmiteB in reply to Gundoglady

haha, yes it does. As a gundoglady I’m wondering if they just have a more lax attitude to drink in the countryside…when I first moved to these green hills I’d never met so many people with gout (or local alcoholics!) 😄😄😄

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to MarmiteB

I've never heard of cheese and eggs being on the cautionary list for warfarin patients. Is this something new ?!

Buddy00 profile image

I refused to go on warfarin due to the restrictions on eating / drinking. I was put on rivaroxiban instead. No messing about with INR testing. Eat whatever you want , drink in moderation. I don’t know why warfarin is the default medication for anticoagulant’s it has such a big impact on the patient. Is it due to cost ? It maybe worth speaking to your clinic.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Buddy00

l can’t tolerate the new anticoagulants as they make me very sick. I cannot say how grateful l am that Warfarin is still around. It has saved my life. Warfarin has been around a long time, is very safe and medics are experienced in dealing with mishaps. My doctor told me l am on the best one?

DaveJester profile image

Hi. I'm only on a small dose of Warfarin (3mg/2mg on alternate days). I am still under the Cardiologist after suffering with Acute Heart Failure earlier this year. As others have said, it is used to thin the blood. The advice I was given: "You can have a drink, but if you cut yourself you might bleed to death".

Rosie1066 profile image
Rosie1066 in reply to DaveJester

That’s very true. Sometimes, when my Warfarin levels have gone too high, I wake up in the morning having had a bleed in the night through my mouth and find a little pool of blood on the pillow- and that’s without drinking! Certainly wouldn’t like to take a chance. After all Warfarin is a rat poison.

Gundoglady profile image

My INR nurse sounds very much like MarmiteB's

I've been on warfarin for about 12 years since having a mechanical avr , my nurse has always said it's ok to drink, but, be sensible.

I tend to drink every day, not, loads

( well not to me) , ½ bottle of wine of an evening, more if we go out.

I would just caution you to be careful of the cocktails, make sure no cranberry juice or grapefruit juice (both are best avoided)

Consistency is key, with what you eat and what you drink.

My INR range is between 2-3, I tend to hit the mid range of 2.4/2.6 and take 2mg (4days) and 2.5mg (3days)

Go on holiday, enjoy yourselves and don't over think it x Have fun x

Art-99 profile image

lots of sensible and varied advice has already been given on here. I know doctors hate you to say you’ve googled something, but I did when I was prescribed warfarin. Stick to the daily recommended units of alcohol, don’t binge drink and try not to drastically change your diet , looking out for foods high in vitamin K, which help the blood to clot and but interfere with any coagulant medication. I tend to make drinks last longer by adding lots of ice and mixer, wine spritzers are ideal.

LouiseGardener profile image

Bottom line - alcohol isn’t good for anyone’s health with or without heart disease and on medication. I too however like a drink so my happy medium was to cut back. Going out with friends is the hardest so I get a non alcoholic drink in between rounds and always abstain for a few days after drinking a few too many units. Last night I had a lime and soda in a wine glass! Not the same but sort of….Wishing you a lovely holiday and many cheers to you.

Obviously alcohol plays a big part in heart diesease and cholesterol... but I've been told by my cardio rehab nurse.. moderation. A large glass red with a meal is good... and follow with a pint if water. She said.. drinking 2 or 3 drinks across a long period of time on holiday is fine. But never binge. I have had a whole bottle of wine... and felt my heart wasn't happy the next day!One thing I was advised to do before holiday was to test drink at home. So I had a glass with a meal... tried one later on it's own etc. Just to see if I felt weird.. or tablets went funny etc. Also if I had any bad side effects... I was in UK and could easily get to hospital. Too much alcohol could make you bleed inside I understand... due to some meds... so again... I was careful and sensible.

You can't live life being 100% pure... unless that is your thing! Lol. I'm 99% on the right track.

buddy2blue profile image

I’m on warfrin as well a cocktail of other meds. I do still enjoy a drink and it tends to not effect to much. The one thing I have stopped drinking is diet Coke as that was affecting it. I think everything in moderation. I can have unstable Inr. Although since stopping the Diet Coke it is getting better xxx ps enjoy your holiday

Still_Breathing profile image

I have a friend who has been on warfarin for over 20 years (not heart related) he was cautious when he first started but basically drinks like a fish and seems OK.

Myself I've been on it about 2 years (af and mech valve) I stopped drinking for about a year then gradually went back on it. I drink once or twice a week and have been ok.

I'm currently sitting in the airport waiting for flight to a 2 week all inclusive holiday (not my first whilst on warfarin), whilst I won't be drinking loads I will be drinking a bit more than usual.

So steady away and see how it goes 🍻

Football-Mum profile image
Football-Mum in reply to Still_Breathing

Thank you and hope you have a lovely holiday 🥂

Qualipop profile image

Not on warfarin but I am on strong opiate painkillers for over 20 years which very definitely say no alcohol. I was never a b ig drinker but I did love an occasional whiskey . I just stopped. I had no choice. It certainly wasn't a problem. Non alcoholic drinks were just coming out 20 years ago. There are loads more now that taste just the same. ( Well maybe not quite as good as a good malt). If it's a matter of your health, do you really need to get tiddly to have a good time? Non alcoholic wine is lovely.

Football-Mum profile image

Thank you so much everyone for the comments, I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond. Its really helpful to learn of other peoples' experiences and how varied they are!

Jetcat profile image

when I was taking warfarin I enjoyed a drink but was sensible. It doesn’t mean totally abstaining from it just be sensible.👍

Bobbymrg profile image

I too take warfrin I’ve on occasion had a few too many beers. I can get a call from my GP when levels are too high like 7 and higher. Once I had Inr of 12.5 so was told to go to Hospital for tests.

Some words given to me we’re from a nurse well you need to enjoy your life as well. I tend to over do it and apart from the heart issue I don’t cope so well with the hangover as I get older.

My INR goes crazy when I take a good few beers but when I do it in moderation is ok.

You just need to pace yourself and if you like a drink take pleanty water as well.

Steve x

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