I have done alot of exercise today mainly walking and going to the gym, anyway I know it's hot today but I've never known my finger tips to swell and get tight they feel fine now that I'm at home and lying down. Has this happened to anyone else?? just wonderd cause felt really strange.
Weird tight sensation of my fingertips. - British Heart Fou...
Weird tight sensation of my fingertips.

Oh glad it's not just me I think it's the heat aswell but honestly never happened before was well strange.
I get this alot especially when I am hot 🔥
Yea I get this when I walk and it's hot... and that was before I had heart issues...
So it's not the heart issues causing it then just this never happened to me before.
That's a relief to know it's not heart related my mind just jumps to that conclusion about everything 😅🙈.
Yes everything jump to a heart problem once its on your mind. It is hard to exercise in this heat. Just take it easy and drink more fluids. That's the fun of living in the UK we go from one extreme weather to another and we are not prepared for it. Take care.

Yeah been drinking alot of fluids. Yeah it is hard to exercise in this heat I was sweating after going to the gym lol and after walking sooo much did over 14000 steps.
Sorry to hear it gave you a bit of a fright, can completely understand why though!
Glad you’re feeling better now you’re resting; I’ve learned something new today as I didn’t know that could happen but I suppose fluid retention can occur anywhere in the body really.
Be kind to yourself and take it easy in this heat.
Best wishes
Soap 🧼
Aw thanks for your message Im resting now just had dinner and yeah and definitely scared me. Aw hope your mouth is doing better x
Yes it is a lot better thank you for asking, although I still can’t open my mouth properly and still getting this pain in my jaw!
I went back to the dentist today and he said the infection is gone, all my glands have gone down and looks to be healing nicely from what he can see. Stitches still haven’t dissolved but he can’t cut them until the jaw has healed and I can open my mouth properly so going to try again next week 🙈🤞🏼
Hope you have a nice relaxing evening x
since this hot weather my veins on hands and feet keep swelling up /protruding (much worse than my husbands) and they’re sore. I’m assuming it’s just the heat and not my bp going up with heat. Never had this before either so yes I’m walking about with hands up too 😂 otherwise staying in doing as little as possible as anything over 16degrees is too hot up here in Scotland and it’s been 28/29 🥵
Hi, Yumz199725,
I’m glad that you are feeling better now. I also tend to get hand/finger swelling in the heat. High humidity seems to make it feel worse.
You are very young so this likely does not apply, but arthritis can also cause stiff fingers/joints, swelling around the finger joints, and pain. The last couple of years, I have begun to get more pain in my fingers—especially my little fingers on each hand. The heat/humidity also seems to make that feel worse too.
Anyway, I hope that you continue to do well in the heat with your walking. I would suggest removing any tight rings before walking so that any swelling won’t cause a problem. Also, I am wondering if drinking electrolyte water might help. Someone else may know the answer to this.
Best wishes!
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I don't wear any rings 😉. Sorry to hear about your arthritis though that sounds well painful 😢. Where do I get electrolyte water. 😅
You can likely get the water at your local supermarket or pharmacy or even from Amazon. Plus, there are many brands available to choose from.
Electrolyte waters are enhanced with charged minerals. Electrolytes may help improve physical performance during exercise or help rehydrate you when you’re sick. Whether you drink bottled or tap water, it most likely contains trace amounts of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Probably, the most well-known brand is Pedialyte.
Even years ago, I would give that to my children when they had stomach flu. It helped to replace the electrolytes that they lost while sick. Plus, it kept them hydrated.
Staying hydrated is very important for you during the hot weather that you are having right now. I don’t drink electrolyte water often, but I do if I have been sick with the flu or stomach bug, or if I am spending a lot of time outdoors in the heat. I have used a brand called Core, but you have many options.
Best wishes on your walks and gym workouts! 😊