Hi everyone. Just wondering whether anyone with a pacemaker wears a smart watch as disappointingly it seems like they aren't recommended and I ve had a basic one for the last year which really helped me get moving and reassured me alot and a new one which is alot more functional but strange heart rhythm readings made me start looking it up! Really love my gadgets and find them.hugely beneficial if they obviously don't cause other problems. Just wondered if any of you wear one with a pacemaker and have had any specific advice? Thank you.
Smart watch and pacemaker : Hi everyone... - British Heart Fou...
Smart watch and pacemaker

Pacemakers are sensitive to electrical equipment that emits a strong electromagnetic field like an induction hob, or devices which contain magnets. Smart watches do not not emit an electromagnetic field, or if they do it will be minute. Added to which your watch will be worn away from the pacemaker. So in short you can wear a smart watch with a pacemaker.
The BHF have a web page on the interaction between pacemakers and magnetic fields here

Thank you so much for replying.... and the link which led me to another article which was helpful but still a bit concerning. Will I vestigate.more bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...
Interesting what you have posted I. However I believe this is the relevant extract from your link
'think about avoiding bioimpedance technologies and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your cardiac device'
My take on all of this is we are surrounded by electrical devices large and small from tube trains and EVs to toothbrush chargers so you should just exercise some caution on how close to get to such devices. But if in doubt talk to the team who fitted your device.

Thank you I ve had a look further into the bioimpedance stuff and it may be that is to do with specific bmi type measurements.... so.may be ok but will definitely ask the cardio unit what they think too... many thanks again and enjoy your weekend
I looked into this a bit and the only warning I saw was wearing a smart watch with a magnetic strap overnight (some Apples I believe) because you could in theory bend your arm while asleep and have it next to your shoulder. Other than that probably highly unlikely condition they are ok.
Thank you, definitely feeling a bit more informed from all your replies and extra reading 👍😊
My husband has had an ICD since 2012 & has worn a smart watch (Fitbit) for many years with no issues, so long as you keep it more than 6 inches from your pacemaker it won't cause any problems. However, they're not totally accurate when it comes to HR as it cannot pick up ectopics, missed beats etc. Also, readings will depend on how tight/close to your skin the watch is. My husband's Fitbit regularly showed his HR to be in the 70's when it was actually low 50's dipping into the 40's but it can be useful as a guide only.
Hi. I've got a Dual Pacemaker and wanted to get a Smart Watch. Enquired with the Pacemaker Clinic and they did not advise. This is a Downside of having one. A lot of Gadgets, Household Appliances etc. are not suitable. On the Plus Side though, I love my Pacemaker, makes me feel safe! 😊

Thank you.... yes I know what you mean. The pacemaker has really given me confidence. No longer having those pauses and dizziness and passing out! Def happier days... take care
Have had a smart watch for years and last year added a pacemaker to the mix. No problems whatsoever.
Was concerned with the sleep app but after contact with the app designer was advised it had been altered to take into account pacemakers. After mine was set to 50 instead of 60 I can now see what is happening rather than flatlining sleep
Hi, I pondered the same question when I had my pacemaker 5 years ago as I was wearing a Fitbit. I asked at my first check up if it would cause problems and continued to use it until it wore out and have worn an Apple Watch for a few years since. Wouldn’t be without it as it has flagged up issues but don’t usually wear it at night.
Many devices can affect the pacemaker but I’ve never had problems to date! Hope this helps you decide.
There are a lot of warnings about pacemakers and magnetic fields from everyday appliances, but modern pacemakers need very large magnetic fields to affect them. Mine will withstand an MRI scan. I am retired now, but worked with electron microscopes for a couple of years after having my pacemaker fitted. These use large electromagnets as lenses, and they didn't affect my pacemaker at all.
I'm sure that using a smart watch will be perfectly safe, but if you have any doubts, your PM manufacturer will be happy to supply you with details.