Hello, firstly I’d like to thank everyone who helped me with my pre pacemaker surgery concerns. You helped me approach it with less anxiety. I had the surgery one week ago, it wasn’t a painless experience despite local anaesthetic and three doses of midazolam. But it’s the future I’m concentrating on now. I’m surprised at how tired and breathless I am after short walks and after the smallest of household tasks. I’m surprised that I feel so low, I thought I’d be over the moon, though I don’t think it helped that the consultant said “I hope this works”. My wound is still very sore (it was closed with glue!), I had some sort of plastic dressing over it which won’t come off (any suggestions welcome). My heart still thumps upon the slightest exertion. I joined the pacemaker support group on Facebook and the general opinion is six - 12 weeks recovery period. I just hope all will be well in time. Best wishes to you all.
Post pacemaker surgery : Hello, firstly... - British Heart Fou...
Post pacemaker surgery

Sounds like you might need the settings adjusted. You'll probably go in for a check up after about six weeks, if they think adjustments are needed they'll do it then. Were you told when the dressing should come off? (Glue is fairly common for wound closure these days.)
I believe I replied to you on the Facebook group. I felt awful for a few months after having my pacemaker. I felt absolutely fine beforehand and was still working and walking for miles. I collapsed suddenly and was diagnosed and had an emergency pacemaker fitted. Afterwards I couldn’t even walk the dog on my own as I was so out of breath and light headed , I felt so bad that i didn’t even bother driving even though I’d got the all clear from the dvla. It definitely took a few months and several tweaks to my pm settings. Hopefully things will settle down for you and you’ll start to feel the benifits of the pacemaker.
did they alter your pill regime after ? I am about to go in for my pacemaker insertion
Hi, I had an emergency pacemaker fitted 18 months ago and it can take quite a few weeks to heal. I still get the occasional twinge of pain from it.
Hi Darkandlong, it's early days and take it steady for the recommended time and perhaps add a week. I was very uncomfortable sleeping at night and particularly anxious about sleeping on my left side and my usual sleeping style with my head on bent raised arm under pillow. So for me not surprising I wasn't as good during the day.I had an ICD fitted with additional pacing function. I'm at risk of a sudden cardiac arrest with LVT. However I also have a low resting heart rate, circa 40 bpm, and they wanted to raise this. However the setting of 60bpm was making me feel very unwell with immediate effect. After three weeks along with other issues they switched off the pacing function. This meant that I had to stay on a low dose bisoprolol which they had initially wanted to increase over time.
So do keep a detailed record of your discomforts and try and think about other causal factors. They will appreciate detail especially if you become aware of a pattern eg time of day, after a meal etc. I might also choose to start taking some daily blood pressure readings, so you can offer this information too.
Finally, in spite of the early difficulties I had with my device, I am better with than without! Hope all goes well.
Many thanks for your advice, Chinkoflight and sharing your experience. Keeping a record of aches/pains/discomfort/heart rate etc is a good idea, I’m bound to forget most of them at my six-week check up. I have a home BP device but was told by my surgery’s nurse that they can be unreliable, no worries, most pharmacies provide a free service.
I’m sure, in time, my sentiments will be similar to those expressed in your closing paragraph. My very best wishes to you.