Double bypass in December 2020Would you get Neuropathy in my shinbone where I had vein harvested from.
This has started a few nights ago
Doesn't keep me awake as I take a Phenergan Tablet and get a decent 6 hours sleep
Good night and thanks
Double bypass in December 2020Would you get Neuropathy in my shinbone where I had vein harvested from.
This has started a few nights ago
Doesn't keep me awake as I take a Phenergan Tablet and get a decent 6 hours sleep
Good night and thanks
I still have aches from the harvest site and I find a good self massage down the leg { daily } really helps.
I just get a handful of E45 and hard rub from my thighs to my ankle downwards { as the heart nurse showed me } just out of the shower, if needed I repeat before bedtime.
Take care
Thank you Blue1958I massage my legs every night as I have Lymphodemia
In my right calf and have to wear compression tights.
How are you keeping
I enjoy reading your posts
Have a good day x x
I am as well as I can be at the moment, thank you for asking and I wish the same for you.
Interesting that you have Lymphodemia in the right calf, wonder if you have a little water retention { not uncommon } in your left? this can cause pressure on the harvest site, Might be worth getting it checked out on your next Drs appointment.
Dies it leave a white mark when you press it? etc
Its always the basics I forget { because they are boring } like pumping the feet, " good toes naughty toes" and raising the leg while watching TV or even in bed.
When I go back to the basics it seem to help { in my case }
Take care xx