Just started taking this supplement a few days ago, was told and read on the internet it helped with statin side effects. I can only speak from my own experience, but I ended up with a awful headache, lasting all day, increased chest pain,and nausea. These symptoms cleared up when I stopped taking the Coq10. Just be careful especially if you are taking heart meds.
CO Q10 be careful : Just started taking... - British Heart Fou...
CO Q10 be careful

I'm sorry to hear you had problems with it. I've been taking it for a couple of years, after it was suggested by a friend who was a nurse, with no problems. My own doctors didn't say anything about it, good or bad.
CiQ10 has always struck me as one of those supplements that massive benefits are claimed for with next to no evidence they do anything. At least the drug companies have to test throughly!
When I was pre-diabetic I saw a lot of claims for various products but in reality losing weight, dietary changes and exercise reined my HbA1c back in. A lot of supplements seem little more than a legal scam!
True,it's a billion pound industry,the world full of fools, including myself. Diet and exercise seems to be the true answer to any significant change in our health and wellbeing.
That was exactly my experience too.
Dropped a couple of stones, stopped snacking between meals, low/moderate carb diet, completed the NHS recommendation of 150 minutes of exercise per week. And guess what, HbA1c scores are now right back in the safe zone.
But all that weight loss and exercise stuff is tough work. If there was a supplement that could do the job then I'd happily take it instead.
But the hard truth is that magical supplement only exists in fairy stories, so it's back to the gym and just saying no to crisps and Hob-Nobs!
Dear Cmnc
Thank you for highlighting how important it is to be careful of taking supplements on top of our cocktail of life extending medication.
Our medication is a careful balance to get the dosage right to have the maximum effect from each individual drug that we take, it is very easy for even the most basic of supplements to tip that balance.
I was lucky and found a good pharmacist that took time to check on all the supplements that I was taking { long term Vegan } unsurprisingly most CO Q10 are meat based.
You can get your daily dose easily by having more greens and things like lentils , its benefits as a supplement are debatable , but considered harmless { except in your case and maybe many others}.
I am a believer that if they worked as advertised { God there is some heavy selling out there } that we would be offered them as matter of course, they have to be cheaper than some of the medication that I am on at the moment.
Snake oil is snake oil that is sold to add hope and minus pounds from our pockets
Take care and get better soon
My husband suffered a heart attack in March 2005 and in September 2006 had to undergo a double heart by-pass. I had read a lot about CoQ10 and it's health benefits. Then I came across a book written by two Cardiologists called 'How to Reverse Heart Disease'. Throughout the book they mention CoQ10, so I ordered my husband some CoQ10 from Nature's Best. He has been taking CoQ10 for 17 years now since his heart by-pass in 2006.
Some people find they upset them, but the instructions state to take CoQ10 with food, and my husband always swallows his with his dinner.
My husband is ten years older than I am and seems to have more energy than I do, perhaps that's why they used to call CoQ10 the energy spark plug.
CoQ10 is in every cell of your body, but the heart contains the highest concentration.
As you age your CoQ10 depletes, and when you take Statins, it depletes further, on top of that, if you have a heart condition, that will also help your CoQ10 deplete further still.
So I strongly believe that helping to replace the depleting CoQ10 can only be beneficial to the heart.
I can only go by what it has done to help my husband and from all the information and data I have gathered on it online. As well as reading the book written by the Cardiologists, that was really informative. The Cardiologist my husband saw even said carry on taking it.
What is the name of the book
The book is called ' Reverse Heart Disease Now'. Written by two leading Cardiologists; Stephen T. Sinatra, MD. and James C. Roberts, MD, with Martin Zucker.