HAIR LOSS: HAIR LOSS I wonder if... - British Heart Fou...

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Pandorella profile image
18 Replies


I wonder if anyone taking APIXABAN and LANSAPROSOLE has suffered from the side effects of Losing Hair.

My Hair has been thinning for quite a while and I just put it to ageing at first, but now I am wondering because it has got to, not too much hair. I had a shock when I last washed it. In fact I am panicking!!

I decided to read the side effects of these two medications and found Hair Loss is one of them, although they say 'one in a thousand'. Could I be so unfortunate to be that one!!

Any info would be most appreciate it.

Many Thanks.

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Pandorella profile image
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18 Replies
snafuval profile image

I am on that exact same medication plus quite a few other medication as well, I am 65 and have no signs of hair loss, i have been taking them for a few years, so would expect if i was affected to have seen some signs by now, I must admit i hadnt seen that side effect in the list, have you spoken to a doctor or even pharmacist to check for other conditions?

sorry if this is not much help.

CyclingTime profile image

Nothing for me from the Lanzaprazole

NeilAdams2468 profile image
NeilAdams2468 in reply to CyclingTime

Hello, Thank You for the interesting information. Got very good information. Share more and help others. Thank You.

I am also here to share some informative solutions. We have medicine available almost for every disease, One of the best solution for HAIR LOSS is Buy Finasteride. These medicine and more generic medicine you will find in the USA on Online generic pharmacy - Trusted pharmacy store.

Familyk profile image

Good morning, I to am losing my hair. I take bisoprolol entresto and lanzaprazole. I mentioned it to the HF nurse and she said that haircloss is common with patients that have heart conditions. Not necessarily the medication but lack of blood pumping and oxygen. I have had my hair cut shorter so as not to emphasis the loss.

Hope that helps xx

Cee-Cee1 profile image

Hi Pandorella - I'm a 63yr-old female and had a HA in January 2022 followed by a triple by-pass in February 22 - I was in hospital prior to the operation for 5 weeks. As soon as I was admitted to hospital with the HA I was prescribed, Bisoprolol, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, atorvastatin and Lansoprazole (I was taken off atorvastatin after 4 weeks and it made my liver readings "deranged" - their word - and I'm now trying Ezetimibe as they discovered my liver is statin intolerant). I definitely had hair thinning which is still happening. My hair has been nearly waist length since my teens and now feels very thin on my scalp and if I put it in a loose plait it's like a rat's tail these days! It was never particular thick though either - my Mum also described it as "fine". However, I'm positive one of the medications is causing it but not sure which one, but don't honestly think it's the lansoprazole - I suspect it's the bisoprolol or the ezetimibe. I know it's not an age thing as it started happening so suddenly while in hospital - I'm due to stop Clopidogrel and Lansoprazole at the beginning of March (one year after the bypass op) so will see if it thickens up a bit again then. In the meantime I use an ordinary thickening shampoo and conditioner which helps the look of it a little. Fingers crossed! Carol-Ann x

Sljp0000 profile image

I'm on both those meds. My hair comes out in clumps. Used to have long thick blonde hair, now it's thin and horrible. I feel your pain. 🙄

Pandorella profile image
Pandorella in reply to Sljp0000

I am so sorry you have the same problem. I also had thick wavy hair and people have always praised my hair. This makes it hurt even more! It is not vanity but we do know that a woman' hair is her crowning glory! I never even had a Perm!

Petercat1 profile image

Hi.I am also getting the thinning hair senario. I have only just gone on Clopidogrel 75mg and Rosuvastatin 20mg, but it was happening before taking those.

I am on Bisoprolol 7.5mg daily and Losartan 100mg daily since 2017 when I had an aortic dissection. I was taking Lansoprazole 15mg as well but stopped taking them some months ago.

My hair has been thinning since my dissection - I never had thick hair in the first place, but now my hair brush is always full of hair! I do worry as it doesn't seem to be stopping and really don't want to go bald. I have longish hair and have definitely noticed a difference.

Not worth asking the doctors as they have said before that "I don't think it's the medication!" They never blame the meds for anything!!

Would be good to know if anyone has found an answer to stopping my hair thinning please!

Best wishes, Denise

Purpled profile image

lanzaprozole causes hair loss in quite a lot of people although they only reckon it is not many. I and many others have experienced this.

Pandorella profile image

Many Thanks to everyone who replied to my Post. I appreciate very much that you took time to reply. I was thinking of perhaps purchasing a Wig but not quite know where to start, and if the colour will match, or how would one know if it is from a reputable retailer if I go online. I am speaking to the surgery Pharmacist later on and see what he has to say. Hopefully he won't just brush-me off as then I would not know if it is the medication, I am usually quite healthy and active and can only think it is the medication, however I shall see what happens. Has anyone purchased any Wigs and can give me some ideas?

Best Regards and Wishes to All.

Cee-Cee1 profile image
Cee-Cee1 in reply to Pandorella

Regarding wigs - my sister has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and has just had her 5th (of 9) rounds of chemo - she started to lose her hair after the second round. I live in Northern Ireland Pandorella so the particular shop itself I'm about to mention probably won't be of any use to you, but it might give you an idea of what's available in your own area. We went to see a young woman called Nicola who, before leaving to open her own shop, worked for the NHS for donkeys years providing wigs for cancer and alopecia sufferers. She was absolutely brilliant providing lots of advice, empathy and a beautiful wig. A day out which we'd both been dreading almost turned into a fun adventure due to Nichola's kindness and help. My sisters own son didn't even realise she was wearing one when he first saw it and a couple of girls she's since met during chemo sessions have now gone to see Nichola and bought their wigs. The shop is called "Lemonade - for when life gives you lemons". I would definitely recommend checking with your doctor or the hospital if there are any provisions along those lines in your local health trust. Carol xx

Pandorella profile image
Pandorella in reply to Cee-Cee1

Hi, Thanks ever so much or your advice. I shall certainly go and ask at the surgery. I am changing my medication, Omeprasole instead of Lansaprozole, can't remember the name of the one instead of the Apixaban, they told me on the phone but is difficult to remember, strange name! Have not seen the tablets yet. So I am hoping things will change for the better.

Hope your sister is keeping well. My Son has just been diagnosed with the C. Life can be hard sometimes.

Best Regards and Wishes to you and your family. Thanks again.

Cee-Cee1 profile image
Cee-Cee1 in reply to Pandorella

You're very welcome Panorella and I hope you have some success in sourcing a wig with an NHS (or otherwise!) stylist if you decide to go down that route. My sister's wig is amazing - she always had a sort of Pixie cut - and it looks almost exactly like her own hair. Funnily enough she mentioned just yesterday that two of the girls she'd met with at chemo on Wednesday told her they'd applied for, and received, some monetary help (presumably government or NHS) to purchase their wigs so that might also be something to look into.

My sister is managing really well, thank you for your kind thoughts, and I'm extremely proud of her resilience (I didn't realise she was such tough cookie!). She'll be a very young 70 in February and, since retiring, volunteers in a local Hospice charity shop a couple of times per week. She felt able enough to go into the shop to help out on Thursday after having chemo on Wednesday. She's a very brave girl.

I'm so sorry to hear your news of your son - I do hope everything goes really well with his treatment. I completely agree with you, life can be hard and just doesn't seem fair sometimes.

Take care and do remember to look after yourself too (something else I'm always having to remind my sister to do as she spends most of her time looking after everyone else!) Carol xox

Deeb1764 profile image

I am on a autoimmune site as well and many of us had hair thinning and loss. The best thing we have all found is biotin/sea kelp plus marine collagen (all natural in pill form on Amazon I got mine), I had a really bad loss of hair from super thick to balding and as soon as I started these within 3 months my hair was so much better. I now have all my hair and another lady bought a wig and now has hair coming back but uses the wig for nights out!

My hairdresser niece was the one who recommended them as well.

Pandorella profile image
Pandorella in reply to Deeb1764

Hi there, It is so nice to take time to reply to me. How do I go about going on this 'Autoimmune Site' is it through Google? I shall try and get those tablets you mentioned. So my Surgery Pharmacist changed my 'Apixaban' to 'Pradaxa', and guess what, it still mentions Hair Loss in the side effects List. What does one do, I ask myself!!!!?? Problem is I do need to take these blood-thinners! I just live in hope!!

Thanks again.

Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply to Pandorella

ITS HEALTHUNLOCKED for Rheumatoid Arthritis but this brings many of us add ons other AI diseases as AI likes friends

Pandorella profile image
Pandorella in reply to Deeb1764

Hi Deeb, I took on board what you advised, Bought the Tablets and was also suggested by my GP to use Biotin Shampoo and Conditioner. Got these on Amazon, but also yesterday I found out Tesco also sells them. I'll wait and see,😅😄. Again many thanks for your advice. Take care and stay well.

Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply to Pandorella

Its not overnight but I definitely got my hair back even the bits that looked bald and I stay on sea kelp now just so I dont go down that road again. Good luck let me know how it goes

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