Morning All,
First time poster so bear with me.
Collapsed a few weeks ago taken to hospital. 2 days in resus as heart rate in low 30's then transfered to Ward awaiting a cardiac bed. Moved to Cardiac Ward awaiting transfer to another hospital for a possible pacemaker. Heart rate now fluctuating between 30 to 150. before transfer told don't need pacemaker need catheter ablation as heart has 2 conduction pathways not one. OK off we go. Get to new hospital told no actually don't have said additional pathway need further tests. OK let's do that but please someone figure it out as been inpatient now for 14 days. Overnight heart rate dropped to 20 so next morning emergency procedure done - fitted with a dual chamber pacemaker. Diagnosis sick sinus syndrome plus Atrial Fibrillation.
Sent home with a follow up due in 6 weeks. That's the story so far.
just braved reading discharge notes. On my discharge ecg it says lateral myocardial infarction- abnormal ecg. Of course googled it & shows it means heart attack. So does that mean I suffered a heart attack and no one told me?