Possible myocarditis??: Hi, i would... - British Heart Fou...

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Possible myocarditis??

Lizabella246 profile image
4 Replies

Hi, i would like some advice, if possible?! On the 12th of last month my heart rate suddenly dropped to 54bpm resting (it is usually 69-80), i felt dizzy,sick, had a really sore headache etc...I contacted my GP, he was convinced it was viral!. I took 10 tests that week, all negative! But on the 20th i tested positive. The above symtoms subsided and i was left with the symptoms (mild compared to the first time i had it) Tested negative on the 28th,and 3 days later i fell ill,heart rate dropped to 50bpm continuously, feeling light headed,feeling sick, jittery, very sore head and very sore throat! Contacted the drs again for a face to face appointment, went in,explained it all and she was pretty sure it was the aftermath of a viral infection, she mentioned post viral bradycardia and that she had,had it and her resting heart rate went down to 35bpm, it would clear up in 4 weeks or so (it will be 7weeks tomorrow), she made an appointment to have an ECG done and bloods to be taken. ECG was normal,the bloods were normal (troponin level was not checked). So it was again suggested it was viral, give it some time etc... The following week i got worse, chest pain,shortness of breath was worse to the point i could not eat (i have lost 10lbs in 4weeks), so, called the dr back,explained to him different(dr everytime) he pretty much said what the previous two had said, that its probably linked to a viral infection, it will go away eventually, but we will take more bloods and ecg to be sure.ECG was normal again. All my bloods came back normal,apart from one,my troponin level was slightly elevated to 81, which made the dr call me and he scares the life out of me as he said i needed to go to the hospital now, as he expected i was having a heart attack!! I was in tescos at the time and i panicked (i suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks anyway!) He then said i will call the hospital to get it sorted and call you back, well, my heart rate went from 127bpm right down to 62bpm in 2 minutes, i was faint and felt really horrible! He called back,and said he had explained everything to the prof at the hospital and he was happy for me not to go to the hospital that day,and to still attend my drs surgery the following day (Had an appointment for my results), i was livid, he hadnt even checked with the hospital first! Anyway,i went to the appointment the next day at the GPs and the junior dr said she would be very surprised if it was a heart attack, she took my blood pressure etc, and everything was normal as usual (heart rate never dips when you are in the surgery! ) she wanted to repeat my troponin test, the dr who had scared me the day before came in and said " it must of been a palpitation that raised it, i don't think you are having a heart attack " Could of put it that way the day before! He was reluctant to do the blood test again, but the junior dr said it would be for my reassurance especially after the phone call yesterday (go her!) I said i had been on dr google and i stumbled across myocarditis and that i was displaying all of the symptoms, she, by the end of the appointment was swaying towards it being that! She went on to say she was putting an urgent referral into cardiology (still waiting for that). Got my results the next day and my troponin levels had dropped to 15 (from 18), never actually spoke to a dr, i got the results from the receptionist. Since then my heart rate has been up and down, chest pain,light headed spells are slightly more frequent, no sore throat anymore, but still feel like i have the flu, aches and pains, some flutters and palpitations and just generally feeling low and scared.I have a very active 4 year girl and i need to feel better, i am just scared i wont be! I have type 2 controlled diabetes and l5 s1 (disc bulge and nerve compression), so i have enough going on!i just to want our future to look bleak as i have fought to get to where i was before this. Sorry for going on.Thank you for taking the time to read this xxx

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Lizabella246 profile image
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4 Replies
DanniC88 profile image

Hi there Lizabella246. Its been 3 dàys since you posted how do you feel now? I too have very active toddlers and I have a heart condition so I completely feel you. Perhaps when you manage to see a cardiologist ask about a 7 day holter monitor. I had one because it was the only way they could spot thing happening. Having an ECG is sometimes so brief it can miss vital information. Ive also had an MRI and an Echocardiogram so I know now what the problem is. Definitely a montior for you though I think. It would be a great way of picking up these low heart rate episodes your having and they can see where in the heart they develop. I hope your ok and get seen soon. Its really scary with kids but hold on in there.

Lizabella246 profile image
Lizabella246 in reply to DanniC88

Hi dannic88, well, my heart rate isn't really dipping low anymore, it's shooting up with the very slightest movement!! I was sitting down, and had been for at least half an hour, i leaned forward to get something from inside my bag and it shot up to 105bpm and i could feel it pounding in my chest! Never had anything like thst before, i am over weight (around 2 stone), and 40, but i can honestly say that my heart never spikes to that extent when bending, let along bending whilst sitting. So when i am getting up to go to the kitchen or bathroom etc...it shoots up to between 99- 125bpm was the highest whilst i was briefy (5 mins) clearing my daughters toys away in the livingroom. With the rise happens its usually accompanied with lightheadedness which has increased and now makes things even harder to do! I contacted cardiology (could not wait any longer), they told me that the junior dr hadn't titled the referral as urgent, only routine! I explained my situation very briefly to the poor woman, and she read the whole referral and at the bottom of it the dr had put urgent-routine, so she put me through to clinical physiology, the girl there said i was on a waiting list for at least two weeks for the monitor (72 hours) i again explained my situation and the issue with the referral, and they squeezed me in yesterday morning and i am currently wearing said monitor until sarurday morning! The piece of paper they gave to fill in when symtoms occur is already full up and i am half way down the back of it lol!! I would rather give them too much than too little! It is definitely hard when you have young ones, its hard explaining what is going on. I just want to get to the bottom of it and hopefully recieve the correct and efficient treatment, then i can get on with my life! Hope everything is well with you and your family. Thank you so much for replying xxxxx

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to Lizabella246

That sounded like how I started back in 2019 but I was pregnant at the time. Im overweight myself now and im 34. I was massive in pregnancy so would of probably been classed as over weight then. I had the 7 day monitor followed by and echo and an MRI but they couldn't find out was was causing my fast heart rate but diagnosed Sinus Tachycardia and ectopic beats. Ended up spending 5 days in a cardiac ward at 37 weeks because I couldnt take anymore. The only thing they could do because I was pregnant was put me on bisoprolol 2.5mg. I still take these now but they still dont know why this is happening. Had a phone appt with cardiology 3 weeks ago funny enough and he said continue with the tablets to keep heart rate stable, try yoga and moderate exercise 150 mins a week. Also he said try not to stress touch. He said dont smoke but I gave up 2019 and leave off caffeine. I drink 2 cups decaff tea a day and 1 cup decaff coffee so not sure how much more I can cut down 😄😄😄.My heart rate was up to 120's all the time at one point. The meds do help. I find when it starts sit, close your eyes and breathe in through nose and out through mouth deeply but slowly. I know it sounds cheesy but honestly try it while feeling your feet grounded to the floor. Keep yourself grounded and focused on yourself. Ive been there hun and I know its such a worry. But we are here to support you.

Captain_Birdseye profile image


Sounds like you've been given a right scare!

I've recently been diagnosed with myocarditis, but was treated for a heart attack initially as that is procedure if you rock up to A&E with chest pains and elevated troponin (mine was 314, down to 191 after 12 hours).

I never had the drop in heart rate until I was put on beta blockers... but then it did drop to the mid 50s sometimes (this is very low for me). The symptoms I did have in the following weeks were chest pains, pins and needles/pain in the left arm, jaw and face and lightheadedness.

I'm 8 weeks on now and I'm still getting the chest pains and some pins and needles... I've been advised 3 - 6 months recovery, but apparently the symptoms should subside by the 3 months in most cases, and then it's ok to start building back up. The only consistent treatment option everyone seems to be given is rest, rest and more rest... and given I pushed myself at work one day last week, I believe it because I felt terrible that evening.

Appreciate it's not easy with young kids. I hope you can maybe get a little help and maybe slow the pace down for a little while.

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