I went to A and E this weak with a high heart rate and trembling. I had an ecg which was normal. My troponin level was 8 and it was retested two hours later and again it was 8. I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid which caused the rapid heart rate etc. I understand normal troponin level is less than 3. The dr wasn’t worried about my level. I am 50. I had troponin tested 10 years ago and it was 0. Should I be concerned?
Troponin level : I went to A and E this... - British Heart Fou...
Troponin level

I’m not sure on this, but what I can tell you is that last March I had an abnormal ecg. ( I had just had a big asthma attack) My troponin level was raised, but not high enough to indicate a heart attack. I was kept in for 48 hr heart monitoring and also had heart scan and an angiogram. Both were normal and I was discharged with no further action.
So, I am assuming that a raised troponin level, if it is below a certain threshhold, does not necessarily mean there is a problem.
Hi Caitlyn6
I don’t think you need to worry too much about the troponin level. I had a heart attack end of Feb and my troponin was at 1200+. If you suffer with anxiety it can raise your levels slightly and is still important to get on top of. Good luck
I had a troponin level that was over 1,000 a few weeks ago too. I also suffer with anxiety. A couple of nights in hospital and new medication, I am feeling much better now.
Can anyone reliably explain the scale used to report triponin levels.
E.g the units, what's high, what's low, what level is indicative of a mild HA or a severe HA.
I've seen such varied reports in this forum I'm totally confused. I was told I had an NSTEMI HA with triponin reaching 200 yet it felt only like acid reflux lasting 3 evenings.
Is it high or low? Did I really have a HA or was it just angina? Was it one HA or three if I felt acid reflux on three evenings?
Im 54 and was given a triple 2 weeks later.
I can’t advise on anything other than my own experience, went to hospital with chest pains having had them 12 hours or so. Troponin was 2,500. Meds administered didn’t change anything and Troponin was 35,000 that evening so I was sent next day for emergency angiogram to see what was going on and ended up having stents fitted.
Some labs measure troponin I and others measure troponin T. Labs also use different methods even when they are measuring the same type of troponin and these will have different results. Then labs will use different units of measurement, a bit like litres and pints. This means most results cannot be compared between labs. I would ask your Dr what was normal for your results.
Hi, I also had an NSTEMI with a Troponin of 196 but the doctors said that it was high enough for concern and Angio from which they fitted a stent as plaque was rough and close to rupture, so I think on some situations they will go straight to Angio, they were aware that I had plaque build up so I am assume that this was why they decided to go straight to Angio, The cardiologist said that Troponin can give very high over 5000 as a level (I wasnt aware it can reach 35000 or more) but I think they view it to a degree on symptoms, ECG, history if any and other tests while in hospital.
I am 62y/o Female and went to A&E with unusual jaw aching/ tingling. June 2019. I have a strong cardiac history, father and brother both had heart attacks in their 30’s. I am also a retired nurse. Troponin was 10 on admission and 13, 6 hours later both in the normal range but they were concerned about the rise, rather than the number. EKG showed some ST changes. I had a positive treadmill stress test the next day followed by an Angio. 90% blockage LAD, 80% LCX both with rupture and bleed. I was diagnosed as NSTEMI post angio. Gained 2 stents.