off and on chest tightness for a while now. Had brain scan which was ok for migraine related symptoms. I woke this morning with tightness in chest and for the last couple of days pain in my right side of chest. I take Omprezole as a pill in pocket could this tightness and pain be related to gastric issues. Thanks
chest tightness: off and on chest... - British Heart Fou...
chest tightness

Hi lindyloo59
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.
I can imagine the symptoms you’re having are worrying you. You don’t mention whether you have a heart condition?
From previous experience, I wouldn’t ignore right sided chest pain, as in the past I’ve had an NSTEMI and a majority of the pain was felt in the centre of my chest and right hand side. Women can have different symptoms to men when it comes to heart related pain/conditions.
The issue with indigestion is that it can often present or mimic symptoms similar to a heart attack or an underlying heart condition and therefore, it becomes difficult to differentiate between the two sometimes.
I think it would be best to seek medical attention, at the very least speak to your GP as no one will be able to tell you why you have the pain and the cause. Failing that, I would call 111 if you can’t get an appointment today.
Let us know how you get on.
Tos x
Thanks for that info. No I dont have a heart condition. But Dr put me on statins 40mg 2 months ago but I stopped taking them 2 weeks ago as I was getting light headness and lots of headaches I was taking Omprezole at the same time so I stopped taking that to try and eliminate the culprit. Im seeing my Dr Thursday to see if he can change meds about lower doze etc but he thought when I went with headaches numbness in face and eye etc it was migraine related and sent me for mri scan but since he booked me fo scan the headaches and lightheadness started and I also had a fainting attack which I reported to dr and locum said it was just one of those things you can get from time to time. My Dr kept saying to me are you anxious as all these symptoms mimic anxiety 🤦🏻♀️. My husban who has heart condition thinks Ive got nothing wrong and its just been hypochondriac words I do not wish to hear. I need a proper diagnosis get meds sortef and carry on with normal life I dont want to e d up a statistic at my age.
Thanks for your advice.
Sounds like you’ve had a tough time recently. Hidden has given you some sound advice. You mention that you had lightheadedness and a fainting episode after your MRI. Was a contrast agent used during the scan if you can remember? I’ve previously reacted badly to a contrast agent, it led to aggressive vomiting and extreme lightheadedness after the exam.
I would push for some blood tests. Just a FBC (full blood count) can show some basic deficiencies such as if you’re low or too high on anything. This may contribute in assisting with a diagnosis. The doctor should be able to order further tests if anything abnormal comes up in the blood test.
I hope this period in your life settles down soon and a diagnosis is found.
Thank you! No I had no contrasting agent. My fainting episode was before I had scsn and ligheadedness being going on for a couple of weeks before scan thats why I stopped meds to see if it was those.
I also had a full blood count done some weeks ago before I started statins. All good apart from cholestrol was borderline. Im hoping blood tests are redone.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Dear You,
There seems to be a few things going on with you and no wonder you are worried as no answers seem to be forthcoming .
One part that interested me was that you are on a statin and are suffering from fainting spells, do you have a home blood pressure monitor that you can keep an eye { record } of any drops in blood pressure that might be accruing ?.
Also you have spent ages worrying and caring your husband through his illness which can cause stress and anxiety, both of which very much can manifest symptoms like you are expressing especially the gastric ones.
But above all Lindyloo59 you are not feeling right and this needs to be addressed and never palmed off with any badge of hypochondriac being placed on it.
You maybe run down { who could blame you for being so }
Please contact your Dr and get some of these worries shifted.
Take care and please keep us informed.

Thank you for your support. Yes I do worry about my husband who has had heart issues since 2005 he has artificial heart valve and pacemaker and af. Also my father is in care home with dementia. I try to get on with things best I can.
When I went to hospital when my numbness in face eye etc happened the Dr told me to do my blood pressure morning and night for a werk which I did and my own Dr said it was perfect. I like to test it once a week to keep it in check.
I feel ok in myself and have just had a 4 night break away in Wales with my husband which I thoroughly enjoyed. I dont think Im an anxious person but obviously with whats going on Im getting anxious.
I will keep you informed and it was nice chatting to you.
You have an amazing amount on your 'plate' at the moment, I hope that you have someone to talk your concerns over with.
Partners are easily forgotten and all the incredible work they do to get us through all this, it is bond to have had an effect on you.
And we are here to help the best we can.
Look after your Husband and Father but most of all look after yourself.
As ever

Thank you hope you are keeping well and looking after yourself too 😀
I have never heard of Omaperozole taken as a pill in the pocket they are usually prescribed for a month or two to lower stomach acid.Maybe a pharmacist or Gp appointment to ease your worries.