Hello everyone,
I recently posted about my husbands severe anaemia and had some really helpful feedback on what to do about it. Shortly after that post I noticed crackling in my husbands lungs and convinced him to get to A&E as he was breathless at rest. They’ve done an ultrasound on his heart and his EF has reduced from 45% to 20% in a very short space of time - he has been seeing a heart failure nurse every two weeks and on the 7th of July his EJ was in the mid 40s. The consultants have said his heart seems to have overworked itself and is a bit exhausted. I’m not sure whether the hot weather has had something to do with it, he has had no cardiac rehab since having his HA 10 weeks ago but has been building up his fitness by walking on the advice of the cardiologist. Now I’m worried he’s potentially been over doing the exercise, we were given a booklet from the hospital which we followed to a T for the first 8 weeks but since then he’s been exercising a bit more, walking for 5km + and the hot weather can’t have helped. I’m worried he’s worn his poor heart out and I hope it will recover again. Has anyone else had this experience where they’ve gone one step forwards and two steps back in their recovery? My husband is only turning 40 today and we only recently got married, he was perfectly healthy up until this heart attack and I’m so scared of loosing him. If anyone has any positive advice I’d really appreciate it. Im trying my best to stay away from google at the moment as I don’t want to worry myself until we get answers from the consultant.
Incase it’s of use my husband takes aspirin, lanzaprazole, dapaglioflozin, arvostatin calcium, Bisoprolol, Ramipril 1.25mg twice a day and Eleperenone. They’re hoping to switch him to Entresto to reduce some of the pressure on his heart, he has very low blood pressure so not sure how soon they’ll be able to do this.