Hi, I had a double bypass 5 years ago which didn't fully work after a year of tests and complaints of neglect by two drs my consultant and a surgeon looked at my results and said I definitely need a redo,so 4 weeks ago I had a redo sternotomy, since this I have been feeling quite low. I cry at the silliest of things and for no reason. I dont like to look at my wound either. I'm not sure if this is because I'm worried that this wont work again or because I think I shouldn't of had to go through this again. Has anyone else felt low after their operation?
feeling low: Hi, I had a double... - British Heart Fou...
feeling low

Hi there. I haven't had same ops as you but still been cracked open etc. It took me weeks to find my feet afterwards, and I felt brutalised and somehow that I was 'broken'. Depression followed. But all things pass and over months that went by my sense of mental and physical well being recovered amazingly. That was 12 years ago. Hang in there, be kind to yourself and I'm sure things will get better.
I am so sorry to read what you have had to go through and I am not surprised at all that you are feeling as you do and feel so low and are having physiological issues from it all
I had a triple Bypass nearly a year ago and I sit feeling so guilty as emotionally I have not improved at all
I cry and maybe most days , I hate my scar , I still live in fear and wonder has it actually worked
Most will come on and so they should seeming full of beans on their Anniversaries me mine is approaching and I know I cannot do a post like they do as I don't feel that way at all and then that results in feeling guilty
It has only been 4 weeks for you so it is very early yet and even without going through this again you would be emotional no doubt if it was the first time never mind another procedure
The fears are going to be there but hopefully in time will fade
I have got some Counselling at the moment only 12 sessions already had 4 and I am waiting for a miracle which is yet to happen but get any support you can ask for Counselling ask the Rehab Nurses ask your Doctor and of course ask us
You deserve all the support you can get but I know after everything you have been through and come this far you will get through it a day at a time
The scar I still hate mine but I try not to look and stare at it to much it is not easy but the more I do it gets easier
People told me my scar shows I am a survivor and I should wear it with pride I wished I could but you are a survivor and you have two reasons now you should wear yours with pride if you can think that way
Keep sharing how you are feeling and how you are doing we will do all we can to try and help you through what seems like a hopeless time but will become a positive one x

Hi Bekind 28, thank you for your kind words. I hope overtime your counselling does help you. I did think of asking my gp when I have my appointment with her if she thinks counselling would help although I'm the sort of person that thinks I should buck up myself, sometimes theres no shame in asking for help, I know and should. Take care xx
There is no shame in asking for help it takes a bigger person to ask than sit in silence suffering
I don't personally believe you should be able to cope on your own with how you feel you have been through an awful lot
I really hope you will ask for help and I hope you get it x

Hi BeKind just to say had my bypass 9 years ago and it was two years before I felt normal again ,drs tell you its six months which made me feel such a failure but in hindsight everyone is individual in the healing process but you will get there x
Thank you so much for sharing that with me it has really helped as I sit feeling anxious why I feel this way
Even though I am sorry it took 2 years for you it is a comfort to know I am not the only one taking longer
I hope you are keeping well x
Hello Padalak6, I hope your day had been better today. You have been through so much and your feelings are totally understandable and sadly, very normal. I had CABG x 4about 10 months ago and I am definitely a work in progress! Some days my anxiety and low mood are really bad, thankfully there are also some better days. I am finding the more I can distract myself the better I am. It will get better, there are so many hearties to support you on this forum so please do reach out. You have been through a huge ordeal, twice, so take time, be kind to yourself and don’t expect to much of yourself to soon, take good care, Judi
I have never had any mental health in my 55 years I have always been very strong but following my quadruple bypass 5 weeks ago then HT 3 weeks ago my mind fell apart but I did something I thought I would never do. I asked for help, I now have a councillor and some meds for a short time just to help.
Hello Just looking at your previous post looks like you are about 49 years old. So lets look at the positives you are on the Heart Radar having had bypass surgery so that's good.. It looks like it didn't work 100% first time around neither did mine.!! I got away with Stents into my Native Lad and Stents into my Bypass rather than another surgery.
Do I feel down No I don't I am very grateful for everything that has happened .
Why ?? because it is helping me live longer and a decent life at almost 75. The scar is just something you live with, thousands of people leave Hospital every year with scars just as bad as a bypass op scar !!
In my case what is a Pain is the Dolly Mixtures I have to take on a Daily basis, I have Heart Failure ef of 39 % and that's not improving But and here it comes, I like to wake up every morning as it is better than the alternative so I persevere.
Look at it as you have been Very Very Lucky a lot of people with our previous complaint that needed bypass surgery just Dropped Dead, they never had the chance to feel sorry for themselves. Sounds Harsh but in my opinion that's what I believe, You like a lot of us have been given a Second Chance grab it with both hands.
Best Regards