Hi thank you for reading in advance
so I have been taking my beta blocker since Thursday and last night for the first time my heart rate was ranging from 58-60
But even though this my comfortable resting heart rate ( before my heart rate went higher than normal and I could feel the pounding ) instill feel odd in my chest and even the right side of chest feels shaky almost like a twitching sensation or temor very very odd and I also have a twitching sensation in my stomach I'm confused if this is even heart casing this but I've no other idea what it could be any ideas please it's the time even when heart rate is low and back to my normal now.
This is 24 7 relentless
I was told I have many missed beats on my ECG , he said a lot people get those some don't even feel them or know there happening
I'm starting to feel very low with all this now I have other health conditions and this is making them them worse.
Lying down or sitting on the sofa makes it feel much worser. It's still doing this through the night when I'm wake up
I'm sorry to go on I know your struggling , I just felt I needed to reach out today and say I'm feeling low and I'm starting to think I'll never get to the bottom of all this
I'm sorry I am a positive person, I promise but today I'm feeling fed up
Tomorrow is a new day!