Hi all, can anybody help. All day today I’ve been having palpitations/skipped beats. It feels like a weird feeling in my throat and sometimes a thump in my chest. Is this palpitations? Been having them all day. I’m on medication for anxiety and to be honest, I’m forever checking my pulse rate etc. normally I’m fine but today I have had skipped beats etc. any ideas?
Missed beats/palpitations. - British Heart Fou...
Missed beats/palpitations.

With the caveat that I’m not remotely medically qualified. Palpitation as a word literally just means an awareness of your heart beating: they can be normal, or they can be abnormal, but that’s mostly determined by the rhythm rather than the fact you can feel them. Feeling your heart beating when in AF would be palpitations caused by the underlying episode of arrhythmia. Feeling your heart beating at the end of a run would also be palpitations, but as long as regular rhythm and an appropriate rate would (for most people) be normal and not something to worry about.
Skipped beats are also colloquially known as ectopics, but more accurately they’re premature contractions, either of the atria (PACs) or of the ventricles (PVCs). For people with certain arrhythmias, including AF, the episodes are almost always triggered by ectopics, so those with AF (and/or SVT) will be having fairly regular ectopics even if they’re not aware of having them. The current belief is that most if not all people have ectopics, but they’re only noticed/felt by a minority: anecdotally, a significantly higher number of people with arrhythmia appear to be aware of having them than those without. In my own case, I’d never had any palpitations or noticeable ectopics until I had my first episode of arrhythmia triggered by them in 2009. Since then, I get daily episodes of both. We do also know that once we start noticing them, our bodies become primed to notice even more, so it can be a bit of a vicious cycle. As it’s believed they’re an adrenaline mediated phenomenon, meaning adrenaline and stress hormone release tend to cause them, there are also other lifestyle factors that have been medically proven to be able to increase the frequency/intensity of ectopics for some people. This includes, but is not limited to, caffeine (even in chocolate and herbal teas), some medication, insufficient sleep, and stress and anxiety.
As I said, I’m not remotely qualified, so would always advise anyone with any concerns to seek out a medical opinion from their GP or consultant, but I can tell you that my PVCs often feel like a thump to the chest, and I experience fluttering, too. For the vast majority of people, although unpleasant, ectopics are benign.

Thanks for your help! Your reply made a lot of sense!
I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder just before my HF. I get them nearly every day. In my case they are definitely triggered by adrenaline. They can be scary but I take deep breaths and try to remember they are mostly harmless.
HiI am very aware of my heartbeat too and get ectopicbeats a lot. Apparently a lot of people don't feel them at all. For me, it feels like my heart skips a beat followed by powerful thudding beats that I also sometimes feel in my throat. It is distressing but I have been repeatedly told its nothing to worry about. I know I have some triggers.... too much alcohol ( including next day), dehydration, walking up a steep hill, needing a poo, getting a virus ( I always know a day before because of the ectopics) anxiety, cold medicines (stimulants) and caffeine. My best advice is easy to say but I know not easy to do...relax! Obviously get checked out by your doctor, avoid triggers where possible and evaluate your anxiety. I have some home remedies that help me....sip very cold ice water, cough and bear down ( hold breath and push down).
Hi have this mine is caused by arterial fribulation
Caffeine is a strong trigger for me. Have had to give up coffee.