As someone with past heart conditions, I take several pills morning and nighttime. These include Bisoprolol which is a very tiny tablet. I often find this gets stuck on the back of my tongue so need water to flush it down.
I also suffer from acid reflux which causes me to hiccup quite a lot.
A few days ago, whilst taking my Bisoprolol I hiccupped and had a sense of the tablet 'going down the wrong way'. I was sure I had inhaled the tablet into my windpipe.
I wasn't too concerned st first, but after a couple of minutes I began to cough uncontrollably. I can honestly say it was the worst coughing experience I had ever experienced. I was finding it difficult to get my breath between coughs.
I tried drinking water and sucking a cough lozenge, but it was clear that my breathing was getting worse and I was really struggling to breath.
My wife who was in another room came to see what was happening and I was trying to gesture to her that I couldn't breath and i was pointing to the phone to get her to call 999.
My wife is a mild asthma sufferer and always has a ventolin inhaler to hand. She reached for the inhaler and told me to try it, which I did. Fortunately my breathing improved almost immediately and within a couple of minutes I was back to normal.
It was a very scary experience. I assume that the tablet had dissolved and caused some irritation and eventually started to close up my windpipe. Thank goodness my wife had the inhaler.
I've been taking the bisoprolol for seven years and never had this happen before. Hopefully it will never happen again.