Thigh pain from hip arthritis . Does ... - British Heart Fou...

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Thigh pain from hip arthritis . Does anyone else have this?

Kali_heart profile image
34 Replies

I cannot sleep from constant pain. Over the counter meds, exercise and hot baths have stopped working. Is anyone else experiencing this and what do you do?

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Kali_heart profile image
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34 Replies

Are you sure it’s inflammatory arthritis related? I get thigh pain from my dodgy hips, my rheum was convinced it was RD even though my hips weren’t responding to steroids, and it turns out it’s actually a mix of femoralacetabular impingement and the resultant OA from the FAI being left undiagnosed and untreated for years. I’ve got multiple tears in the labrum around the socket, and no cartilage left at all in places. Nothing really helps with it at the moment and I’m waiting to see the surgeons because it’s preventing me from being able to walk any real distance. This time last year I was power walking for miles on end, but by September I was really struggling, so the situation deteriorated pretty quickly in my case.

If you haven’t already, my advice would firstly be to make sure it definitely is RD causing the issue - because it’s easy even for the professionals to fall into the trap of thinking anything joint related must be that - and if it is, speak to rheum about the fact that you’re in pain that you can’t ease.

Kali_heart profile image
Kali_heart in reply to

I'm not sure myself. I was doing low impact walking for a year and then all of a sudden, I have this thigh pain. The doctor ordered x-rays and significant arthritis showed up.I am now awaiting bone density test. My doctor has gone on vacation and I am in non-stop pain with no relief. We have virtual doctors and I have been waiting for a call all day. I doubt they can help much though. Maybe a stronger med.

Clintus2 profile image
Clintus2 in reply to Kali_heart

Hi Kali, I'm getting this really badly, my Cardiac Nurse has suggested stopping my Statins for a couple of days as they can cause muscle pain and aggravate arthritis. (although rarely) i shall try to remember to post what happens. i have in the past when my hips hurt, used something very similar to this

Kali_heart profile image
Kali_heart in reply to Clintus2

Yes please let me know how you make out.

Clintus2 profile image
Clintus2 in reply to Kali_heart

so, 2 days without Atorvastatin, remarkable difference now back to the odd occasional twinge....... went shopping today, managed the whole supermarket (except packing at the til) I will be asking Cardiac Nurse to change to a softer statin. 2 days abstinence wont harm you and its worth testing :-)

Kali_heart profile image
Kali_heart in reply to Clintus2

I am going to try it Thanks!

in reply to Kali_heart

Apologies Kali, I assumed this was a post on the NRAS board as I’m a member there. Is it osteoarthritis you have or something like rheumatoid? If it’s OA, then my advice isn’t helpful, really, and you’d be best to speak to your GP. You may need a referral to orthopaedics even for OA.

Kali_heart profile image
Kali_heart in reply to

I'm not sure where I posted, but thank for replying anyway. My doctor thinks it might be osteoarthritis, but I'm not so sure. No pain in the hips, just front thigh and sometimes I the shin.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Kali_heart

One leg or both? If both it could be a spinal problem. Try Googling "dermatome map". They show the areas of your body that are affected my the nerves at all levels. It could point to a disc problem or a trapped nerve in your spine. I get shooting pains down both legs ( mostly the right one). The dermatome maps showed it could be a problem between the L3 and L4 vertebrae. AN MRI scan confirmed it. My spine fromL4 down h as slipped towards my spinal chord trapping nerves when I move.

Kali_heart profile image
Kali_heart in reply to Qualipop

Just my left leg so far. Thanks for replying!

colourblue profile image

So sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I can identify with that as I suffer from extensive Osteoarthritis, due to Heart condition I am limited what pain killers I can have. I use Pernaton Gel, you can get it from Holland & Barrett or Amazon. It can give temporary ease perhaps to let you rest, I also take 2 Co codamol tablets which GP prescribes. My best wishes, hope this helps?

ClaydonAR profile image

Hello Kali,

If your x-ray shows significant arthritis then the thigh pain could very well be from the arthritic changes. I am a Musculoskeletal Specialist and I see this very commonly in my clinic. People with hip arthritis can also get pain in their groin, buttock or on the side of the hip. Also, hip is a weight bearing joint and therefore, whenever you will stand or walk for a period, that can or will aggravate the pain. Due to the weight bearing nature of the joint, it’s is difficult to allow it relative rest. Anti-inflammatory tablets do temporarily help. Depending on the “degree of arthritis” I.e., mild, moderate, severe or advanced, a specialist physiotherapist or hip consultant can decide whether you are a candidate for a corticosteroid injection or if you need any surgical intervention. You will need a referral from your GP to start the above process. Hip arthritis also causes lot of inflammation which is usually bad in the night causing sleep disturbance. I hope that this information helps you in some way and you get the right treatment to feel better.

Take Care

Cruise1 profile image
Cruise1 in reply to ClaydonAR

My wife had a hip replacement 18 months ago but still gets pain lying on the operated side and in her lower back especially when walking. Physio hasn’t helped either. She just takes the odd ibuprofen when it is bad and uses a crutch or walking stick. Cocodamol turns her into a zombie.

ClaydonAR profile image
ClaydonAR in reply to Cruise1

Hello Cruise1,

Most people develop Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome, post Total Hip Replacement surgery, which is tenderness in the insertion of the buttock muscle due to weakness (there are 3 muscles in total). Firstly, I would suggest to get x-ray of your wife’s hip to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the replaced hip and if the x-ray comes back normal, an injection could make a significant difference

TopsyJones profile image
TopsyJones in reply to ClaydonAR

Hi Claydon. I hope you don’t mind me asking , but I have been suffering from pain in my piriformis radiating outwards and down my leg. This happens on both sides but is worse on the left hand side. This has been going on for three years. I do specific Pilates exercises for the pain which help but the pain never completely goes away. Would it be a good idea for me to see a Musculoskeleton Specialist like yourself as I’m unsure who I should see, having seen many osteopaths and physiotherapists which have only given short term improvement. My doctor seems to be uncertain as to what I should do next. Sorry if this is out of line and will totally understand if you don’t answer.

ClaydonAR profile image
ClaydonAR in reply to TopsyJones

Hello Topsy,

Given the description of your symptoms, there is one of two possibilities. 1) You either have L5-S1 nerve root involvement. These are nerves coming out of the bottom of your lower back and supply the same area that you have symptoms or 2) You have Spinal Stenosis. If your symptoms worsen with walking and ease with sitting, lying down or leaning over something, then you possibly have the latter. I would suggest that you get yourself referred to either a Musculoskeletal Specialist like myself or a Spinal Consultant to firstly get MRI of your spine which will give a clearer diagnosis. Also, the following happens very rarely, however, if you were to ever suddenly lose control over your bladder/bowels or develop a numb patch around your back passage, please take yourself to the nearest A&E.

TopsyJones profile image
TopsyJones in reply to ClaydonAR

Thanks very much for that. My symptoms get better with walking but worsen with sitting so hopefully we can rule out the spinal stenosis. Would you mind telling me a bit more about the L5-S1 nerve root involvement. .

ClaydonAR profile image
ClaydonAR in reply to TopsyJones

L5 and S1 are 2 separate nerves however, most often they can affect together and the symptoms from L5/S1 are like having Sciatica. Most people get pain in the whole leg travelling along the buttock, back of the thigh, calf and then into foot. Some people get pain mainly along the outside of the calf and some get pain in alternate buttocks

TopsyJones profile image
TopsyJones in reply to ClaydonAR

Sounds very familiar. Sorry , one last question. Is it treatable/ curable and what would the treatment be ? I really, really appreciate your help. Thank you.

ClaydonAR profile image
ClaydonAR in reply to TopsyJones

Hello again Topsy,

Ideally these things self settle in roughly about 8-12 weeks, however, given that your symptoms have been there for the past 3 years, your treatment will be highly dependent on the findings of your MRI. Sometimes, MRI reports can be normal and this is not unusual for symptoms associated with lower back. If the MRI shows any nerve compression, and your symptoms marry with the findings, they may offer you surgery. And if the MRI reports come back normal, then they might offer you injections. Depending on the county, your GP can or cannot directly refer you to see a consultant. In Some counties, a referral has to go through a specialist like me

TopsyJones profile image
TopsyJones in reply to ClaydonAR

Thanks ever so much. I shall make an appointment to see my doctor to discuss these points.

Cruise1 profile image
Cruise1 in reply to ClaydonAR

She has had a recent X ray and all is normal and her consultant has signed her off and said get GP to refer her to spine specialist.

Clairealou profile image

Hi Kali. Sorry to hear about the pain. I also have a lot of hip pain but not from arthritis (although I suspect I might be starting with it). However, as someone else mentioned here, I take a high dosage of statins and have been told that they cause leg/hip pain. I notice you’re in Canada but here in the U.K., there is a new injection you can have to lower cholesterol which means you can stop or significantly reduce the statins. Not sure if you take them and this is contributing to the pain but if so, might be worth looking at as I’m going to see a consultant about having this injection next month so will be good to see what this does to the pain.

Hi. I have chronic hip and leg pain due to mild arthritic changes and a hip bursitis.Gp just changed statins to Prevastatin from atorvastatin. I have occasional acupuncture and ultra sound from my chiropractor. In between use lots of ice packs,do aqua robics and gentle yoga. Walking is not possible due to breathlessnes from AF. On ACs but Use anti inflammatory gels and freeze sprays. All help but dont cure !

ETHEL103 profile image

Hi yes hip and knee pain and sometimes shin.A year ago could walk 5 miles now 2 is the limit and its painful but manageable.Xrays showed arthritis so given Co codomol.Constipation a real.problem so I stopped after a week.Cant sleep on right side cos of pain.Cant sleep on left because of a fib.Have to sleep on back which I hate.Weeks ago I asked for a steroid injection in hip.Nothing happened thus far.Best wishes.

Zaramac1 profile image

Hi I suffer from thigh/hip pain x-ray showed arthritis. Physio said exercises every day should help. I have been prescribed amyitriptilyne by the doctor 1 at night to help me sleep Getting breakthrough pain but just towards morning.Have HF and AF so walking is difficult enough without my hip pain Booked in for injections in a couple of weeks which give relief for a few weeks.

You have been diagnosed with what is probably hip osteoarthritis which is a degenerative condition. It affects people in different ways. I have it in my left hip for many years but the degeneration is very slow, and does not warrant a hip replacement. My wife on the other hand had early onset osteoarthritis and has had three hip replacement operations, one being a revision of an earlier hip replacement. From this experience, and others, there comes a point where the arthritic joint affects your life style significantly and between you and your health professionals you need to decide whether it is preferable to have the joint replaced. You may have reached that point. In the UK through the NHS the process is simple, your GP refers you to an orthopaedic consultant who assesses your condition and a decision is made. As you appear to be in Canada I am not sure what assessment process applies. However the first time replacement procedure is usually straightforward, and you can resume a normal life with some restrictions within about two months, and you are fully back to normal in less than six months.

Dollcollector profile image

I have osteoarthritis and when the cartilage on my hips was wearing down l used to get excruciating pain in my thigh , groin , knee and ankle; not my hip. When l got slipped discs l got pain in my hips. This is what is called referred pain, very strange. I have since had 2 hip replacements and 1 revision. Unfortunately there is nothing they can do for my back. You have my sympathy.

Qualipop profile image

If you are certain it's arthitis get a hip replacement; best thing my mum ever did. I too have thigh pain but mine is from spondilo lysthesis; a section of my spine has slipped out of line causing electric shock like pain in thighs and down to my knees. Spinal surgery is an absolute last resort but I haven't been able to walk since last June. I see an orthopaedic spinal surgeon in May.

Kali_heart profile image

Thank you all for replying. What was strange this morning is that I woke up after a fitful night with excruciating big toe pain and my shin was throbbing. I just don't know how you all do it. Very much appreciate everyone replying. Makes me feel less alone with these problems.

in reply to Kali_heart

Excruciating big toe pain could be gout, so I’d suggest seeking medical advice. I’d suggest that anyway under the circumstances, but definitely with sudden onset toe pain like that. Throbbing shin pain would also be unlikely for a joint issue originating from the hip, so I think you really need to get this looked at and properly diagnosed.

marypw profile image

I've ha two hip replacements - the hip OA for my first one manifested classically as groin pain and being unable to cross my legs.With my second I had buttock and calf pain, which both disappeared as soon as I had the surgery, so completely different.

You can do exercises (clamshells, squats etc) to fend it off, but only hip replacements will fix it.

And as above big toe pain could well be gout (my husband has it).

Jessiebrown profile image

Hi I have chronic OA everywhere and in constant pain ,owing to heart condition I can’t take anti inflammatory painkillers ,the only thing that helps is 2 paracetamol with 2 30 ml codine,I take this three times a day but sometimes 4 it’s the only thing that actually works to numb the pain but it never goes completely,I used to take naproxen and that’s very good ,I do take one occasionally when I really can’t stand the pain, I think the paracetamol concoction is worth a try,hope this hielps

Kali_heart profile image

The big toe and shin pain went away. I am so disheartened by this as I just had bypass surgery exactly a year ago. I quit smoking, started exercising every day and try to eat well. Growing old is wonderful. 👍

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